

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Thanks to all your awesome comments and ideas! :)

if you haven't noticed i seem to have a lot of time on my hands. this is probably why i am posting so regularly time and time again now (: but it's good! i get to reach out to all you lovely people.

so when i asked you all the question (that i posted, i believe, two posts ago?) i asked what you all thought about the whole situation. i got a lot of response, mostly through email etc.. some of it was pretty darn good, and i think that some of you could be better than me at this job. who wants to take over? :P

some of the stuff was quite insightful. also, for privacy, i will leave it all anonymous... but thank you, whoever you are, for all this new insight!

"Let time take it's course and see where you two end up. Who knows, you might end up marrying him... or marrying your current bf." - via Twitter

"I don't think that you should let him off the hook so easily. Don't bottle up the emotions inside! Tell him how you feel, but be impartial.. I have a feeling that the friendship you two share is too good to give away!" - via email

"Tell him off and tell him to get lost. He's not worth it!" - via email

"Is it okay if I smack him for you? You're too good of a blogger to let someone like him weigh you down!" - via email

"Who knows? Your paths might cross again." - via Twitter

"If he is too finicky then and now and can't make his mind up, watch out world: this guy is a player!" - via Twitter

"You should both set aside your feelings and try to mend your friendship. Right now, I'm getting the vibe that he really needs a friend."

"His friendship isn't worth your time. You can do so much better, and now, especially that you have a boyfriend... MAKE HIM SUFFER!!!!!" - via email

LOL, everyone. these are only a few of what i got from all of you. i posted these ones because they were insightful, my favourite or made me laugh. some of them were quite sweet, but you all are just like me: very, very undivided in terms of where to go with my friendship with him. the first one though was very very wise, however: "Let time take it's course". i think i found a winner, ladies and gentlemen. the JAAG will now let the universe take hold of the situation.

the last one that i put there, about the suffering, made me laugh the hardest. also, cheers to the person that said that my tweets to my boyfriend were 'cute'. ;)

this is a random song that i started listening to, entitled "Diary of Jane" by Breaking Benjamin. it's hard core rock and i like it very much :)

well that's it from me :)  STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! i pray that no one got any cavities from excessive candy snacking last night? ;)

love from the world wide web and beyond,
rachelrae xx

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