

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Perfect Two - Auburn

i just had to post this. why? because it's sweet... <3

 i don't know what i'd do without you.

you complete me

and you're the one i need

you know how it is.

stay outta trouble and don't forget to smile. rachelrae xx

Friday, May 13, 2011


It's finally Friday! let's break into song...and i think i am certainly going crazy because i am posting this...

ZOMG can't believe it.

anyways, STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE. i have to leave now, just wanted to say hi to the world.

everyone, have yourself a good weekend! i am this close to the <3

love and such, rachelrae xx

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Today is failblog day for me :) i am dead serious because it has been happening everyday, and i have no idea why...

i fail in life. HELL YEAH !

be yourself and be original, natch ;)

i think that this weather sucks. it's may, and it's raining really hard. where is the sun when you need it?

actually, too much sun can be too hot, but no sun makes life depressing. just saying.. but it would be nice to get a change in weather. it would make me happy :)

so this was just another random post. i really like the pictures, they are genius. but for some reason it doesn't let me upload my own. sucks to be them for they don't get to see my own awesomeness...

stay out of trouble and don't forget to smile. everyone going to Sunpeaks, heed this rule. good luck to everyone!

love, rachelrae xx

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It's a wonderful day :)

this is via ... clever stuff there on that site :P

so it is already May guyys :) i can't believe it. this is just another random post because i have nothing better to do but to chill ;) and to blog and write random things. because that's what i was born to do = be random = LOL

shoot, everyone who looked at that picture just lost the game. ooh, i should give you some more music to listen to because music makes my day and it should make yours. hahaha...

Kiss A Girl by Keith Urban. It's country which i'm not particularly crazy about but it's Keith Urban is dead awesome. i love Keith Urban. he rocks and he's Austrailian.


erm i haven't answered any of your random questions yet. i checked my messages yesteerday on twitter and my email. and you people jammed my email! sheesh, i should just leave it to formspring and twitter to do all the question collecting...if that makes any sense...

so someone asked me the other day what i did in my spare time.

my question to this person is, WHAT TYPE OF QUESTION IS THAT??

so to answer your question, anonymous. i like to blog in my spare time. because if i didn't have any spare time, i wouldn't be able to answer your question. i also like to go on twitter (hell yeah 1000+ tweets!) :D

i also like music- listening to it, playing it and writing it because music is my life, and without music i don't have a life so there.

next random question, goodness i am scared for my life -_-"

do you like music?

i just answered that. the short answer to that is life=music=my life or bust. thank you for asking and please play again! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
this is actually funny even though i am Chinese...but i agree with the kid, that is an awkward face -_-

STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! it's may the 4th may the forth be with you! lololol laaame...

love, rachelrae xx