

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Questions Revisited Again :)

So hey. Haven't written in a while. I guess life keeps you busy, and it just goes on, right? Raaaaiight..
Got some questions that I should answer, shouldn't I? Here we go.. thanks for being so patient! :)

Q: you're blog is so cute - i have a question though. my boyfriend and i have been dating for six months, and i think that i've had enough of him. honestly, its boring. what can i do? should i break up with him or try to make our love last? - via Tumblr

JAAG: Boring, hmm? Honestly, there is really nothing I can say that can make you change your mind, or change the fact that you aren't so in love with the guy like you used to be. My advice would be to go and talk to him, and tell him how you feel. Don't, however, make this one big guessing game for him. It's bad enough that he's a confused guy (face it, between us as girls, we know that boys can sometimes be just as confused about life as we are!) But yeah. You have to get the communication aspect out there. Like I said, no amount of preaching can change the fact that you may or may not be pulling away from the guy. Try to help yourself out by asking yourself how you feel about the whole situation as it stands. Then, talk to him like you've never talked to him before.

Q: I can't get over my girlfriend. what gives? - NOT OVER HER via Twitter

JAAG: Hey, everyone gets like that some days, and let me tell you, I hear you out there. Sometimes it does, especially since at this age, we think that love will last forever and we'll all be happy. Reality is, something is bound to happen, and we should be ready for when it is.
Now, as for how you can get over her, I would say block out everything that reminds you over her - letters, pictures, her number in her phone, a song you both like... ultimately, you'll have to move on some time. Granted, everyone needs time to heal. But this will help you in the long run, I promise. Tell yourself that you aren't going to let the fact that things didn't work out get you down. You got this. Go out somewhere alone, maybe talk a walk, and tell yourself that things are going to get better. And I know they will. :)

Q: I found a guy I like, but I don't know how to approach him and tell him. Thoughts? - via Twitter

JAAG: Hey, we're in the same boat! :P Hahaha, yes, I know how difficult it is to be in your shoes, for I have been there many, many times! I think you should just be genuine, just be yourself around this guy. Don't do anything out of the ordinary, get to know the kid, and don't stalk him, don't pressure him, don't try and cave him in. That might scare him, even if you have the best intentions. I think that it would be best for you to just feel your way around this first and talk to him about his life, his likes and dislikes before you make the dive into *I love you* land. Besides, it's fun having a crush. And I would know, because one time I told a guy flat out that I liked him. Let's just say that things were a tad awkward afterwards... :)

Q: Does it really hurt a girl if I go out with another girl right after we broke up? Some of my friends think I should just so that I can get over the fact that she dumped me, but others say that it's rebounding. What's your take? - via Email

JAAG: My humble opinion reading that: the word "Rebound" is bouncing around inside my brain. Depending on if this girl has a heart (which I'm frankly hoping that she does to some extent), she's going to feel the pinch that her ex is using other girls to rebound off of her. In a way, I would say don't cut yourself off from girls, because girls need guys and vice versa. We put a different spin on things for each other. That being said, don't become overly flirty with girls. I know this is bad on a female standpoint, but girls are overanalytical and we over think things about you guys, things that perhaps aren't true, but it's what we see.
So I would say, yeah, it would hurt her. In my personal experience, I've had guys rebounding off of me, even though we weren't dating. I just told the guy I couldn't date him because I wasn't interested in dating anyone, and he went off and began dating someone else. I never said I didn't like the guy in the way that I did; we were both crushing on each other, but the fact was that the time wasn't right, and he didn't want to wait.
Just watch your actions and how you interact with girls.. and you should be fine. Don't lead anyone on, and just be you.

Q: My boyfriend broke up with me a while ago because she said that there was nothing happening in our relationship. Now he wants to get back together. ??? - The Heck? via Email

JAAG: That is a tricky one. On one hand, you should be running further away because I sense that something is up. He shouldn't have broken up with you in the first place if he thought that, and he definitely shouldn't be so inconsistent. I would talk to him, and ask him exactly why he was being so inconsistent. This is not only somewhat confusing for you, but it could lead to eventually more problems in the future if things don't work out again, and your self-esteem is definitely worth far more than that. And if he gives the reason "Because I love you and I made a mistake", you really have to do your research to see if he really is genuine.. and truly does deserve a second chance at your heart.

For once, I finally cleared out my inbox! But I know that once this goes up I'll get a flood of more questions too, but that's okay, because I enjoy doing this. I'm also glad that you guys like reading it so much!

So yeah, as for life now, things are looking up. I'm finally healing from the wounds that I'll admit are self-inflicted, but everything is going well, thank goodness. And on top of that, I found a new inspiration. I wrote a new song, and I have to say it's one of the best songs I've written in a while. I've been stuck in a rut, and I finally found a new and exciting inspiration. It's called "Falling for Your Innocence", and no, I don't plan on posting it anytime soon. :)

STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Report card in hand, now I know.. I should be working harder ;)

Peace and love, and hopefully the Tumblr World will cooperate with me another day,

rachelrae xx

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