

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

1 down, 2 more to go

Hey everyone!

Just came back from my Math Provincial.. most of it was fine, although some questions made me want to jump off the nearest bridge because 1) I had been taught it in tutorial (which was on monday btw) or 2) I had no idea what the hell I was doing.

Oh well. At least it's done ands over with. Now I can chill with you guys for a bit before I begin to study for Science... not fun :'(

So here we go, I got a couple questions that concerns just about everything in this big bad world.. shoot:

Q: Do you like anyone now? - via Twitter

JAAG: HAHAHHAA, good one. Honestly, I think I do. Does 'like' and 'crush' refer to the same thing?... if so, then yes. :)

Q: How do you know when you like someone? - via Twitter

JAAG: I guess that would depend on the person. Some people get really fidgety around the person that they like, and others may get really angry at that person. For me, I know that I like someone when I start using their name all the time. Recently I had gotten better at that, but I know that I like someone when I smile just thinking about them, wishing that I would see them, and feeling so amazing when I do.

Q: I've seen pictures of you on Tumblr. How do you do your makeup so well? You look gorgeous! -via Tumblr

JAAG: Why thank you :) While that is flattering that is also the teensiest bit creepy, but whatever :) Anyhow, I don't like to spend a lot of time on makeup because sometimes it's not necessary. Most of the time I go sans makeup but when I do, I usually do brown eyeliner (Thank goodness for AVON!) on the top lid and top lid only... I can never do bottom... Also, I use a Covergirl NatureLuxe lip colour in Hibiscus since it is closest to my natural lip colour with a tint of pink. I hope that answers your question !

Q: Could you post 100 truths about yourself? - via Twitter

JAAG: That looks interesting. I think I will.... ;)

So yes, good luck to anyone who has exams in the next couple of days.. I know I do. Have an amazing summer, everyone!


rachelrae xx

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