

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I Just Wanna Say...

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I hope that you and your family have an amazing Christmas day today :)

lots of love from your fellow blogger,

rachelrae xx

"Hang a shining star upon the highest bough... and have yourself and merry little Christmas now..."

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Exams are Finally Over!

Thank goodness, exams are finally over! I can finally kick back, relax, and actually talk to you guys!

Okay, so just in case this is the last post before the end of the world (which btw, I think is totally bogus and not real, so don't you worry your little heads off), i just want to say: I LOVE YOU GUYS! <3 thanks for reading my wonderful blog <3

Alright, here were some outstanding questions that I never got around to answering... I'm so sorry for the delay, guys. I really didn't mean to take so long. It's just all that studying, and my gosh, getting those marks back today after the fact.... *stupid, stupid, stupid mistakes!*

Q: Do you believe in 'flirtationships'? - via Twitter

JAAG: I break it down this way:  a relationship is when you and another person are totally in love with each other and you guys make time for each other and your own things so much so that you aren't smothered by each other and you aren't following one another around. There is trust and love, but no obsession. A friendship is when you are just good friends with someone, no romantic interests, no strings attached. You genuinely love that person but not in a romantic way. A flirtationship? Somewhere in between. I find that sometimes I flirt with guys because honestly, even though its a bad thing, it's my autopilot. There are some guys that I will flirt with more than others because they are cute or maybe, they are flirting back too. I know its a bad habit because I may be leading someone on, but in the event that this person has made it clear that they are not ready to get into a relationship and I have told myself that I don't like this person, well, there you have a flirtationship :)

Q: How can I be sure that my boyfriend is the one? We've been dating for three years during high school and now we are still dating and its our first year of university. First term is over but we are still madly in love. Do you think he is the one? - via Tumblr

JAAG: You will have to answer that one yourself, my friend! I think that it's really awesome that you and your boyfriend have been able to hold a relationship this long even though you both are going through so many different changes in your lives. But one thing you will have to confront is whether or not this love will last. For your sake, I personally hope that you two last forever and get married and start a family together. But be warned, something could happen and you may find yourself a single chick. Remember that now that you are out of high school you aren't restricted to the bounds of the classroom. You are a woman now, a woman who is capable of dating anyone you want. It's great that you two are able to work it out. As long as you two still love each other and are willing to sacrifice anything for each other, I would say that you have found yourself a winner. Best of luck!

Q: My parents want me to stop dating this girl because she is affecting my school work. I don't think that she is the problem though. How can I prove to them that she isn't? - via Twitter

JAAG: Ask yourself this: Are you spending so much time with her outside of school, so much time Facebooking or texting her that you can't get your assignments done on time? If this is so, then maybe you may need to rethink your homework location. In order to show your parents that you aren't obsessed with this girl (which you may or may not), start by cleaning up your act. Get those assignments in on time and finish your homework. Hand in any outstanding projects that you haven't done yet. Know that the faster you get your work done, the faster you can have free time to talk to your girl. Hopefully you aren't too hung onto her; remember, girls need space and time to do their homework too! :)

Q: Is there anything you can suggest on how to break up with my boyfriend? he has been following me around a lot lately, after I told him that I need space. He is suffocating me and I can't stand it. Help! - via Tumblr

JAAG: I've been in your situation, so I think I can help you out. The only thing I can't do for you is breaking up with the guy. That is something that you will have to sort out on your own. What I can offer is this: maybe try talking to the guy one more time. Make clear your expectations on how much time you want to hang out and that sometimes, you want to chill with your girls too. Give him a week to settle into this  new ideal. If he still isn't getting it, you will have to kiss this boy good bye. Unfortunately, I realize that some boys (especially if it's their first relationship) can get really clingy. Communicate what you want to see at first, but if it doesn't happen, then talk to him. Make it clear and to the point that you want to break up with him; don't beat around the bush. And if there is one thing that I have learned after all this time, don't try and plan out what you are going to say. Chances are, you are only going to say 15% of what you meant to say, and the rest, well, it came out of nowhere. I hope that everything works out for you!

******And finally, this question that I found so amusing....*****
Q: Is it true that you have a new celebrity crush? I just realized that there are less and less of pictures of Logan Henderson on your Tumblr :$ - via Tumblr

JAAG: Well, "you got me"! (that's a Jimmy Fallon quote) :) Logan Henderson and the boys of Big Time Rush are never far away from my heart, I still watch their show and still love their music and sing along, but recently I have fallen for Jimmy Fallon, the best Late Night host EVER. If you have never watched his show, I suggest that you YouTube it or tune in (record it, of course! The show airs incredibly late!) He is just so funny, an amazing singer, and his jokes are really good. He is nice and loveable and really, really attractive. Just saying :) My Tumblr has now been invaded by him. #likeaboss

There you have it ! The first snowfall happened in my town today, and I'm not sure if I want a snow day tomorrow or not. Probably not, though.

Also, keep praying for the victims of the Newtown, Conneticut shooting. All the children in the town have returned to school but I'm sure that parents, teachers and students alike have a new sense of fear when going to school. I am so lucky that it hasn't happened here in my town, but I know that it could happen. I wish nothing but the best for all the residents of Newtown and all the families of the victims.

Christmas spirit for you guys! I just watched the NBC Michael Buble Christmas special. Here is an original song by him, "Cold December Night". It's gorgeous! <3

<3 <3 Enjoy!

STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! If I'm not on here again, I hope that everyone has a lovely Christmas and a wonderful New Year! And also that the world doesn't end... just yet... :)


rachelrae xx

Sunday, December 9, 2012

exams :(

Hey, I'm terribly sorry for not updating in so long. It's been really stressful lately, trying to prepare for exams and everything. Tomorrow marks midterms for me, and for me, it doesn't end until Saturday... :( so sad. But you know what, the faster I get this done, the faster I can get back on here and answer all your questions ... I'm really sorry for not getting to your questions! Remember that you all mean a lot to me... I'll be back, promise!

In the meantime, since Christmas is so close, we can almost taste the fruitcake, here is something to get you in the holiday mood:

Remember my main man, Jimmy Fallon? Not only is he funny, he is an amazing singer as well! Here he is with his backup band, The Roots, and the beautiful Mariah Carey singing her smash Christmas hit, "All I Want for Christmas is You".... with instruments that you might find in an elementary school music room... and you know what, it's amazing. I loved it, and I'm sure you will too :)

So goood <3

Anyways, STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Enjoy the days leading up to Christmas... I know I will after exams end :)

Merry Christmas!

rachelrae xx

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Just Haven't Blogged in 5Ever

So this is how it is? IT'S NOVEMBER.

I believe the last time I was here, I was raving about my one and only, the only person I can't have... Mr. Fallon Sir ;)

But yeah, I'm sorry for being so negligent. Tumblr URL has changed, and I'll be sure to change my sidebar :)

I already love the song "Your Body" by Christina Aguilera, but seeing this on LNJF was gold. Love it even more.. and the Roots are always amazing :)

So I was looking through my email, and now I feel even worse because I haven't been answering questions in so long! Feel so bad... but this Saturday, expect another update. I promise, promise, promise <3


Q: There is this guy that I really, really like, the problem is, he is totally in love with my BFF. I know because he told me, and wants me to help him get close to her. My best friend kinda likes him too. Help! - via Tumblr

JAAG: This is a tough one, because you love the guy and the girl who is your best friend. Who do you choose? Is the guy worth sabotaging your best friend's relationship with you? How far are you willing to go with this guy if he does choose you, and will you be able to make it through after the whole things blows over, especially if this relationship is just a fling? Is it worth that risk?
Ultimately, it comes down to familiarity and how much you are willing to sacrifice. If you don't know the girl really well, then it may not matter as much. Then again, you addressed this girl as 'your best friend', so you may want to think this one through a little more with much more thought just so that you don't make any rash decisions. Trust me, boys will come and go, but true friends are forever :)

Q: I can't choose between two girls, obviously, so what do you think? There is this girl in my English class who is a poet, and I love poetry. There is no other girl that I can talk to about Edgar Allan Poe and Robert Frost with other than her. The other girl is on the field hockey team, a sport that I play, and she is fierce at it. I'm kinda crushing on them both, but I can only choose one! Who should I go for? - Stuck in the Middle, via Email

JAAG: This one is all you, baby! :) It's your decision, not mine. You need to decide which girl is better for you, if either of them suffice. Most people go with the phrase "if you had loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second". This might hold true in your case: who DID you fall for first? Why did you fall for her first? Take some time to go over what you like about each girl, and talk to them more about your favourite things that they both share in common with you. See who you click more with, who you are more comfortable with. Maybe neither of them will be the one. Give yourself time and options before you make a decision, but don't fall for a third. It will just make things a lot more complicated than they already are.

Q: I'm falling behind in school, but I'm on the football team and honestly, I'm probably the best on the team. There is this girl that really likes me, but she says that she will only date me if I have really good marks like she does, and she is a straight A student. What now? - via Email

JAAG: Okay, is this girl really worth your time? Honestly. Ask yourself that. If she won't accept you for what you are good at, then maybe she isn't really a good person to have around as company. Good friends build each other up. They won't ask you to change (although, as a third party outsider to this situation, I would hope that you would try your best to bring your marks up!). Don't let her dictate your life, and better yet, see if you can bring those marks up. Surprise her. But until then, worry about getting your marks up and doing well in football... not impressing her :)

--- I believe that is enough for today! I realized that I haven't finished some homework yet... =.=" time to get back to work and not be distracted by the gorgeous Jimmy Fallon pictures on my Tumblr dashboard ;)


rachelrae xx

Saturday, November 10, 2012

My Favourite Boys :)

So hello everyone! I'm sorry for taking so long to update... it's been pretty hectic these past couple weeks or so. Really, really busy, but I'm back here to answer a question in depth because I really like it.

Was I on Fallon Fever the last time I was on this blog? Probably not ;)

While I was on Tumblr the other day, someone asked me this question:

Q: Can you name for me 15 of your favourite male celebrities and explain how you first came across them and why you like them? - via Tumblr


So here's the dealio, we are doing this AS OF NOW. As in, who I like in this very moment.
15 lovely men, coming your way :)

15. MAX THIEROT - I think that I first fell for him while watching the Nancy Drew movie when he starred as Ned Nickerson opposite Emma Roberts. How long ago did that film come out?... I feel so old... but look at him. He's adorable. I also watched a super young version of him this past summer in the film "The Pacifier".... so cute, then and especially now :)
 Max Thierot
14. AVAN JOGIA - A fellow Canadian! <3 He stars as Beck on "Victorious", and my oh my, he is gorgeous! There really isn't anything much to say about how attractive he is... all you have to do is look into his gorgeous eyes. And his hair! I just wanna run my hands through it!

  Avan Jogia

 13. AUSTIN BUTLER - He starred on the show "Ruby and the Rocketts" (Does anyone actually remember that show?) as a really cute but somewhat dense teenage boy. Austin also played opposite Ashley Tisdale in the HSM spinoff "Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure". He currently dates Vanessa Hudgens (</3) but is still a sweetheart with his gold hair and sea blue eyes.
12. JAMES MARSDEN - Okay, so this guy is a definite sweetie. His dark hair and his eyes are captivating, and his smile? I'M TOTALLY HOOKED! I watched "Hairspray" and he was in it.... *sigh* really, really cute guy!

    James Marsden

11. CHACE CRAWFORD -  So I'm not really a Gossip Girl fan. I mean, I read all the books and stuff, but I never really got the opportunity nor the time to actually watch and follow the series. I hear that they are wrapping up and whatever, but still. Seeing Chace Crawford while channel flipping isn't a bad sight to see... ;)
 Chace Crawford
10. NATHAN MCLEOD - My sisters were watching this show called "Life With Boys" and when I walked into this room, I see this gorgeous hottie. Looks kinda like Austin Butler but still so different. Now I enjoy watching the show too. He's quite cute, and as he calls himself on the show, he surely is a 'babe' as well :)
Nathan Mcleod
9. RYAN REYNOLDS - I honestly can't remember the first time I saw him in a movie, but I watched "The Change Up" with him and Jason Bateman and it was hilarious. He is absolutely gorgeous... no wonder he was named People's sexiest man alive! Ryan Reynolds
8. ROBERT PATTINSON - This British cutie caught my attention when he came onto the scene with Twilight as Edward Cullen. He made looking pale and sparkly cool ;) I just love his British accent as well as his ability to play the guitar. I didn't realize that he was so musically inclined! Robert Pattinson
7. JOSH GROBAN - My godmother was the one that introduced me to this man with the voice of an angel. I watched his concert DVD (Awake Live in Salt Lake City) and I fell in love with his voice. He is also really cute, very tender, and his hair just makes him look so attractive. And his voice... you have not lived until you have listened to him hitting his falsetto notes <3 Plus, he is so funny sometimes, as this picture demonstrates:
 Josh Groban
6. ZAC EFRON - Who doesn't think that this heartthrob is cute? When he came forward as the famous Troy Bolton in the "High School Musical" series, I think everyone had fallen for his looks, his basketball skills, his moves and his lovely voice. He went on to do many films like "Charlie St. Cloud" and "The Lucky One" and he continues to make girls swoon everywhere... including yours truly :)
Zac Efron
5. VIN DIESEL -  This man is just so fit, attractive, cute, and just amazing. When I watched "The Pacifier" this past summer with some friends, I had no idea who this man was. After watching it, I fell in love with not just the whole movie but Vin Diesel as well. I also watched "Fast Five" this summer (which is part of "The Fast and Furious" franchise) and fell in love with how dangerous he was. And guess what? I don't even like action flicks, but Vin Diesel made it worth it! This is a cute line right out of "The Pacifier":
 Vin Diesel
4. MICHAEL BUBLE - Another Canadian! He is an incredible singer, and I think I was first exposed to him when he first burst onto the music scene with his first album. He has an amazing voice, and actually, he is the very first concert taht I went to in my entire life. He is amazing live; hell, he doesn't even need a microphone because his voice is so powerful! And he is hella gorgeous as well <3
 Michael Buble
3. NIALL HORAN - Obviously I am a Directioner! When they came off X Factor and began their career as a band, this Irish cutie captured my attention and swooped into my heart. He is has the blondest hair and the most sparkly blue eyes and he is jsut too funny and cute. He is also a guitar player as well! :)
 Niall Horan

2. LOGAN HENDERSON -  I'm also a dedicated Rusher as well! When Big Time Rush first aired on TV, I was ecstatic at how well these boys could sing, but I was especially drawn to Logan. His dark hair and his allure just made him so attractive, and just his ability to sing and act and dance was totally amazing <3
Logan Henderson
1. JIMMY FALLON! - When he guest starred on iCarly, it sparked Fallon Fever. Please check out my other post for more information about this man. How much I love him. How amazing he is. How adorable he is. How funny he is.  FalPal for life, baby! He is so cute. You should watch his show sometime, the way I do during the weekend. I promise that you will LOL the whole time at his hilarious monologues, his witty jokes, awesome interviews and funny games with his guests :)
 Jimmy Fallon

So, that's enough from me! It turns out that my computer was being really weird, so I ended up posting twice today. Well, I guess that makes up for taking such a long time to post again <3
rachelrae xx

My Favourite Guys :)

Someone asked me on Tumblr the other day:

Q: Can you list out your top 10 favourite male celebrities? - via Tumblr

So I said...


10. Zac Efron (High School Musical; The Lucky One)
9. Nathan Mcleod (Life With Boys)
8. Austin Butler (Ruby and the Rocketts; Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure; Aliens in the Attic)
7. Vin Diesel (The Pacifier; Fast and Furious)
6. Michael Buble (Canadian singer)
5. Josh Groban (American singer)
4. Robert Pattinson (Twilight)
3. Logan Henderson (Singer; Big Time Rush)
2. Niall Horan (Irish; Singer; One Direction)
1. Jimmy Fallon (Comedian; SNL; Late Night with Jimmy Fallon; singer)

There you have it! Unfortunately my computer was on the fritz just now and I even had pictures to go with it, but because it was being tempermental and also because I want to get this out really fast, I have to go with what I have...

But yes. If you had asked me a while ago who my favourite male celebrity and current crush was, I would have gone with Logan Henderson or someone like that.


I was first exposed to him when my sisters were watching an episode of iCarly, one that he was guest starring on. I mean,
how did I not watch his show before? I had always known the name, never really knew the face.

But my, that face. He is so adorable. So what if he is 38? HE'S AMAZING!

His show is incredibly hilarious. He himself is a comic genius, and just so cute and adorable and his laugh. His everything. MY GOSH.
His smile/laugh. YES.

Anyways, I am a definite FalPal now. I must go now and watch some PVR'd episodes and get my Fallon Fix. And one of these days, I will make my way to Rockefeller Center and be part of his live studio audience...

one day...

STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! I encourage you to be a Fallon Fan as well ;)

Loving Jimmy Fallon,

rachelrae xx

Saturday, October 20, 2012

When Will the Bullying Stop?

Does the title sound familiar? LOL I think I used the exact same wording but today I substituted 'Bullying' for 'Nightmares'.

It's a fact, though, that bullying will go on forever until we decide to do something about it!
So here is the video that I posted on my Youtube channel... okay, so currently there is nothing on it except for this video. I also have it on my facebook page. I think that it is important that we all reach out and be the bigger people in dangerous situations where people are threatened. No one deserves to be bullied, no matter who they are, what they have done, or where they are from (that sounded like a Backstreet Boys song...).
Does everyone agree?
Many people know about my struggles in the past with bullying, depression, low self-esteem and suicide. It's a path that no one wants to go down and a life that no one wants to live. I can understand why so many young people have committed suicide because of the bullies; I've been there and wanted the same thing myself.
Some people have asked me various questions about what it was like, what I did, and what made me change. One of the most common questions that I am asked is "How did you, in turn, beat the bully and not let them beat you?"
I can so answer that.
Bullying is something that no one deserves, as I had said earlier.
After being beat down so many times and over and over again, you get tired of it. You want something to change, and most of all, you don't want to let the bullies win. It's easier said than done, I agree.
But you know what? Reaching out for help is the number one way to get yourself out of a terrible situation like that. Getting help and asking for it is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of character. It shows that you recognize that you are in trouble, and you can't fend it off alone.
I hope that you guys will make EVERY SINGLE DAY anti-bullying day.
I was able to post the actual video on my blog here. Enjoy and please share further <3
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Remember, you are all beautiful <3
rachelrae xx

my response to the Amanda Todd story

PLEASE SHARE! <3 Thanks so much for helping me get the word out!

rachelrae xx

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Today's Rant

Good afternoon to my fellow and faithful readers of this random blog here on the westcoast... I am so exhuasted. I spent last night at my school, sleeping in the gymnasium and not eating anything for 30 hours and possibly more to raise awareness in ourselves that there are people out there who are less fortunate than us and do not have the luxury of opening a fridge and pulling something out to eat the way we do... please be mindful of that and don't waste food! Trust me.. it was quite the experience. Pulling an all nighter, not eating regularly at all for 30+ hours and watching 'Horrible Bosses' on my friend's iPad... t'was an excellent night <3

Okay. So. My rant for today.

I'm sure anyone with internet and anyone who lives in the area I live in is aware of the Amanda Todd story.
I watched this a couple days ago. It was so painful to watch. It's Amanda's story, written out on pieces of paper. There is no voice at all, just the words on the paper telling the story of the never ending hell that she had to go through all because of one jerk and one misstep.

Many people say that she had it coming for her because she did something so stupid. They called her stupid because of the mistake that she made.

Tell me, do you not make mistakes? Are you this high and mighty person who is invincible and immune to not making mistakes?

I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but we are all human. Humans make mistakes. I make a lot of mistakes, let me tell you. There is not one day that goes by that I make at least one small mistake that will impact me for the rest of the day, week, or life. There is also not one day that goes by that I wish that some of the things that I have done I could rewind, go back in time and take back what I did or said.

Amanda Todd is a beautiful girl who could've had a beautiful life if there weren't such things as bullies in the world. Why do we bully? Why do we try to make people's lives miserable? Why are we so blind to things that hurt people?

Do we really realize what we have done only after the person has taken their own life?

Why do we have to wait until that time?

I asked that on my Twitter page a couple days ago, and you've all responded greatly via email or Tumblr or Twitter. It was interesting to read: some were from victims of bullies. Some were bystanders who stood up and some who chose to walk away, thinking that it was none of their business. Some of the people that answered me were the bullies, some remorseful and some still quite angry. Here's what you all had to say.. I tried to put down as many as I could, especially the meaningful ones:

"I used to bullied because I was an immigrant. I was born in Iran and I moved to the Seattle area with my family when I was 10. When I was about 12 people in my class started bullying me, calling me things like 'terrorist' and telling me that 'my type of people' were the ones that were killing the American soldiers in the war. It is terrible. I had to switch schools many times until I found a place that would stop harassing me and would take me the way I was."

"Bullying is so stupid, and I just wish that it would stop. My cousin took his own life when he was 15 because he was being called things like' fag' and 'queer', just because he was the only guy in show choir at my school. He liked girls, he was never gay, and he never had a problem with gay people. The limits that people go to and the lines that people cross.. it's disgusting."

"There is this girl that gets bullied because of her religion. She wears a head wrap because it is part of her religion. People make fun of her and say that it is ugly. I wish that I could do something to stop it. She has moved schools now, but I always feel guilty because I didn't do anything to stop this unacceptable behaviour."

"I used to bully people. I always thought that I was right, and I prided myself on being the more powerful guy in the class. Honestly, I didn't realize how badly I had hurt some people. I didn't care about getting suspended, or detention or getting some PE class rights away. After a while, I had gotten expelled from my high school for bullying and beating up a kid. Trying to get into another school with that kind of past behind you is extremely difficult. I get it now that I messed up. Now I'm in my senior year, and even though I am the quarterback of the football team at my new school, many of the college scouts for scholarships know that I have been expelled and suspended for bullying and misconduct, because it is required that they know. This ruins my future, and I have ruined other peoples' futures as well. To all the people that I have ever teased, bullied, beat up or made fun of: I AM SO SORRY. I apologize from the depths of my hearts...I wished that I could turn things around and make it better."

"Standing up to a bully was probably the scariest thing that I have ever done in my life here in middle school. I didn't even know if I would get any support from other bystanders or if doing this would make me the next victim of the bully. I was afraid of that. But standing up to that bully made me strong, and to my surprise, many people got behind me. All of a sudden the bully was being taken down by the bystanders, and like you said before, that doesn't happen very often. That bully never made comment at anyone again! She switched schools."

"My family situation was pretty bad: my mom was cheated on by my dad and my mom had a drinking problem, so it was rough growing up. I guess since I was feeling insignificant at school made me want to feel more superior at school. That was my power trip, which led me to bullying other guys. I've been in counselling for the longest time after realizing that I have no friends because I was being such a bad person. I want to sincerely apologize to any boy and girl that I have bullied. I understand if you can't forgive me."

I just want everyone to remember this: YOU ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL, UNIQUE, AMAZING, AND WONDERFUL INDIVIDUALS. It doesn't matter what you have done in the past. I don't care if you have been the bully and you are confessing now or if you are the victim that is thinking up ways to take down the person that made your life hell everyday, or the bystander that chose not to say anything. WE ARE ALL IMPERFECT, but what can make us closer to the perfect side of things is the things that we choose to say, do, or type on the worldwide web. Take care that you make the right choices to be the best possible person that you could possibly be in this life. Take all these testimonies as a sign that any person, no matter if you are the bully or the bullied, all has been touched in different ways by bullying.

Let's work together to make this world a better place!

Please also go to my Tumblr page and read my testimony there about when I was bullied and my talk about Amanda Todd here. If you are on Tumblr yourself, please like or reblog to your followers. We need to spread the word around!  

Well, that's it for me on my front. I still have French homework to do! It's going to be a very busy weekend.. hope the rain isn't making too many people feel down. :) I promise to attack your questions again the next time I get the chance!

To sign off, here is my adorable music pal (I wish!) Josh Groban in his song "Higher Window" from his most recent album "Illmuniations". I have recently developed a major liking to his music and his CDs... his voice, his falsetto, his songs, his lyrics.... <3

STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Stop the bullying, because no one deserves to live in hell on earth.

love from your anti-bullying blogger,

rachelrae xx

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Nightmares Won't End!

So for some reason or another I'm having weird nightmares... anyone have any idea on how to stop them? I've tried many different things but I keep getting them every night. It's strange.

Here we go, I got a couple Tumblr questions.. let the Q and A begin :)

Q: Do you think it would be wrong for me to go out with my friend's ex of 6 months? I really like him, he really likes me, and my friend hates him because he despised her family. They borke up because of that. What do you think? - Stuck in the Middle, via Tumblr

JAAG: Hmmm, it seems to me that you truly are stuck in the middle as your nickname implies. Here's the thing: it's kind of unspoken rule that you don't date a friend's ex, no matter how long, no matter who hates whom or who broke up with whom. It kinda sucks for the other party. Plus, this girl hates this guy? And you want to date him? She may not be too jealous of the fact that you and her ex are a bit of a thing now, but she may get a little jealous when she wants to hang out with strictly you and you already have a date night planned... and let's just say that a date with both your new boyfriend and your best friend may be a little more than awkward. Ultimately it's your choice: how much do you value the friendship, and how much do you value the relationship that you have with this boy? How much are you willing to risk in this friendship for this boy that likes you back? Think about it, and talk to your friend about it too before you do anything that may split you two apart.

Q: Every time I get a new piece of clothing, my boyfriend harps on me for it and says it's ugly. He is always insisting that I go shopping with him so that he can tell me what looks good on me. He says that he is concerned for my image... and I'm starting to wonder if that's true. - Not Model Enough, via Tumblr

JAAG: You and I are on the same wavelength, so that's a good sign. It's good that you realize that this guy may be thinking more about his image than yours. If he really did care about you, this image thing would have never surfaced. You need to be straight with him: Ask him for a couple pointers and hear him out for a bit, but also be firm and tell him that you don't appreciate when he calls your new clothes 'ugly'. After you tell him so, give him some time to readjust his hateful mouth. If there is no change, you may need to reconsider this relationship and find someone that will love you for all of you and not just your clothes!

Q: There is this girl that I really like, but she is a year older than I am. I heard that she doesn't date younger guys, but she is really, really nice. I see her all the time in the library after school reading something like "War and Peace" or "Oliver Twist", books that I'm into (I'm a geek, I know). I'm afraid to approach her, but I want to talk to her and maybe get her to like me back. What should I do? - The Library boy, via Tumblr

JAAG: Just be yourself! That's all I can tell you to. Be brave, be bold and make a comment about the book that she is reading... then maybe you two can have a nice conversation over something you both enjoy!

Well that's a wrap for now, apparently I am strapped for time... stay out of trouble and don't forget to smile! happy thanksgiving everyone!

rachelrae xx

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Simple, Easy, Straightforward

Firstly, I just would like to share this amazing British boyband that I have stumbled upon while listening to music on Youtube.... the amazing things you can find :') They were originally called The Grove but they have now changed their band name to Lawson. This is their new single, "Standing in the Dark" from their new album Chapman Squares. I was blown away by how good they sound together and the fact that they are all very cute <3


Anyhow, this week has been pretty easy and simple, which makes me happy. It gives me time to think and catch up with things that I may be behind on. You may have noticed that I began blogging regularly on the Saturday morning... hopefully that will continue. I can't promise that it will but I will try my best to do so and get to your questions ASAP :)

Here we go: I found some of these interesting. Where do you find the capacity to think up some of these questions? I guess we are all very curious beings... ;)

The first thing I would like to address is this Facebook status-y thing that has a bunch (I believe there are 50 of them) questions that was sent to be via email... some really, really random questions.....

Q: Please answer this as fully and extensively as possible. I feel like I don't really know you that well as a blogger. I know its a lot more questions from one person that you usually get, but this would mean a lot to me. My friend posted this on facebook and I would like to see how you do with this. - via Email.

JAAG: Um. Well, then, I will try my best. (my answers are in blue)
 Ever cheated on someone? How many times?:
I've never cheated on anyone because I've been cheated on myself. The feeling when you find out that you've been cheated on is the worst in the world, and I don't want anyone to feel that way.
 How old were you when you lost your virginity? Or if you are a virgin, what age do you think you’ll lose it at?:
 I'll lose it when I'm ready = after I'm married = currently do not know what age I will get married at.
Are you “in love” with somebody?
Currently, no,
 Have you ever done anything sexual on your parents bed?:
That would be disgusting, gross and down right strange. NO.
Ever been “the other person” in an affair?:
How many people do you have a crush on right now?:
At the present moment that I answer this, there is  no one. Honestly..
Ever had a one night stand?
Ever gotten drunk and couldn’t remember the night?:
I don't even drink. I don't really like the taste onf any alcohol.
 Ever had a crush on your neighbor?:
Well, all the obys in my neighbourhood are really young, like, 4 years younger than me... and they are gross and immature.
 Ever snuck out of the house?:
Funny question, but no.
 If you’re underage, do you still drink and/or smoke cigarettes?:
I am underage, so no and no.
 Ever attempted suicide?:
Thought about, yes; tried, no.
 Ever been to therapy? What for?:
When I had Mollaret's, I had to go to therapy and rehabilitation because of the medicine.
 Have you ever been so upset that you stopped eating?:
For me it's the opposite: if I get upset I do eat. Not a lot, but I would still eat.
 Are you clinically depressed? Are you taking anything for it?
I suffer from situational depression. I'm not quite sure if it's clinical yet; there has been no set diagnosis.
 How old were you when you first got kissed?:
If we're talking pecks on the cheek, I would have to say 12. Sweet, innocent, pecks on the lips, 13. Total makeout, 16. It was last week.
 Ever been in a relationship and wanted to end it, but stuck with it for some reason?
If I was in a relationship that I was unhappy in, it didn't seem fair to stay in the relationship for the sake of being in a relationship and leading the other person on, especially when they still love you. I've been in situations like that twice, but  Inever stuck around just because. That would be unfair.
Did you ever run away? How long were you gone for and what happened?:
The childhood naiveness of running away and hoping that people will be sorry that they ever got angry at you or made fun of you in the first place... thought about it, never went through with it.
 Do you ever lie to yourself about things so much that you believe it?
As much as I can lie to people about being fine when they ask me 'how are you?', I know myself too well. I can't lie to myself because I'm too realistic with my goals and what I want for my life.
 Have you ever liked someone when you were dating someone else?
No, because to me, that's the step into the cheating territory, and cheating is bad.
. Ever dated a friend’s ex?:
No, because that is just wrong. I wouldn't want a best friend doing that to me, so likewise,  I shouldn't do that to them
 Ever done something with your friend’s significant other?:
No. that's wrong.
Did anyone ever confide in you about being gay/lesbian?:
Two people so far. My first ex told me while we were together that he was bisexual. I had a friend once that told me that she was a lesbian. I don't have anything against homosexual people, but it was strange to hear that she was in love with me.
Do you know of someone who has done a horrible crime but never got caught?
.Ever stole a large sum of money?:
No, my future is too important for me to have it tainted with a police record over money that isn't mine.
Ever got a piercing behind your parents’ back?:
I am scared of needles. I would want them to be with me when I get my first piercing.
 What’s your #1 biggest fear?:
Have you ever faced that fear? What happened?:
I confront them on a day to day basis. I scream really loudly.

Q: Would you consider yourself and introvert or an extrovert? - via Twitter

JAAG: Good question. I think about that a lot. Sometimes I think of myself as an introvert, but other times I think of myself as an extrovert. I'm kind of an in between of some sorts; an introverted extrovert if that even makes any sense. Some days I can fair well in social situations, but some days I just really do not want to be talked to because it is awkward to me.

Q: Describe the best summer romance you ever had :) - via Tumblr

JAAG: Honestly, there have been a lot of flings that have happened that either the guy ended or I've ended, but each one was unforgettable. Now that I'm older, I have a little more freedom. This past summer I went on a cruise to the Bahamas and I met this guy.. he's my age and he's from the east coast. He is adorable <3 We spent a lot of time together and he took me dancing and we even pulled a Titanic on the front of the boat. Nevertheless, when the time came to say goodbye, we just held onto to each other and traded info. He did kiss me, and he looks amazing in a suit and tie <3

Q: You come across as a really literate person. What are you currently reading right now? - via Twitter

JAAG: Well gee, thanks for saying that I am smart and literate. I've been reading since age 3.
I currently am reading Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. It is quite the love story. There are parts about Russian farming that I find dry so I skip those parts, but the actual love story complete with the affiars and the bitter betrayals keeps me up all night in anticipation, flipping through he book page by page. If you ever get the chance, I suggest reading it, and I'm not even done yet!

Q: Would you consider yourself a tea person or a coffee person? - via Tumblr

JAAG: I cannot call myself a coffee person because personally, the taste of regualr coffee (ie Americano, Colombian, etc) with cream and sugar is unappealing to me. I do however like lattes or mochas. I would call myself more of a tea person. I love tea, it keeps me awake and doesn't put me to sleep (coffee does, strangely enough.)

Q: What is the best part of your day? - via Twitter

JAAG: Being able to wake up alive. It's the best feeling in the world :)

So I thank you for all your questions... can you believe that September is basically over?? Where has the time gone, I feel so old... :')

Meanwhile, STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Enjoy the last couple days of September, the sunshine, the Autumn breeze and the coloured leaves falling from the trees... I should be a poet. :P

love and such,

rachelrae xx

Saturday, September 22, 2012

I'm Here for You.

So hello fellow blog readers! Life is strange, I think you would agree with me. My life has taken an emotional and strange and slightly awkward turn.

I know I suffer from depression. That is not a new fact for me, but it always gets me every time no matter how ready I am for it. I'm a strange person altogether, so I guess I will have to accept that.

To help reach out to other people with this same state of mind, I want people to know that I am here for you. I want to empower you. I want you to know that in times of trouble and need and the times when it feels like you have no one left to talk to, I can be there for you. I may not know you personally but I will try my very best to help you out, because no one deserves to suffer alone and in silence.

More information can be found on my Tumblr: I've created a link to a page that hopefully you will read and feel that you aren't alone. I want to make you feel as welcome as possible. No amount of words is too large or too small, too ordinary or too bizarre. I will take you the way you are. You don't need to worry about being judged.

Here it is, please check it out if you ever need help: >> want to suicide?

Just like I answer all your questions, you tell me whether or not you would like them to be posted on the blog or not for other people to read and learn. I can tell you now that whatever you choose to tell me will forever stay confidential and I will not share it with anyone.

Along the lines of this subject, I got a couple questions concerning suicide and depression that people wanted publicized and answered...

Q: I know you always say that there is someone out there that thinks that I am worth it.. but so far I  haven't been able to find that person, so does that make me useless? - via Tumblr

JAAG: Absolutely not! There are people out there that love you for who you are, and even if you haven't found them yet, rest assured that they are out there. For a long time I have struggled with this as well: the people you thought actually cared for you turn out to be your worst nightmares and be very unsupportive. I want you to know that everyone has a purpose in life, and you have to find it. You may have a small part in this world, but without this part, our world wouldn't be complete :)\

Q: My friend wants to suicide. What can I do to stop him? - via Twitter

JAAG: Talk to him about it and see if you can offer him any words of encouragement and tell him that he is an amazing person. Tell him about his strengths and what you like best about him. Tell him that you will be there to listen if he ever needs someone to listen. If you feel that you won't be able to handle what he could tell you, tell an adult that you can trust. An adult can help you in finding help for your friend.
Also, tell him to read my "want to suicide?" page on my Tumblr which is listed at the top of this post. Hope that helps, and tell your friend that he is amazing!

Q: Is depression the same for everyone? - via Twitter

JAAG: Not really. There are two types of depression: clinical and situational. Clinical comes from an imbalance of chemicals in your brain. It's interesting to note that this is hereditary and if a person has a family history, it is not uncommon for it to be seen in future generations.
On the other hand, situational depression derives from, as the name implies, 'situations of your present and past'. Say for example you failed a test, you got bullied, you were denied a scholarship, a close family member passed away, your dog ran away... these are all things that can traumatize people and make them feel like their life is spiralling out of control or that they are 'worthless'. People have different levels of depression, some very mild and some very severe, and people have different ways of coping with it, so depression is different for everyone.

Q: How can I deal with my depression on my own? My family thinks that anyone who suffers from depression is 'weak' and 'useless' and there is no such thing as depression in their world. - via Tumblr

JAAG: I live in a world similar to you. While my parents don't share views quite as extreme as yours, my parents do feel that depression is just a head thing that you can grow out of and that it is not a serious disease. Unfortunately, it is, and it is sweeping our continent by storm. I would first suggest talking to an adult that you can trust, preferably someone that has no ties to your parents in case it accidentally slips. A school counsellor is a great choice. However, if depression becomes suicide and you are seen as 'at risk to yourself' chances are you may get 'ratted out' so to speak. When that happens, don't feel betrayed. It is for your good. That happened to me where my adult told the school guidance counsellor and I was in counselling for 5 weeks. At the time I felt super betrayed, but now looking back, I am so thankful that he did that for me <3

Q: I've been doing all these things that I don't usually do: I've been hanging out with different people, jaywalking during lunch, coming in late for classes and giving teachers attitude. I never used to do that, but now, I don't know what's happening to me. what should I do? - via Tumblr

JAAG: This may be a side effect to depression: breaking out and wanting more attention to yourself for all the wrong reasons. It happens, and for a little bit, it happened to me too. I actually made out with someone during my little rebellious streak! But looking back, it was a mistake. These things rush to your head, they make you feel superior and for a while you are on a power trip that is nothing but ecstasy and fake-ness. Good for you for noticing it, and now, try your best to do what you used to: get into class early. Cross the sidewalk instead of running across the street. Smile at teachers, and maybe keep your mouth closed for a bit. You can do this: it maybe all in your head, but you have the power to change.

So yeah, I hope that you can find some peace of mind in my blog. Like I said before, don't hesitate to message me or ask me a question or tell me what's going on or how you are feeling now. We are all different, unique, special and beautiful. YOU ARE WORTH IT.

This is a song for you, kinda depressing, but I love it all the same. "The A Team" by Ed Sheeran

"It's too cold outside for angels to fly, to fly, to fly."

STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Remember that there is no one on this earth that is youer than you - Dr. Seuss. :)


rachelrae xx

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Back to Routine!

Wow, sorry for not posting in such a long time. I've been out of town getting probably the bestest tan I have ever got since going to Hawaii 6 years ago! :) I've also been spending a lot of time on Tumblr and stuff, my new found love <3 But nothing can compare to the base that I have created here on my original blog!

I've gotten a ton of questions - questions regarding summer loves. Questions about what my outlook was for school year 2012/2013. Questions on pursuing new boy/girlfriends this year. The most random questions you can ever imagine! I also got a ton of interesting mail that I would like to answer to :)

My saturdays are now free, so I can answer as many of them as  I can in the next little while... >:)

Q: It was probably the best summer ever, JAAG! My best guy friend and I of 11 years have finally fallen in love with each other.. how exciting is that? - via Tumblr

JAAG: I think that at any time, when someone finds out that their crush likes them back and they are in that stage of, "so cool, we both like each other!" and for a while, you are in the euphoria that most people mistaken for love, when really it isn't. Don't get me wrong though, I've been where you are and felt that I was in love when really it was all an illusion. In fact, I lived quite a parallel life to you last year. All I can say is, stay true to yourself. Don't let your best guy friend now turned boyfriend overrule you. The best thing about dating a close friend is that you can skip the awkward stage of getting to know each other and having the rumours fly that you are already planning out your wedding when in reality, you haven't even lifted off the ground yet. Don't let the guy pressure you into doing anything that you don't want to. Most of the time, people that we are closest to are the ones that want to push us out there further, but if you keep your ground, none of these bad things will happen to you. When you sense that something isn't right and you feel like mortal enemies from the best friends that you used to be, don't hesitate to pull the plug. Best of luck!

Q: How was your summer? - via Twitter

JAAG: My summer was an interesting one. The first 2/3 was all work and more work (although I did sneak in some time to blog to you guys!). I had a music history exam to take in the beginning of August, and I was doing some volunteer work and went in for a couple job interviews. I think there was one day where I actually did get to go out with two of my best friends and hang out in true summer fashion. After the exam I had one week to chill out, and I did. Then I went with my family on a two week vacay to Florida: Orlando & Miami and the Bahamas: Great Bahama Island, Nassau and the Norwegian Cruise Line's private island, Great Stirrup Cay. It was a fun trip, meeting up with my mom's family, going to DisneyWorld, experiencing NASA, cruising to exotic locations... it was all so much fun, and it went by really fast! So in essence, it was a good summer :)

Q: Did you learn anything about your personality/conquer anything that you needed to face this summer? - via Tumblr

JAAG: I'm not quite sure what you meant by this question, but I found it interesting and I interpreted it in a way that I hope is the way that you asked this question, but if it isn't, I'm terribly sorry for rambling and not answering your question!
I learned a lot in music history this summer. In terms of myself, I learned that this guy I liked? Probably not the smartest guy to like after all. If a guy is cute but has no content, there isn't much in him to date. Also, I learned that if  I see a cute guy and try to ignore it because there is no way in the universe that I will be his girlfriend.... well, let's just say that God works in mysterious ways ;)

Q: Are you going to date this school year, since you are single now? - via Tumblr

JAAG: I have realized that that is a bad attitude. I shouldn't have to be dependent on having a boyfriend to be happy, because look at where that got me last year. I have so many friends and people that care for me, that it's actually totally unnecessary to have a boyfriend to make me happy. I'm so blessed and lucky! To answer your question, anything can change. The moment I get a boyfriend will not because I want to make myself more happy to make up for what I am lacking, but because I have found someone that can love me wholly for who I am. So far I haven't found that person yet, but you gotta keep looking, because he is somewhere out there.

Q:  are you the girl at Guildford? - via Twitter

JAAG: Ah, a Surrey Native I see ;) if you are referring to the girl with the short hair and sans glasses.. then yes :)

Q: Summer loves ? - via Twitter

JAAG: I met this guy on the cruise... I noticed him right away when we were waiting to get onto the boat, but I tried to ignore the tugging at my heart, because he would never fall for me. And even if we became friends and such, maybe he lives halfway across the world! But he followed me, and eventually in the waiting area he was sitting right behind me. My hat was knocked off my head, and guess who picked it up?
Anyways, we became friends, hanging out and stuff. We went to a party together, we walked on the beach together, we had dinner with each other. Probably the cutest summer love I ever had :)

Q: I just want to say that when you were blogging through your difficult and cynical phase, I was following your blog. You are an inspiration to me and I appreciate all that you are able to put out there for random strangers to read. You gave me hope. I am happy to see that you are doing well now, and I want you to know that you helped me pull through, even though I don't know you and you don't know me. You showed me how to look past my imperfections because I am still perfect in God's eyes. Thank you so much <3 - via Tumblr

JAAG: It means so much to me that people actually read the random stuff that I post, but it is another thing to actually help someone through a difficult time just by blogging about mine. Thank you for reading, thank you for understanding, thank you for coping, and best of all, thank you for not harming yourself in anyway! You are BEAUTIFUL, no wait, BE-YOU-TIFUL. There is no one else like you on this Earth, and if you are gone, the world is lacking in someone like you. I'm so happy that we were both able to push past the hardships in our past! Here's to a bright and amazing future! :)

Q: Do you still get depressed even though you have been deemed 'safe' and 'non-suicidal'? - via Tumblr

JAAG: I think that is common for humans to get depressed, since we are human. Now that I am 'safe' and 'non-suicidal', I do sometimes get depressed. Just because one is deemed safe doesn't mean that they will be happy for the rest of their lives. Being depressed is like being sad but it is magnified almost 10 fold. It causes them to be paranoid, in pain, and wanting to get themselves out of a painful situation, usually through suicide. I've been there, and I would have to say that while I don't get depressed as much now, I still do. It will take a while before I can get to an even better place, but I don't think I will stop being depressed for certain reasons.

Q: What is the biggest goal that you have for yourself this school year? - via Twitter

JAAG: I think that it would be to end the year off strong, even though it's only the beginning. Apparently Grade 11 is a crucial and important year. Also to have fun and not to get tangled up in stupid drama that I don't have to be tangled up in.

Q: You were tweeting a fair bit about a story that you are writing. Care to explain?;) - via Tumblr

JAAG: Absolutely! I didn't even realize that so many of you follow me on twitter :P Well, basically, I've written two sort of memoirs of my own life, and I wanted to try my hand at writing a fiction novel. I've written a couple short stories for contests here and there, and every time I did try to write a fiction, I would stop at chapter 6 or so. No joke. This time around, I actually had an outline to follow, some basic points that I made sure that I would hit throughout the story. Whenever I felt an emotion, I let that lead my writing, and so far it's been going pretty well. I'm on chapter 13 :) More details to come!


Well, first week in school and there isn't that much homework! :)

Listening to Big Time Rush to make up for the fact that they are in my city this weekend but I won't be going ): Oh well.

Thanks everyone for being so understanding and for knowing more about me than I do sometimes, you are all so amazing! :)

STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Best of luck to everyone this school year, and keep those questions coming in! :) And any Rushers going to the vancity BTR concert this weekend, have so much fun, have double the fun for me! Haters are gonna hate, but Rushers are gonna elevate! <3

Your fellow Rusher,

rachelrae xx

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Guess what?

I'm off to Florida today with my family! Two weeks in the Florida sunshine awaits me!

When I get back, school starts but I'm also going on a retreat with the elementary school that I graduated from, so that will take me out a couple days... I promise to write the moment that I get back in the school library! :)

STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Hope everyone has an amazing school year!

rachelrae xx

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Bridge To Terabithia

Remember that book? I read it in Grade five for language arts (yup, back in elementary school English is called Language Arts. It's weird...)

I also remember when I went to go watch the movie. This was before Josh Hutcherson became known as the super hot Peeta in the Hunger Games. It was a good movie, it was a good book. I liked it a lot.

My view of that changed today.

No, don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad... it made it so so so much better, like nothing I ever expected. You showed me this place that I have never been to.. the ironic thing is, I've driven past this place all my life. I had no idea on what to expect.

I put my trust in you, and look where it got me. I found a new hiding place, somewhere peaceful and serene... a place that you trusted me enough to show me.

I am honoured that you brought me there. The way we stood under the big trees on a bridge in the middle of nowhere.... it was priceless. You can never find a place so stunning.

I maybe making a big deal - "It's only trees and a old wooden bridge and stuff, but it's cool. Like Narnia" - but it was personal, and you were the first person that brought me there.

Just the quiet and the beating of our hearts after our long walk, it was so worth it. We were just two people under the majesty of our Lord... it was incredibly breath taking.

And you are just equally breath taking.

Don't take it personally if I don't look you in the eye; i'm terrible with eye contact. But just being there with you under these huge trees and the summer sun made me feel more alive than I ever had in such a long time. You held me close to you, and I could hear you breath and your heart beating against my back.

I missed your touch, smile, and hugs.

Welcome home <3

So basically I'm going to be in Florida for the next two weeks... can't wait, can't sleep, so excited.

STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE :) I had the most wonderful day, and it's taught me that if you randomly walk around, you can find the coolest places.


rachelrae xx

Monday, August 13, 2012

Florida Countdown!

Well, sorry for the abrupt last post, but guess what? NO MORE EXAMS TO STUDY FOR!

The exam went pretty well :) Thank goodness it's all done and over with. Now I just have to wait another 6 weeks until I get my results... cannot wait until I get them ! #excited

The countdown to Florida is upon me! I cannot wait to experience the Florida sunshine, walk on the beach there, visit Nassau, and of course, go to the amazing Disneyworld!

So I got some questions from all over while I was doing the last minute study for my exam... let's tackle them! :)

Q: I was in Florida for spring break, and I met this amazing girl there. We still message each other through FB to keep in touch, and she said that she is moving to my city! Do you think I can make a move? - via Tumblr

JAAG: Woooo, Florida! I can't wait to go... maybe you can tell me a little about this place :) Well, it seems like you are still keeping in close contact with her and you guys are still good friends, despite the distance between you (thank goodness for internet, right?) Did you tell her how you feel about her and where you potentially want this relationship to go? If you have, then this should be a great step in that direction for you both. If you haven't, I don't blame you for holding back. You don't want things to be weird between you two. The thing is, since you were both practically strangers before this vacation, even if she doesn't feel the same way, then you won't have the pain of seeing her every day after she has rejected you, or you won't be compelled to still talk to her. See where this goes and ask her what her thoughts are on relationships... and take it from there :)

Q: First date ideas for me and my girlfriend? - via Twitter

JAAG: Honestly, I am terrible at date planning because I am such a boring person! LOL ;) What I really like are picnics because they are low maintenance and they are a cute way to not only spend time with each other but get to know each other too without the pressures of a fancy restaurant and getting interrupted every so often by a waiter. Just pack a couple finger foods and drinks and bring her to a park or something and just relax. First dates are supposed to be fun! Other ideas are movies&dinner, the beach, bowling (hey, bowling is fun!) or a skating rink (just make sure that one of you knows how to skate!) Good luck, and have fun!

Q: I really like this boy, and I am determined to get to know him better and possibly get my name in his mind. The thing is, on his tumblr he always posts pictures of himself and this girl that I have never met. He always tags it with two initials. What should I do? - via Tumblr

JAAG: Firstly, there is no harm in talking to this guy, no matter what you see on his Tumblr. Make it your mission this year to talk to him more and to get to know him, even before you consider taking things beyond just friends.
Now, regarding this Tumblr mystery chick - I say, don't assume until you know all the details. Don't overthink what he and this girl are doing, or if they are together. Worry about getting to know him first. Try not to bring up the topic of his "girlfriend" until much later - most guys don't like to talk about that right off the bat with someone they don't know very well. Of course, this guy could also be one of those guys who enjoy talking about anything and everything in their lives to anyone who will listen. If he brings it up, don't jump on the topic with an accusatory tone. Be impartial and take it as it is. You know what, even if this guy is taken, who cares? At least you have gained a new friend, and honey, there are many other boys that I can promise you that are ten times cuter than this sweetie :)

LOL RANDOM PICTURE! This was me in Beijing, China, with a bunch of stuffed pandas! #cute

Anyways, you know what, the above saying is true. If you have to continuously chase someone who doesn't want to be chased, then forget about that person. There are plenty of other people out there, people that will want to love you for who you are. Swim with those fishies instead, because they will make the time spent worth it.

As I count down the final days until  I get on a plane to Florida, as well as the final days of summer vacation (which btw, there are 21 days left!) I just have one thing to say:

STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Enjoy summer while it lasts, lads. It is slowly slipping away from us. Can you believe how fast the time goes? To think that next month is already September, it begs the question, where did 2012 even go?

I'd like to hear what your highest point this summer was: be it that ultimate beach party, the super awesome vacation to Europe, getting that summer job you always wanted, acing summer school, or scoring the boy/girl of your dreams... Tumblr, Twitter, Email, whatever! Get them in and I will post them all in my next post, most likely in September! Still so baffled on how fast time is going...

love in the sunshine,

rachelrae xx

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Freedom at last!

Finally, I am free from tedious studying and mindless staring at pages of words that I cannot fully comprehend! The wait is over and I can finally enjoy my summer without thoughts of an exam looming over head <3


from the blogger who is now a lot happier and less stressed,

rachelrae xx

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Studying in the Summertime ):

Well, I guess the bright side is that my exam is on Friday, and after that I won't have to study for another test until September rolls around. Fingers crossed that my exam will go smoothly, and that maybe, just maybe, my first major test for school will be in October?...

Three questions today:

Q: How can I tell my boyfriend to stop making fun of my friends? - via Twitter

JAAG: So here's the thing, this should be a signal to you that this boyfriend needs re-evaluating. At the same time, this signal should be LOUD and CLEAR. If this guy is dissing your friends and shows no signs of stopping his immature behaviour, you need to talk to him. Have a werious conversation with him, and tell him that not only do your friends not appreciate the words coming out of his mouth, but you don't either. Tell him that you aren't joking around and that this could be the end of the relationship should he choose to not listen to you. All in all, follow your instincts: if at first he does well but ends up reverting back to boyfriend 1.0, then you can kiss this relationship goodbye.

Q: I see on your Tumblr that you like both Niall Horan from 1D and Logan Henderson from BTR. Which one do you like the most? (my money is on Logan since you have a blog for him) - via Tumblr

JAAG: Well honestly, I like both of them equally. If you really want to get in deeper, I liked Logan more just because BTR came out before 1D did, but it really is difficult to choose. Also, check out my blog again and ask me again whether or not I can choose between Logan, Niall, or Vin Diesel. There is no competition there... :)

Q: What are some of the things that you look for in a boy?  - via Twitter

JAAG: I've stopped looking at solely appearances, because I learned that 1) that gets you nowhere and 2) sometimes it may get you in trouble. Now I look for someone who is respectful, responsible and funny. If I like a person who can't respect me, my family or my friends, then this relationship is clearly not going to work out. If you wnat to love me, you will have to love all of me, and that includes the people that are dear to me. Also, it would be a bonus if the guy is cute <3

Okay, well that was exhilirating.. thanks again everyone for bearing with me! I might have another post up next week depending on the time I have after work, but then after that, its adios amigos!  I'm off to Florida for two weeks, and then school is going to restart. Where did summer even go?...

"Summer should get a speeding ticket."

Okay, so before I go, how about you guys take a vote: Who is hotter?

 Logan Henderson ^^

Vin Diesel (sorry I couldn't find a GIF) ^^

Or Niall Horan? ^^

STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Wish me luck on that exam, and I will surely think of you guys while I'm tanning away in Florida ;)

Have a good rest of the summer! A little bird told me that there are only 27 days left until we get back to metal lockers, classes changing every hour and cafeteria food.


rachelrae xx

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Last day of July!

Whoa, there! July 31st already? Where did July go? Where did the time go??

This is insanity!

Anyways, I got a ton more questions from you guys. You are probably all the coolest blog followers ever!

I just finished another day of camp... excrutiating, but you get through it. Its really rewarding when the kids finally listen to you and understand things and learn new things. So fun but I think my voice is going.. my choir director isn't going to be too happy about that one >.<"

Oh well, here we go. Less talking, more writing, more answering!

Q: I love my girlfriend so, so much. We've been dating since 7th grade, and we just graduated from high school. We're both 18, and I can't wait another day for her to go on as just my girlfriend.. I want to marry her! Do you think its too early? - Don't Wanna Be A Bachelor Forever, via Tumblr

JAAG: Awwe, don't worry, I highly doubt that you will be a bachelor! But you know what, good for yo uand your girlfriend for committing to such a long lasting relationship, and showing to her how much you love and appreciate her! Honestly, it's totally up to you. You and her both have to sit down and discuss this. We aren't talking about a T-shirt that you can buy and return a couple days later because it doesn't fit or because you don't like it.. this is MARRIAGE! You have to decide, and she does also, if you both are ready for this long term commitment (If you ask me, you both seem really ready!) You also need to ask whether or not you are both ready to start a family. Do you both really want to put off school for the sake a your family, or will you finish school first before you have children? There are a lot of variables in place, as well as the financial aspect. Think through this, talk to your parents, and really really think long and hard before you get down on one knee and propose to her. Best of luck and congratulations to both of you for getting this far!!

Q: I think I'm lesbian. What do I do now? - via Twitter

JAAG: I'm the wrong person to ask, because I'm not. Good for you, though, for being true to yourself and realizing that you want to come through with such a big part of your life. I would say continue living your life and continue being the good friend you are. If you haven't told anyone yet, just be yourself. Tell someone that you can trust and that won't blow the whole thing out of proportion or leave you in your time of need. This is a big step in your life! Live it through day by day, and just be you. There is no one else like you.

Q: What are your thoughts on long distance relationships? Like, the ones where I'm here, and my boyfriend is going halfway across the world? - via Twitter

JAAG: This is interesting. I've actually been in a long distance relationship before. My boyfriend at the time didn't go as far as yours did; mine only went across the country away from me, so still fairly close but not close enough where we could both meet halfway and go grab a Starbucks or something. You could look at it as you won't be spending all your time with him, so there isn't the potential "getting bored" that some couples face because they spend all their time with each other. The thing is though, with his distance, even short visits maybe be difficult to coordinate because he is there, and you are here. On the other hand, you may have to take this as a sign of saying that this isn't meant to be. Some people can only tolerate long distance for so long, and sometimes people get antsy (not saying that you will, but its a possibility). You or your boyfriend might eventually fall for someone else, but then you won't be able to date them because technically, you are still in a relationship! It all comes down to how much you love him (okay, that sounds mean). You have to talk to him and communicate to him where you want this to go, so as to not let yourself or him miss out on a potential soulmate. If you do want to continue this relationship, not to worry! We are in the age of instant communcation: we have Skype, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr... You have plenty of ways to talk to him on a regular basis!

Q: I heard that you were a singer/songwriter on your Tumblr. What do you write about? I want to write a song, but I don't know where to start.  - via Email

JAAG: Wow, something unrelated to relationships! :) That's true, I am a singer/songwriter and I absolutely adore writing songs in my spare time! My piano is my baby! Well, I usually write about songs that are true and relatable to my life. Usually there are three themes to the songs I write: 1) Songs about a boy that I wish was mine; 2) Songs about a boy who is mine and its about how much I love him; or 3) A break up song/I hate you type of song. Trust me, I've written a lot of those ;)
You really have to write about something that has happened to you. I once wrote a song about my Grandmother who passed away a couple years ago. That helped me cope and also helped me reminicse about all the times we spent together. Good luck on your songwriting!

Alrighty, I guess I'm off. My exam is in a week or so.... take care. Another tiring yet interesting coupld days await me...

STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! The sun is shining, and if you're reading this... you're still alive. GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY!


rachelrae  xx