Dear all JAAG readers,
Well, this is it! I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you to all of you for being such faithful readers, you make me all feel so happy and thank you all for letting me into your worlds and helping you out! May you and yours have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy time together!
rachelrae xx
No question is too small, too strange or too weird. Check out the sidebar to see how you can send your questions in, and I will answer them here :) Other than that, I like to post music, preach and use this as a journal of sorts.

Sunday, December 25, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
three non-relationship related questions ! :D
hello fellow readers!
well, the Christmas season is drawing near, and we are only a couple days away from the big day!
When I opened my inbox the other day, I was surprised to find three questions that weren't related to relationships, surprisingly enough! LOL you guys are so cute :) Let's tackle them, shall we?
Q: My parents just got a divorce, and they are forcing me and my sister to choose sides. What should I do? I love them both equally, but I can't live like this! - via Email
JAAG: This is a sad situation, I must say, but not to worry. I think it will be beneficial for you and your sister to sit BOTH of your parents down and tell them that you love them both equally. Maybe make a compromise: you and your sister will stay over with each parent once every other week, (mom the first week of the month, the following week at dad's, and so on and so forth). See how this works out first, and hopefully this will make everything easier and less stressful.
Q: I want to apply for a job, but my parents both think that I am not responsible enough. I'm 16! What more do they need? - via Email
JAAG: Oh, the constant struggle of showing our parents how responsible we are. What you can start by doing is taking on extra chores (yes, extra chores), doing what you are told, and helping out your parents doing whatever they need help with. Maybe this will open their eyes to show them that 'Yes, I'm ready to take on more!' Also, keep on top of homework and maybe try to go for more leadership roles in school. That way, not only your parents but other people will see that you are ready for bigger things too!
Q: Recently I've been feeling really sad all the time. Is this normal? - via Twitter
JAAG: No, it's completely normal. Everyone has down days sometimes, some people more than others. Heck, even the girl giving you all advice has down days. I must admit though, I can relate to you. I think that you can combat this by surrounding yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself as opposed to people that bring you down. Distract yourself by doing things you love, and remember, never hold back your emotions. Talking to someone you trust will make you feel better, I promise you. Best of luck to you with this!
And of course, I couldn't resist answering at least one more relationship question for you all!..
Q: Hi JAAG! I have a big problem: I dated this guy for about 6 months and then he broke up with me. Then, a month after, I jumped into a new relationship with this other guy that I didn't know very well. I had no idea that my new boyfriend is total enemies with my ex! Now my ex is jealous and is trying to win me back. This is a huge love triangle that I want out of STAT. What should I do? - via Email
JAAG: Ahh, the Love Triangle.. this is a tricky one. Well, you can learn a couple things from this scenario called your life:
- your ex? he's a jerk. Thank goodness you broke up with him in the first place. If he is super jealous of you after he broke up with you? IMMATURE. you're too good for him.
- This just goes to show that it helps to get to know someone first before you begin to date someone.
- If your boyfriend now doesn't bash your ex, then we know that he is mature. If he does bash your ex, then we know that he is also mature.
So, I think that to salvage this situation, ignore your ex. Continue to have the relationship you wanted with your new boyfriend. If, however, your new boyfriend is trying to make this an all out competition with your ex, then honey, I'm terribly sorry, but you can't let either of them win. They have to both lose out, because someone as special as you shouldn't have to deal with crappy boyfriends like these. Also, get to know guys first before you date them! Good luck! :)
so yeah, these are quite the interesting questions. I have to say though, I won't be here for a while to answer your questions, but don't fret, I will be back soon in early January! Continue to send in your questions, and I will answer them ASAP. Best of luck to all of you in your unique and interesting lives, and also, have a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Here's to a new year of amazingness and being unique and ourselves!
love and et cetera,
rachelrae xx
well, the Christmas season is drawing near, and we are only a couple days away from the big day!
When I opened my inbox the other day, I was surprised to find three questions that weren't related to relationships, surprisingly enough! LOL you guys are so cute :) Let's tackle them, shall we?
Q: My parents just got a divorce, and they are forcing me and my sister to choose sides. What should I do? I love them both equally, but I can't live like this! - via Email
JAAG: This is a sad situation, I must say, but not to worry. I think it will be beneficial for you and your sister to sit BOTH of your parents down and tell them that you love them both equally. Maybe make a compromise: you and your sister will stay over with each parent once every other week, (mom the first week of the month, the following week at dad's, and so on and so forth). See how this works out first, and hopefully this will make everything easier and less stressful.
Q: I want to apply for a job, but my parents both think that I am not responsible enough. I'm 16! What more do they need? - via Email
JAAG: Oh, the constant struggle of showing our parents how responsible we are. What you can start by doing is taking on extra chores (yes, extra chores), doing what you are told, and helping out your parents doing whatever they need help with. Maybe this will open their eyes to show them that 'Yes, I'm ready to take on more!' Also, keep on top of homework and maybe try to go for more leadership roles in school. That way, not only your parents but other people will see that you are ready for bigger things too!
Q: Recently I've been feeling really sad all the time. Is this normal? - via Twitter
JAAG: No, it's completely normal. Everyone has down days sometimes, some people more than others. Heck, even the girl giving you all advice has down days. I must admit though, I can relate to you. I think that you can combat this by surrounding yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself as opposed to people that bring you down. Distract yourself by doing things you love, and remember, never hold back your emotions. Talking to someone you trust will make you feel better, I promise you. Best of luck to you with this!
And of course, I couldn't resist answering at least one more relationship question for you all!..
Q: Hi JAAG! I have a big problem: I dated this guy for about 6 months and then he broke up with me. Then, a month after, I jumped into a new relationship with this other guy that I didn't know very well. I had no idea that my new boyfriend is total enemies with my ex! Now my ex is jealous and is trying to win me back. This is a huge love triangle that I want out of STAT. What should I do? - via Email
JAAG: Ahh, the Love Triangle.. this is a tricky one. Well, you can learn a couple things from this scenario called your life:
- your ex? he's a jerk. Thank goodness you broke up with him in the first place. If he is super jealous of you after he broke up with you? IMMATURE. you're too good for him.
- This just goes to show that it helps to get to know someone first before you begin to date someone.
- If your boyfriend now doesn't bash your ex, then we know that he is mature. If he does bash your ex, then we know that he is also mature.
So, I think that to salvage this situation, ignore your ex. Continue to have the relationship you wanted with your new boyfriend. If, however, your new boyfriend is trying to make this an all out competition with your ex, then honey, I'm terribly sorry, but you can't let either of them win. They have to both lose out, because someone as special as you shouldn't have to deal with crappy boyfriends like these. Also, get to know guys first before you date them! Good luck! :)
so yeah, these are quite the interesting questions. I have to say though, I won't be here for a while to answer your questions, but don't fret, I will be back soon in early January! Continue to send in your questions, and I will answer them ASAP. Best of luck to all of you in your unique and interesting lives, and also, have a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Here's to a new year of amazingness and being unique and ourselves!
love and et cetera,
rachelrae xx
Thursday, December 15, 2011
You've all given me a ton to think about!
The end of the school year ended today :) quite exciting, it's already Christmas!
Also, even though I answered 5 more questions my last post, ever since then my email was flooded with even more questions! you people have very interesting lives, I must say. Also, it is interesting to read some of these: now you guys are moving on from strictly relationship to more complex things. Is this a full blown advice column or what? Let me know, and I can make changes accordingly in the new year :)
Here we go, let's tackle five more of these questions!
Q: There are two guys that I like. One I have known for pretty much ever but he doesn't seem to get the point that friendship means that we are there for each other. The other guy is a new guy at my school: I just met him but he strikes me as a really nice guy. plus, when I talk to him I feel as if I have known him forever. I'm in love with both of them... but who should I go for? - via Email
JAAG: This is a situation that hits home, not just because I have dealt with feelings like that before as well but also because I know friends who feel the same way you do, so don't worry, it's not an uncommon feeling. I guess you should stay true to yourself and what you believe that you want to see in a boyfriend in your future. You should stay away from people who don't keep their promises or can't help you back onto your feet when you are down. Look for people who believe in you and respect you for who YOU are. If you do, then you will find that you are much, much happier.
Q: There is this guy that I don't like AT ALL, but he makes fun of me all the time. He is constantly bullying me and I have no idea what to do about it. I am really really mad at him. -via Email
JAAG: Hey, I've dealt with jerks like that too, so I can definitely help you with this.
Firstly, don't contain your anger. Talk it out with people that you trust. Vent to them about how you feel. Then, I would suggest for you to go and talk to this guy. He needs to be put in his place, and you can do that by telling him how you feel and how he offends you. If you tell him and he shows no remorse and (worse) continues to bully you, go tell a trusted adult or administration. Bullying doesn't belong in any area and should never be directed to anyone. Make sure that you don't hold in your anger to yourself too long, or else you might face an emotional break down. With a strong suppport system, you will be able to weather this storm fine. Good luck!
Q: How can I ask a guy out? -via Twitter
JAAG: Unlike the above two questions, I have no expertise in this field because no one has ever asked me out nor have I ever asked anyone out. What I can offer, however, is to just be yourself and friendly. If you really like a guy and you want them to fall for the real you, be genuine. Don't be the girl that laughs at random football jokes that you don't understand just because he is the quarterback of the team. Show him that you are good at bio and that you love dissecting frogs, and don't settle for anything less!
As for asking him out, start it off as a group activity. Maybe you and a couple friends are going to watch that new action flick coming out. Casually mention it to him and leave it open, giving him a chance to back out or think about it before commiting. After a couple of these activities, it will really show if he is the one for you... and if you still like him that way.
well, like I said above, Christmas is coming so so so so so soon! I can't wait, can you??
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON;T FORGET TO SMILE! Merry Christmas and have a safe and happy New Year!
rachelrae xx
Also, even though I answered 5 more questions my last post, ever since then my email was flooded with even more questions! you people have very interesting lives, I must say. Also, it is interesting to read some of these: now you guys are moving on from strictly relationship to more complex things. Is this a full blown advice column or what? Let me know, and I can make changes accordingly in the new year :)
Here we go, let's tackle five more of these questions!
Q: There are two guys that I like. One I have known for pretty much ever but he doesn't seem to get the point that friendship means that we are there for each other. The other guy is a new guy at my school: I just met him but he strikes me as a really nice guy. plus, when I talk to him I feel as if I have known him forever. I'm in love with both of them... but who should I go for? - via Email
JAAG: This is a situation that hits home, not just because I have dealt with feelings like that before as well but also because I know friends who feel the same way you do, so don't worry, it's not an uncommon feeling. I guess you should stay true to yourself and what you believe that you want to see in a boyfriend in your future. You should stay away from people who don't keep their promises or can't help you back onto your feet when you are down. Look for people who believe in you and respect you for who YOU are. If you do, then you will find that you are much, much happier.
Q: There is this guy that I don't like AT ALL, but he makes fun of me all the time. He is constantly bullying me and I have no idea what to do about it. I am really really mad at him. -via Email
JAAG: Hey, I've dealt with jerks like that too, so I can definitely help you with this.
Firstly, don't contain your anger. Talk it out with people that you trust. Vent to them about how you feel. Then, I would suggest for you to go and talk to this guy. He needs to be put in his place, and you can do that by telling him how you feel and how he offends you. If you tell him and he shows no remorse and (worse) continues to bully you, go tell a trusted adult or administration. Bullying doesn't belong in any area and should never be directed to anyone. Make sure that you don't hold in your anger to yourself too long, or else you might face an emotional break down. With a strong suppport system, you will be able to weather this storm fine. Good luck!
Q: How can I ask a guy out? -via Twitter
JAAG: Unlike the above two questions, I have no expertise in this field because no one has ever asked me out nor have I ever asked anyone out. What I can offer, however, is to just be yourself and friendly. If you really like a guy and you want them to fall for the real you, be genuine. Don't be the girl that laughs at random football jokes that you don't understand just because he is the quarterback of the team. Show him that you are good at bio and that you love dissecting frogs, and don't settle for anything less!
As for asking him out, start it off as a group activity. Maybe you and a couple friends are going to watch that new action flick coming out. Casually mention it to him and leave it open, giving him a chance to back out or think about it before commiting. After a couple of these activities, it will really show if he is the one for you... and if you still like him that way.
well, like I said above, Christmas is coming so so so so so soon! I can't wait, can you??
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON;T FORGET TO SMILE! Merry Christmas and have a safe and happy New Year!
rachelrae xx
Friday, December 9, 2011
Questions revisited :)
Hello everyone! December already, hmm?... can't believe how fast time flies.
Well last post I promised some questions to be answered right? let's tackle them now, shall we? ...
Q: JAAG, there is this guy that is constantly hitting on me. the thing is, i like him but i really don't want to return the romance. any thoughts on how to get this guy off my back? - via Email
JAAG: LOL, that happens to us all at one point in time or another, myself included. what I can give you is that you should let things be. Don't be overly harsh just to tell him that he isn't worth your time, but at the same time, monitor your behaviour around him. Yes, YOUR behaviour. are you touchy feely with him a lot or maybe laugh at jokes that really aren't that funny that he says? if you are, you could be potentially leading him on for no apparent reason and no intention of dating him. Just be yourself and be natural, and hopefully things will go a lot more smoothly for you.
Q: any tips on how to be a better flirt? - via Twitter
JAAG: okay there. i think that the question you meant to ask was, "any tips on how to be a better person that more people will appreciate?" being a flirt isn't all that difficult, but what makes it difficult is that you end up with less than you started out with. what i mean is, being a flirt may get you so far, but after that, there is no substance to what you say or your actions. by being a genuine person who is not superficial or fake and definitely NOT a flirt, you will see that more people, guys and girls alike, will accept you for who you are. it also makes it easier for people to fall for the real you and not a second rate, fake version of you.
Q: there is this guy in the drama club that constantly flirts with me, but when i see him outside of drama club, he acts all haughty and arrogant. why is that? - via email
JAAG: well, let me start off by saying that maybe, just maybe, but don't hold this to me... that maybe he likes you. i take it that maybe he doesn't have that many of his manly guy friends in drama club, and when he is around them, he wants to show them who is boss and who is in charge in this so called 'relationship'. if you think that nah, he doesn't like me, then this guy is a big jerk. call him out on it when you see him in drama club. ask him what the deal is. if he acts all innocent but his alter ego comes out when he leaves the drama club walls, then you know that this guy is definitely not worth your time, and you should move onto the tenor in the club who can't get enough of reading Macbeth. good luck!
Q: How do i tell my boyfriend of three months that it's over? - via Twitter
JAAG: that always hurts, especially if he is the one that still believes in the relationship. I can't tell you how to break up with him, but I can offer some guidelines:
1) Be honest and to the point. It's hard enough for you and for him, so don't beat around the bush with it by trying to soften the blow. tell him nicely, but don't drag it on for the whole lunch hour. make it concise and then leave him alone so that he can absorb the information.
2) Privacy is the best policy. Even though you may need one of your girls for moral support, really, it's showing diesrespect to him. Pull him away from the group gently, and tell him what you need to say. and never do it in front of his friends.
3) NEVER DO THIS OVER EMAIL, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, OR TEXT. as hard as it might be, face to face not only brings you more merit and is more honest, it shows the guy that you are no chicken and you aren't backing out of this the easy way. a phone call is okay but not the best or the most respectful.
I hope these points help. good luck to you with this!
Q: I broke up with my boyfriend a month ago. Now everytime I see him, I think back to when we were together. Sometimes when we talk together I feel myself flirting with him! do you think it was wrong of me to break up with him in the first place? should I get back together with him? - via BloggerMail
JAAG: wow, two questions in one! firstly, congratulations to you and your ex for making things not as awkward and being able to carry a conversation with him despite your past. I can't tell you whether or not it was necessarily wrong of you to break up with him, it's all up to you. Maybe you catch yourself flirting with him because you know him and it's a comfortable spot that you relaxed back into. ask yourself why you broke up with him in the first place, and see if what he does, etc, still bothers you.
secondly, talk to him and be honest with him and yourself. tell him how you feel. If you both think that maybe it was a mistake, then maybe there is a chance for a second romance. i must warn you though: if you break up again, third time usually is not a charm in this case. you may be better off moving on after that point.
AIIGHTS. thanks again for all of your amazingly difficult but interesting questions! next post will definitely have more to be answered.
well, exam week has just ended. i have another exam tomorrow (sob sob sob!) but after that, it will be free fallling for me. as a matter of fact, I should be studying for that three hour test but NO, I'm answering your questions instead :) oh well. we have a music concert tonight! wish me luck, I have a jazz solo!
if i don't write back within the next couple weeks, I would like to personally wish you and yours a very happy holidays, a peaceful and relaxing Christmas and a prosperous New Year!
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Cheers to everyone in the New Year!
rachelrae xx
Well last post I promised some questions to be answered right? let's tackle them now, shall we? ...
Q: JAAG, there is this guy that is constantly hitting on me. the thing is, i like him but i really don't want to return the romance. any thoughts on how to get this guy off my back? - via Email
JAAG: LOL, that happens to us all at one point in time or another, myself included. what I can give you is that you should let things be. Don't be overly harsh just to tell him that he isn't worth your time, but at the same time, monitor your behaviour around him. Yes, YOUR behaviour. are you touchy feely with him a lot or maybe laugh at jokes that really aren't that funny that he says? if you are, you could be potentially leading him on for no apparent reason and no intention of dating him. Just be yourself and be natural, and hopefully things will go a lot more smoothly for you.
Q: any tips on how to be a better flirt? - via Twitter
JAAG: okay there. i think that the question you meant to ask was, "any tips on how to be a better person that more people will appreciate?" being a flirt isn't all that difficult, but what makes it difficult is that you end up with less than you started out with. what i mean is, being a flirt may get you so far, but after that, there is no substance to what you say or your actions. by being a genuine person who is not superficial or fake and definitely NOT a flirt, you will see that more people, guys and girls alike, will accept you for who you are. it also makes it easier for people to fall for the real you and not a second rate, fake version of you.
Q: there is this guy in the drama club that constantly flirts with me, but when i see him outside of drama club, he acts all haughty and arrogant. why is that? - via email
JAAG: well, let me start off by saying that maybe, just maybe, but don't hold this to me... that maybe he likes you. i take it that maybe he doesn't have that many of his manly guy friends in drama club, and when he is around them, he wants to show them who is boss and who is in charge in this so called 'relationship'. if you think that nah, he doesn't like me, then this guy is a big jerk. call him out on it when you see him in drama club. ask him what the deal is. if he acts all innocent but his alter ego comes out when he leaves the drama club walls, then you know that this guy is definitely not worth your time, and you should move onto the tenor in the club who can't get enough of reading Macbeth. good luck!
Q: How do i tell my boyfriend of three months that it's over? - via Twitter
JAAG: that always hurts, especially if he is the one that still believes in the relationship. I can't tell you how to break up with him, but I can offer some guidelines:
1) Be honest and to the point. It's hard enough for you and for him, so don't beat around the bush with it by trying to soften the blow. tell him nicely, but don't drag it on for the whole lunch hour. make it concise and then leave him alone so that he can absorb the information.
2) Privacy is the best policy. Even though you may need one of your girls for moral support, really, it's showing diesrespect to him. Pull him away from the group gently, and tell him what you need to say. and never do it in front of his friends.
3) NEVER DO THIS OVER EMAIL, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, OR TEXT. as hard as it might be, face to face not only brings you more merit and is more honest, it shows the guy that you are no chicken and you aren't backing out of this the easy way. a phone call is okay but not the best or the most respectful.
I hope these points help. good luck to you with this!
Q: I broke up with my boyfriend a month ago. Now everytime I see him, I think back to when we were together. Sometimes when we talk together I feel myself flirting with him! do you think it was wrong of me to break up with him in the first place? should I get back together with him? - via BloggerMail
JAAG: wow, two questions in one! firstly, congratulations to you and your ex for making things not as awkward and being able to carry a conversation with him despite your past. I can't tell you whether or not it was necessarily wrong of you to break up with him, it's all up to you. Maybe you catch yourself flirting with him because you know him and it's a comfortable spot that you relaxed back into. ask yourself why you broke up with him in the first place, and see if what he does, etc, still bothers you.
secondly, talk to him and be honest with him and yourself. tell him how you feel. If you both think that maybe it was a mistake, then maybe there is a chance for a second romance. i must warn you though: if you break up again, third time usually is not a charm in this case. you may be better off moving on after that point.
AIIGHTS. thanks again for all of your amazingly difficult but interesting questions! next post will definitely have more to be answered.
well, exam week has just ended. i have another exam tomorrow (sob sob sob!) but after that, it will be free fallling for me. as a matter of fact, I should be studying for that three hour test but NO, I'm answering your questions instead :) oh well. we have a music concert tonight! wish me luck, I have a jazz solo!
if i don't write back within the next couple weeks, I would like to personally wish you and yours a very happy holidays, a peaceful and relaxing Christmas and a prosperous New Year!
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Cheers to everyone in the New Year!
rachelrae xx
Thursday, November 24, 2011
what do you do when you can't answer some of the questions that you are asked?
that is the question that i asked myself when i was looking through my email inbox the other day. you all have such unique circumstances and interesting questions that sometimes, i feel like you should ask someone else and NOT ME!
of course, i really don't want to lose you guys. you are all cool and teach me new things about myself whenever i read your questions or comments :)
sometimes i think you guys have waaay too much on your mind. just breathe and you will be fine.
so anyways, why all the random banter? can it be because i haven't answered your questions yet?
yes, perhaps so :)
it's not like i don't want to, its because you people are crazy. and are quite random. but love you all the same!
also, today is Random Acts of Kindness day. go hug someonee for me, will ya? i already have ;)
love, and hopefully with some answers soon,
rachelrae xx
that is the question that i asked myself when i was looking through my email inbox the other day. you all have such unique circumstances and interesting questions that sometimes, i feel like you should ask someone else and NOT ME!
of course, i really don't want to lose you guys. you are all cool and teach me new things about myself whenever i read your questions or comments :)
sometimes i think you guys have waaay too much on your mind. just breathe and you will be fine.
so anyways, why all the random banter? can it be because i haven't answered your questions yet?
yes, perhaps so :)
it's not like i don't want to, its because you people are crazy. and are quite random. but love you all the same!
also, today is Random Acts of Kindness day. go hug someonee for me, will ya? i already have ;)
love, and hopefully with some answers soon,
rachelrae xx
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Hello universe. today's post will be a little different.. to be honest with all of you, I haven't checked my email or my Twitter for any questions. If you have a burning question, I'm sorry in advance... I have been so busy lately, but never fear... I promise, next post with be Q and A central :)
So, that is the classic childhood (and hey, maybe even now) question that most adults ask you when you just met them, you haven't seen them in a while or just to break the ice.
When I was three, I remember that my dream was to become a princess when I grew up.
Then, as I gained more knowledge, I realized that probably wasn't going to happen. At 7 I told people that I wanted to be a singer and sell millions of albums and do concerts worldwide.
I grew up and gained more knowledge. 12 years old: lawyer, hoping to get into Harvard.
Now I'm here. 15, and wanting to be a high school teacher. That, or be a successful journalist.
So why all the sudden thinking about this topic? Recently in my Planning 10 class I was given an assignment to investigate what schools offer a program that I could do to get my undergrad and possibly graduate degree in whatever profession/stream I chose.
One weekend, 10 hours, hundreds of webpages and thousands of Google searches later, I came up with two schools. And this is only for one profession (I had to investigate two professions... and btw, this project is worth 50 marks and heavily weighted... yikes.)
Basically, the question that everyone could answer without blinking when they were 5 is now the most difficult question to answer. This is our future we're talking about.
Another question would be what school you would like to go to. Harvard was my number one choice at 12 years old.
Now? It's looking more like Kwantlen or Langara for an undergrad degree. I would be laughing (and terribly lucky) if i got into UBC, SFU, or UVic or something like that.
I saw a really good school in Ottawa - Carleton University, that has an amazing journalism program. Now, there is a dream worth dreaming...
So yeah. This journey called 'life' has just gotten more complicated.
But I can't complain: life is good. My wonderful friend that is a boy who is more than what that reads is amazing. school is going well, family life is going well, and everything is splendid. Also, I have some of the best readers there are, so that's a bonus.
I was told today to value your childhood and teenage years. I think there is some important advice to heed :)
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Best of luck to my schools JV football team on their game tomorrow :)
Lots of love,
rachelrae xx
So, that is the classic childhood (and hey, maybe even now) question that most adults ask you when you just met them, you haven't seen them in a while or just to break the ice.
When I was three, I remember that my dream was to become a princess when I grew up.
Then, as I gained more knowledge, I realized that probably wasn't going to happen. At 7 I told people that I wanted to be a singer and sell millions of albums and do concerts worldwide.
I grew up and gained more knowledge. 12 years old: lawyer, hoping to get into Harvard.
Now I'm here. 15, and wanting to be a high school teacher. That, or be a successful journalist.
So why all the sudden thinking about this topic? Recently in my Planning 10 class I was given an assignment to investigate what schools offer a program that I could do to get my undergrad and possibly graduate degree in whatever profession/stream I chose.
One weekend, 10 hours, hundreds of webpages and thousands of Google searches later, I came up with two schools. And this is only for one profession (I had to investigate two professions... and btw, this project is worth 50 marks and heavily weighted... yikes.)
Basically, the question that everyone could answer without blinking when they were 5 is now the most difficult question to answer. This is our future we're talking about.
Another question would be what school you would like to go to. Harvard was my number one choice at 12 years old.
Now? It's looking more like Kwantlen or Langara for an undergrad degree. I would be laughing (and terribly lucky) if i got into UBC, SFU, or UVic or something like that.
I saw a really good school in Ottawa - Carleton University, that has an amazing journalism program. Now, there is a dream worth dreaming...
So yeah. This journey called 'life' has just gotten more complicated.
But I can't complain: life is good. My wonderful friend that is a boy who is more than what that reads is amazing. school is going well, family life is going well, and everything is splendid. Also, I have some of the best readers there are, so that's a bonus.
I was told today to value your childhood and teenage years. I think there is some important advice to heed :)
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Best of luck to my schools JV football team on their game tomorrow :)
Lots of love,
rachelrae xx
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Thanks to all your awesome comments and ideas! :)
if you haven't noticed i seem to have a lot of time on my hands. this is probably why i am posting so regularly time and time again now (: but it's good! i get to reach out to all you lovely people.
so when i asked you all the question (that i posted, i believe, two posts ago?) i asked what you all thought about the whole situation. i got a lot of response, mostly through email etc.. some of it was pretty darn good, and i think that some of you could be better than me at this job. who wants to take over? :P
some of the stuff was quite insightful. also, for privacy, i will leave it all anonymous... but thank you, whoever you are, for all this new insight!
"Let time take it's course and see where you two end up. Who knows, you might end up marrying him... or marrying your current bf." - via Twitter
"I don't think that you should let him off the hook so easily. Don't bottle up the emotions inside! Tell him how you feel, but be impartial.. I have a feeling that the friendship you two share is too good to give away!" - via email
"Tell him off and tell him to get lost. He's not worth it!" - via email
"Is it okay if I smack him for you? You're too good of a blogger to let someone like him weigh you down!" - via email
"Who knows? Your paths might cross again." - via Twitter
"If he is too finicky then and now and can't make his mind up, watch out world: this guy is a player!" - via Twitter
"You should both set aside your feelings and try to mend your friendship. Right now, I'm getting the vibe that he really needs a friend."
"His friendship isn't worth your time. You can do so much better, and now, especially that you have a boyfriend... MAKE HIM SUFFER!!!!!" - via email
LOL, everyone. these are only a few of what i got from all of you. i posted these ones because they were insightful, my favourite or made me laugh. some of them were quite sweet, but you all are just like me: very, very undivided in terms of where to go with my friendship with him. the first one though was very very wise, however: "Let time take it's course". i think i found a winner, ladies and gentlemen. the JAAG will now let the universe take hold of the situation.
the last one that i put there, about the suffering, made me laugh the hardest. also, cheers to the person that said that my tweets to my boyfriend were 'cute'. ;)
this is a random song that i started listening to, entitled "Diary of Jane" by Breaking Benjamin. it's hard core rock and i like it very much :)
well that's it from me :) STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! i pray that no one got any cavities from excessive candy snacking last night? ;)
love from the world wide web and beyond,
rachelrae xx
so when i asked you all the question (that i posted, i believe, two posts ago?) i asked what you all thought about the whole situation. i got a lot of response, mostly through email etc.. some of it was pretty darn good, and i think that some of you could be better than me at this job. who wants to take over? :P
some of the stuff was quite insightful. also, for privacy, i will leave it all anonymous... but thank you, whoever you are, for all this new insight!
"Let time take it's course and see where you two end up. Who knows, you might end up marrying him... or marrying your current bf." - via Twitter
"I don't think that you should let him off the hook so easily. Don't bottle up the emotions inside! Tell him how you feel, but be impartial.. I have a feeling that the friendship you two share is too good to give away!" - via email
"Tell him off and tell him to get lost. He's not worth it!" - via email
"Is it okay if I smack him for you? You're too good of a blogger to let someone like him weigh you down!" - via email
"Who knows? Your paths might cross again." - via Twitter
"If he is too finicky then and now and can't make his mind up, watch out world: this guy is a player!" - via Twitter
"You should both set aside your feelings and try to mend your friendship. Right now, I'm getting the vibe that he really needs a friend."
"His friendship isn't worth your time. You can do so much better, and now, especially that you have a boyfriend... MAKE HIM SUFFER!!!!!" - via email
LOL, everyone. these are only a few of what i got from all of you. i posted these ones because they were insightful, my favourite or made me laugh. some of them were quite sweet, but you all are just like me: very, very undivided in terms of where to go with my friendship with him. the first one though was very very wise, however: "Let time take it's course". i think i found a winner, ladies and gentlemen. the JAAG will now let the universe take hold of the situation.
the last one that i put there, about the suffering, made me laugh the hardest. also, cheers to the person that said that my tweets to my boyfriend were 'cute'. ;)
this is a random song that i started listening to, entitled "Diary of Jane" by Breaking Benjamin. it's hard core rock and i like it very much :)
well that's it from me :) STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! i pray that no one got any cavities from excessive candy snacking last night? ;)
love from the world wide web and beyond,
rachelrae xx
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!
Hey everyone! LOL sorry, i know i said that the next post i would post all your comments on how cute, thoughtful and amazing you all are.. but this is an extra EXTRA quickie post...
... to wish you all a safe and fun Halloween! someone out there eat a Oh Henry for me, will ya? :)
next time around i definitely DEFINITELY will post all your awesome suggestions! something to think about: forgiveness is something that we should do always, no matter how big the problem is. do you think i should forgive and forget this boy after everything he has done to me?
continue the discussion on Twitter @JAAG143
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! peace out... i'm currently not wearing my Paper Bag Princess (Robert Munsch, HOLLA!) but i'm still somewhat in the spirit.... sort of ;)
love and candy highs,
rachelrae xx
... to wish you all a safe and fun Halloween! someone out there eat a Oh Henry for me, will ya? :)
next time around i definitely DEFINITELY will post all your awesome suggestions! something to think about: forgiveness is something that we should do always, no matter how big the problem is. do you think i should forgive and forget this boy after everything he has done to me?
continue the discussion on Twitter @JAAG143
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! peace out... i'm currently not wearing my Paper Bag Princess (Robert Munsch, HOLLA!) but i'm still somewhat in the spirit.... sort of ;)
love and candy highs,
rachelrae xx
Thursday, October 27, 2011
quickie post :) - emotion: :\
i don't have that much time today, so i will post a short and sweet ish post :) oh, and no questions answered today and neither will i show you how much response i have gotten to my last post! you are all regular JAAGs, my lovelies <3
today was an interesting day. it started off wonderfully. but anyone's life can change in an instant - something happens, someone says something, people reacting to people, etc.
my life changed like that today.
you know, it's one of those days when you do something once. then people want you to do it again, so that they can 1) see you do it an just feel so happy and 2) know that they have some sort of power over you.
i'm not the type of person that let's people push me around.. besides, i know what i have done. in this instance, i told him goodbye (not forever - just for the time being until i see him the following day)
but what happens when all of a sudden, past memories, past, not so good memories, flood back into your mind and you realize this could be the last time you see his face, his sweet smile, hear his voice and have him wrap you in his strong arms again?
i don't personally have anything against sports, but people do get injured. football is no exception. i lost a dear friend to football, and while he is in a better place, sometimes i wish i can pick up the phone just to hear his voice again. but it's too late now - he's gone, watching over me like he always said he would.
then we come back to today. i'm standing there, wondering if i really should have done something to make myself known. maybe i should have run up to him and put my arms around him once more. maybe i should have told him good bye again and risk sounding redundant.
we all make choices, and even the tiny ones affect us one way or another. this one, for some reason, hit me hard.
so there i am, kind of broken hearted and tear stained. not because of what anyone said, but because of what i didn't say.
i want to say that i'm sorry. i really wish that i didn't blow my chances. i want to know that he'll be alright, and that when i call his number, he'll be on the other end, smiling and making me smile.
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE. if you want to say something to anyone, especially something from the heart, say it before it's too late. hopefully i didn't make a mistake this time, because if i did, i don't get another chance. i hope you all take this to heart and remember (: good luck to the boys - do well, win, and stay safe.
love from your troubled blogger,
rachelrae xx
today was an interesting day. it started off wonderfully. but anyone's life can change in an instant - something happens, someone says something, people reacting to people, etc.
my life changed like that today.
you know, it's one of those days when you do something once. then people want you to do it again, so that they can 1) see you do it an just feel so happy and 2) know that they have some sort of power over you.
i'm not the type of person that let's people push me around.. besides, i know what i have done. in this instance, i told him goodbye (not forever - just for the time being until i see him the following day)
but what happens when all of a sudden, past memories, past, not so good memories, flood back into your mind and you realize this could be the last time you see his face, his sweet smile, hear his voice and have him wrap you in his strong arms again?
i don't personally have anything against sports, but people do get injured. football is no exception. i lost a dear friend to football, and while he is in a better place, sometimes i wish i can pick up the phone just to hear his voice again. but it's too late now - he's gone, watching over me like he always said he would.
then we come back to today. i'm standing there, wondering if i really should have done something to make myself known. maybe i should have run up to him and put my arms around him once more. maybe i should have told him good bye again and risk sounding redundant.
we all make choices, and even the tiny ones affect us one way or another. this one, for some reason, hit me hard.
so there i am, kind of broken hearted and tear stained. not because of what anyone said, but because of what i didn't say.
i want to say that i'm sorry. i really wish that i didn't blow my chances. i want to know that he'll be alright, and that when i call his number, he'll be on the other end, smiling and making me smile.
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE. if you want to say something to anyone, especially something from the heart, say it before it's too late. hopefully i didn't make a mistake this time, because if i did, i don't get another chance. i hope you all take this to heart and remember (: good luck to the boys - do well, win, and stay safe.
love from your troubled blogger,
rachelrae xx
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
what did you expect?...5 more questions answered :)
Hello again world wide web. it is your favourite asian here, answering some more questions. also, thanks to everyone for the well wishes in response to my treatment! everything is going quite well, and today my doctor told me that if everything continues to go as planned, i should be able to end treatment earlier than expected! :) cheers to that!
So yes, there has been a mass response to the new Twitter account - thanks for all your questions! Here are 5 more that i thought i should answer... and let me tell you, they are getting better and tougher than ever before!
1. What is the number one thing i shouldn't tell my girlfriend? she wanted me to start being honest with her. is there anything i shouldn't tell her.. even though she made me swear to be honest? -via Twitter
JAAG: this is a toughie, my friend. what do you tell and what do you not tell? if she asks for specifics (ie have you ever lost your virgnity to someone?) and it will affect you both if you lie, then i guess you should tell her the truth. after all, she deserves to know. wouldn't you want to know that your new gf/bf is not a virgin while you are?
also, i would stay away from topics concerning your ex. it is touchy territory. if she wants to tell you about her experiences, then be a good listener. but don't pry into her life... especially if you know the relationship ended badly. let her come to you if she wants to talk... and stay honest about most things!
2. my girlfriend is obsessed with her looks, and even though i constantly tell her she's beautiful, she refuses to agree. how can i tell her that she is? -via Twitter
JAAG: let me tell you now, it's not your fault that she is reacting this way. i can tell you from experience: as a girl, we usually don't come on as arrogant in terms of looks. heck, even if a girl says to us 'oh, your hair looks good today!' or 'you look so good in that outfit', 8 times out of 10, we will say something along the lines of 'nahh.. that's not true' because we are so emotional and we always have our guard up. now, when a boy comes along and says so, the first couple seconds (ESPECIALLY if we have a crush on you) we will be flattered... but then we'll brush the thought aside, just in case you don't actually mean it. from the boys i talked to, most of the time, especially if you like us back, you do mean it. LEGIT. try writing her a letter and tell her how you feel. be honest and concise and straight to the point. and that is very sweet of you to say that to her! :)
3. my ex and his new girlfriend showed up at a party that i was at and all of a sudden i felt kind of jealous. how can i push those jealous feelings away? -via BloggerMail
JAAG: the former flame, and you being thrown back into it. well, if you broke up with him, why did you break up with the guy in the first place? let that be a reminder to you on why you decided to end things. there is no need for you to feel jealous because you are moving on to bigger and better things. of course, easier said than done, but try to remember this: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, AND YOU DON'T NEED PEOPLE LIKE HIM TO BRING YOU DOWN.
now, if you are the one that was broken up with, i can see how you might be jealous. you want to know what she has that you don't. don't feel that way... just remember what i put in all caps up above ^^ and you will be just fine. one day you will find a boy that will accept you for what you are worth.
4. there are two boys that i like, and i sorta told both of them at the same time that i liked them both... so now i'm secretly dating both of them at the same time (thank goodness they go to different schools!) this is getting out of hand i need to know how to pull out of this. how can i do this and keep the friendship going? -via Twitter
JAAG: now this is a situation you should avoid at all possible costs. i'm sorry if this comes across as blunt, but there really isn't anyway for you to hold these friendships together, unless one of them is really, REALLY understanding.
to pull out of this situation, i would first suggest you talking to both of them; separately, of course. tell them what happened and that you are sorry. most times, this would end in both guys getting mad and the girl being left with no one. while that is the most likely and the most hurtful outcome, remember that you hurt them too by going out behind their backs. i hope that one of them is really understanding, but if not, now you know what not to do in the future. start off with being friends with everyone first... and then see where it goes.
5. i have a boyfriend, but recently i've felt more aattracted to girls. what am i going to do? -via email
JAAG: this is an interesting one. of course, i am no expert... but here's what i can offer. teenage life is a very tricky and confusing time. for all you know, this could be a phase... or maybe, this could be an indication to you that things between you and your boyfriend are going to fast, but you don't want to admit it (meaning: you don't really like girls, but you have this as a distraction/excuse typ of thing.)
if you feel that this relationship you are in now is going too fast, talk to your boyfriend about it. maybe you and him can come up with a common gorund. but under all circumstances, especially since you aren't totally sure yet, don't tell him about your feelings towards girls.
now, if you really, REALLY feel that you are truly attracted to girls, then i would suggest you looking into this. do some resaearch, maybe reading a couple reliable sources and see if you match the description. when you are ready, tell a trusted adult. if you aren't comfortable telling osmeone you know, call a help line. these are people that are trained to answer your questions. they can help you get answers and guide you to telling someone you trust.
best of luck!
okay. as you can tell, these are very complicated questions and very complex answers. you all definitely made me think through what i wanted to say! :) thanks again for trusting me with your lives... i try the best i can to help, so with regards to the five people that asked the five above questions... good luck to you all with what you are going through.
wow, under a week until halloween. what are you all dressing up as? mine is a surprise... and i will tell you all when i post again (hopefully right after my halloween candy hangover) ;)\\
This is a new song that i'm kinda obsessed with by David Archuleta - "Good Place". it's such a sweet song.
now, i have a question for you, fellow readers. i'm kinda in a relationship now, but there is a guy who likes me and isn't really pestering me, but the silence between us tells me that something is up. and that bugs me even more. what should i do? it's you guy's turn to play JAAG, my friends. tweet me at or you can email me too :) next time around i will post all the great @replies that I get! thanks, and good luck!
so yes, that wraps up another blogging session. i can't believe i have been blogging for half an hour while my guy is outside playing football. let me tell you now: he is definitely a thousand times more fit than i am. i'm okay. i suck at sports though... but i am a whiz at typing! and wasting time too...
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE. peace out to all of you, stay safe and eat tons of candy on Halloween for me, aiights? ;)
love and such from your favourite Asian,
rachelrae xx
So yes, there has been a mass response to the new Twitter account - thanks for all your questions! Here are 5 more that i thought i should answer... and let me tell you, they are getting better and tougher than ever before!
1. What is the number one thing i shouldn't tell my girlfriend? she wanted me to start being honest with her. is there anything i shouldn't tell her.. even though she made me swear to be honest? -via Twitter
JAAG: this is a toughie, my friend. what do you tell and what do you not tell? if she asks for specifics (ie have you ever lost your virgnity to someone?) and it will affect you both if you lie, then i guess you should tell her the truth. after all, she deserves to know. wouldn't you want to know that your new gf/bf is not a virgin while you are?
also, i would stay away from topics concerning your ex. it is touchy territory. if she wants to tell you about her experiences, then be a good listener. but don't pry into her life... especially if you know the relationship ended badly. let her come to you if she wants to talk... and stay honest about most things!
2. my girlfriend is obsessed with her looks, and even though i constantly tell her she's beautiful, she refuses to agree. how can i tell her that she is? -via Twitter
JAAG: let me tell you now, it's not your fault that she is reacting this way. i can tell you from experience: as a girl, we usually don't come on as arrogant in terms of looks. heck, even if a girl says to us 'oh, your hair looks good today!' or 'you look so good in that outfit', 8 times out of 10, we will say something along the lines of 'nahh.. that's not true' because we are so emotional and we always have our guard up. now, when a boy comes along and says so, the first couple seconds (ESPECIALLY if we have a crush on you) we will be flattered... but then we'll brush the thought aside, just in case you don't actually mean it. from the boys i talked to, most of the time, especially if you like us back, you do mean it. LEGIT. try writing her a letter and tell her how you feel. be honest and concise and straight to the point. and that is very sweet of you to say that to her! :)
3. my ex and his new girlfriend showed up at a party that i was at and all of a sudden i felt kind of jealous. how can i push those jealous feelings away? -via BloggerMail
JAAG: the former flame, and you being thrown back into it. well, if you broke up with him, why did you break up with the guy in the first place? let that be a reminder to you on why you decided to end things. there is no need for you to feel jealous because you are moving on to bigger and better things. of course, easier said than done, but try to remember this: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, AND YOU DON'T NEED PEOPLE LIKE HIM TO BRING YOU DOWN.
now, if you are the one that was broken up with, i can see how you might be jealous. you want to know what she has that you don't. don't feel that way... just remember what i put in all caps up above ^^ and you will be just fine. one day you will find a boy that will accept you for what you are worth.
4. there are two boys that i like, and i sorta told both of them at the same time that i liked them both... so now i'm secretly dating both of them at the same time (thank goodness they go to different schools!) this is getting out of hand i need to know how to pull out of this. how can i do this and keep the friendship going? -via Twitter
JAAG: now this is a situation you should avoid at all possible costs. i'm sorry if this comes across as blunt, but there really isn't anyway for you to hold these friendships together, unless one of them is really, REALLY understanding.
to pull out of this situation, i would first suggest you talking to both of them; separately, of course. tell them what happened and that you are sorry. most times, this would end in both guys getting mad and the girl being left with no one. while that is the most likely and the most hurtful outcome, remember that you hurt them too by going out behind their backs. i hope that one of them is really understanding, but if not, now you know what not to do in the future. start off with being friends with everyone first... and then see where it goes.
5. i have a boyfriend, but recently i've felt more aattracted to girls. what am i going to do? -via email
JAAG: this is an interesting one. of course, i am no expert... but here's what i can offer. teenage life is a very tricky and confusing time. for all you know, this could be a phase... or maybe, this could be an indication to you that things between you and your boyfriend are going to fast, but you don't want to admit it (meaning: you don't really like girls, but you have this as a distraction/excuse typ of thing.)
if you feel that this relationship you are in now is going too fast, talk to your boyfriend about it. maybe you and him can come up with a common gorund. but under all circumstances, especially since you aren't totally sure yet, don't tell him about your feelings towards girls.
now, if you really, REALLY feel that you are truly attracted to girls, then i would suggest you looking into this. do some resaearch, maybe reading a couple reliable sources and see if you match the description. when you are ready, tell a trusted adult. if you aren't comfortable telling osmeone you know, call a help line. these are people that are trained to answer your questions. they can help you get answers and guide you to telling someone you trust.
best of luck!
okay. as you can tell, these are very complicated questions and very complex answers. you all definitely made me think through what i wanted to say! :) thanks again for trusting me with your lives... i try the best i can to help, so with regards to the five people that asked the five above questions... good luck to you all with what you are going through.
wow, under a week until halloween. what are you all dressing up as? mine is a surprise... and i will tell you all when i post again (hopefully right after my halloween candy hangover) ;)\\
This is a new song that i'm kinda obsessed with by David Archuleta - "Good Place". it's such a sweet song.
now, i have a question for you, fellow readers. i'm kinda in a relationship now, but there is a guy who likes me and isn't really pestering me, but the silence between us tells me that something is up. and that bugs me even more. what should i do? it's you guy's turn to play JAAG, my friends. tweet me at or you can email me too :) next time around i will post all the great @replies that I get! thanks, and good luck!
so yes, that wraps up another blogging session. i can't believe i have been blogging for half an hour while my guy is outside playing football. let me tell you now: he is definitely a thousand times more fit than i am. i'm okay. i suck at sports though... but i am a whiz at typing! and wasting time too...
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE. peace out to all of you, stay safe and eat tons of candy on Halloween for me, aiights? ;)
love and such from your favourite Asian,
rachelrae xx
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Okay, let's get straight down to it. I chose the first three questions from my email and this is what happened:
1. I think that I am bi, but I have a girlfriend. what am I gonna do with her?
JAAG: this is way outta my zone, kid. in my little brain, i would hope that you are just being yourself and not changing anything about you, because anything that's less about you ISN'T you, if you know what i mean (:
I guess the truth would be the best mode of action in this circumstance. tell her how you feel and how things have changed.. of course, be sure that you realize that while this truth may be liberating for you, but it might come as a shock to her. be careful with what you do and go about this gently. good luck, and good on you!
2. My parents hate my boyfriend, even though he is nice and polite and everything! i invited him over for dinner and he said yes without any hesitation... so what's wrong with them?
JAAG: hmm, this is quite an interesting one. usually parents are quite thrilled when they are let into such an intimate and personal part of your life. think about it this way: have your parents been the type to be more cautious with things (i.e. perhaps they started to let you go out on your own when you were much older.. and this happened after a heated debate?) and are more uptight. you could say that they aren't used to this new found 'independence' that you have been given, and maybe they feel that they are losing touch with you. TALK TO THEM! include them in your life, tell them that you can't live without them, and ask them what their thoughts are on your new boy. ultimately, the decision is up to you. this guy sounds pretty safe to me.. so work on your parents and hopefully, you'll have the fairytale relationship you always wanted!
3. My girlfriend and I have been going out for several months now. We have our one year coming up soon and I feel like things aren't going as awesome as they used to. what can i do to make things way hotter?
JAAG: Congrats to you and your girl for making it to your 1 year! that's pretty darn special and she must be a very awesome girl, and likewise, you must be a very awesome boyfriend!
how can you make things way 'hotter'? i guess try something new. do you always do the same thing with her time and time again? maybe try and switch it up: if your thing is to watch a movie and have dinner, then maybe try getting a portable DVD player and making a picnic under the stars out of it. Or, try something new and spontaneous: canoeing, hiking, etc... go out of yours and her comfort zone. Best of luck to you both!
lalala, happy halfway through October! I still can't believe that it's halfway through October :)
school is going great, family stuff is well as well, music is outstanding, health is going well .. thanks again for all your well wishes! and of course, love is fabulous. i have the most amazing person in the whole world and i am very blessed to call him my own (:
I am also pleased to announce that from now on, you can shoot your Q's to the OFFICIAL JAAG twitter account. here you go now, and i guarantee it'll be hella easier to shoot your Q's :
so yeah, STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! peace out.. and Halloween is coming soon! get high on candy! :P
rachelrae xx
1. I think that I am bi, but I have a girlfriend. what am I gonna do with her?
JAAG: this is way outta my zone, kid. in my little brain, i would hope that you are just being yourself and not changing anything about you, because anything that's less about you ISN'T you, if you know what i mean (:
I guess the truth would be the best mode of action in this circumstance. tell her how you feel and how things have changed.. of course, be sure that you realize that while this truth may be liberating for you, but it might come as a shock to her. be careful with what you do and go about this gently. good luck, and good on you!
2. My parents hate my boyfriend, even though he is nice and polite and everything! i invited him over for dinner and he said yes without any hesitation... so what's wrong with them?
JAAG: hmm, this is quite an interesting one. usually parents are quite thrilled when they are let into such an intimate and personal part of your life. think about it this way: have your parents been the type to be more cautious with things (i.e. perhaps they started to let you go out on your own when you were much older.. and this happened after a heated debate?) and are more uptight. you could say that they aren't used to this new found 'independence' that you have been given, and maybe they feel that they are losing touch with you. TALK TO THEM! include them in your life, tell them that you can't live without them, and ask them what their thoughts are on your new boy. ultimately, the decision is up to you. this guy sounds pretty safe to me.. so work on your parents and hopefully, you'll have the fairytale relationship you always wanted!
3. My girlfriend and I have been going out for several months now. We have our one year coming up soon and I feel like things aren't going as awesome as they used to. what can i do to make things way hotter?
JAAG: Congrats to you and your girl for making it to your 1 year! that's pretty darn special and she must be a very awesome girl, and likewise, you must be a very awesome boyfriend!
how can you make things way 'hotter'? i guess try something new. do you always do the same thing with her time and time again? maybe try and switch it up: if your thing is to watch a movie and have dinner, then maybe try getting a portable DVD player and making a picnic under the stars out of it. Or, try something new and spontaneous: canoeing, hiking, etc... go out of yours and her comfort zone. Best of luck to you both!
lalala, happy halfway through October! I still can't believe that it's halfway through October :)
school is going great, family stuff is well as well, music is outstanding, health is going well .. thanks again for all your well wishes! and of course, love is fabulous. i have the most amazing person in the whole world and i am very blessed to call him my own (:
I am also pleased to announce that from now on, you can shoot your Q's to the OFFICIAL JAAG twitter account. here you go now, and i guarantee it'll be hella easier to shoot your Q's :
so yeah, STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! peace out.. and Halloween is coming soon! get high on candy! :P
rachelrae xx
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving long weekend everyone! I am truly blessed to have such an amazing and loving God, first and foremost, such amazing family and friends and teachers and people that help me through everything. To be alive, most of all, is a blessing in itself. Also, thank you to all of you! All your questions are very interesting, shall we say, and it makes me really think about things. :)
Today will not be a question answering day (awwww...) but rather a random comment day. It is a big blessing to find out that I am actually of some help to you guys! This is from a email, and it really makes me feel special. i have a name but no idea who this person is, but thank you to this person anyways!
Here we go... This is from Sadie:
"Thank you so much for everything you have said to me! I finally got over my ex, and now I am living my life better than ever. Thanks for all your encouraging words and all your inspirational posts! Keep rocking on!"
aww. i feel really amazing now. thank you thank you thank you!
Also, i'd like to take this opportunity, since it is thanksgiving weekend and all, to personally thank everyone for their well wishes concerning my health. it is so awesome to have complete strangers telling me that they are praying for me and stuff like that. Treatment starts this coming week and will go for about 6-8 weeks, depending on how responsive my system is. This treatment bout will determine whether or not i will do another set of test and treatments in the new year.
so once again (i feel like a broken record, but still. you guys are so awesome, and it's THANKSGIVING!) thank you for reading my blog, asking questions, commenting, your follows, and your well wishes.
I hope that you and your family and close ones have an amazing thanksgiving weekend. eat a lot of turkey for me, kayys? :)
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE. even though it is Thanksgiving weekend, i should get started on my homework and stop procrastinating. as always, keep your questions coming, and the next time i post i will FOR SURE answer another 5. Thanks so much, everyone! <3
Love Etc,
rachelrae xx
Today will not be a question answering day (awwww...) but rather a random comment day. It is a big blessing to find out that I am actually of some help to you guys! This is from a email, and it really makes me feel special. i have a name but no idea who this person is, but thank you to this person anyways!
Here we go... This is from Sadie:
"Thank you so much for everything you have said to me! I finally got over my ex, and now I am living my life better than ever. Thanks for all your encouraging words and all your inspirational posts! Keep rocking on!"
aww. i feel really amazing now. thank you thank you thank you!
Also, i'd like to take this opportunity, since it is thanksgiving weekend and all, to personally thank everyone for their well wishes concerning my health. it is so awesome to have complete strangers telling me that they are praying for me and stuff like that. Treatment starts this coming week and will go for about 6-8 weeks, depending on how responsive my system is. This treatment bout will determine whether or not i will do another set of test and treatments in the new year.
so once again (i feel like a broken record, but still. you guys are so awesome, and it's THANKSGIVING!) thank you for reading my blog, asking questions, commenting, your follows, and your well wishes.
I hope that you and your family and close ones have an amazing thanksgiving weekend. eat a lot of turkey for me, kayys? :)
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE. even though it is Thanksgiving weekend, i should get started on my homework and stop procrastinating. as always, keep your questions coming, and the next time i post i will FOR SURE answer another 5. Thanks so much, everyone! <3
Love Etc,
rachelrae xx
Friday, September 23, 2011
more questions to be answered... here we go again. :)
What's cracking, virtual world. my vocal cords are strained from an already sorta/kinda sick throat ish thing and from a pep rally that ended.. hmm, 5 minutes ago? note to self; pep rallies are super loud. but i knew that already.. and not to be a downer or anything, but pep rallies do not in any way, shape or form conjure up any school spirit within me. besides, i don't even follow football. i don't get it.
so yeah. there are some more questions that you guys sent in for me:.. let's do this right, shall we? :)
Q: is it possible to have feelings for someone younger than you? - via Twitter DM
JAAG: is it possible for you to not have feelings in general? i don't quite understand your question, but if you are flat out asking if it is possible for one to have feelings, then yeah.. everyone gets them. even me.
now, if you are referring to falling in love with someone younger, then i guess that is normal too. i mean, if a person is attractive, then why not? if you go deeper and say that this person is smart/funny/intelligent/WHATEVER then yeah.. go for it.
Q: When is it the right time to introduce my girlfriend to my parents? - via email
JAAG: now this is the making of a true man. good on your part for wanting your parents to be involved in this relationship and not hiding it from them! if your girlfriend is comfortable with it, then i guess you should start by asking your parents' permission first. tell them that you would like them to meet your girlfriend, and that you would like to ask their permission for her to come over to your house for dinner. now, on your girlfriend's part, here are some things to look out for:
1. if your girlfriend dismisses the idea of meeting your parents or doesn't want to, then that should be a red flag.
2. ask her if you can meet her parents. if, again, she says no to that option, then that should be another warning flag: she doesn't want you to interfere with her family life, which is never a good thing. make careful decisions, and good luck!
Q: my girlfriend has been sneaking around behind my back, and i know because i saw her with another guy on the football team. what should i do? -via Twitter DM
JAAG: oh, the horrors of cheating. my advice is that you should be upfront and honest with her: ask her what's up, discreetly. has she made any new friends that she would like you to meet? maybe it was a complete misunderstanding? before you go all out and mad at her, ask her. who's the guy? be honest with her and tell her what you saw. if she denies everything or tries to avoid the topic, a warning bell should go off in your head. listen to your head and follow your heart. if you think that, after all has been said and done, that something is still wrong, consider this an easy way out.
Q: how do i pull the plug on my relationship.. carefully and easily? - via BloggerMail
JAAG: honestly, there is never really an easy way to pull the plug on any type of romantic relationships. it's difficult enough as it is, so i would go with HONESTY. pull this person aside, privately, and explain your thinking. tell him/her that it's not quite working out and that you would like to say friends. the faster you do this the better, just so that there is no underlying resentment towards the person. and of course, NEVER do this over email, text or facebook. a phone call is borderline bad... but it's your call.
Q: my boyfriend denies that he has been hitting on my sister, but everytime they are in a room together it's almost as if i don't exist. what should i do? (ps- my sister is two year younger.) - via Twitter DM
JAAG: ouch, that always hurts but it seems to be a rucurrent theme: a guy and a girl get together, and all of a sudden.. the guy is coming over to your house not to hang out with you, but to hang out with your sister. first, i'm sorry to here that. that must be tough. i guess the best thing to do would be to ask him if he likes your sister.. which you seem to have done, judging by the fact that you say he 'denies' it every time. feelings change constantly, and what he has to realize is that while he has these feelings, he decided to be with YOU in the first place, not her. tell him that you are feeling kind of left out, and ask him why he he's doing this instead of telling him that you see him doing this. if this doesn't workout, you should also try talking to your sister. maybe she can be the one that influences him into stopping this madness. if this all fails, however, please please PLEASE remember that you are beautiful and that you deserve the best and nothing less! :)
okay that's enough. you guys' questions are getting way more difficult. my head is just hurting just rereading some of them! :) of course i am happy to answer them, though. keep them coming, and remember that yo uare all beautiful! :)
so yeah it's time for me to leave now. i am actaully doing this in the school library... so yeah. STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! peace, and have an awesome weekend! :)
rachelrae xx
so yeah. there are some more questions that you guys sent in for me:.. let's do this right, shall we? :)
Q: is it possible to have feelings for someone younger than you? - via Twitter DM
JAAG: is it possible for you to not have feelings in general? i don't quite understand your question, but if you are flat out asking if it is possible for one to have feelings, then yeah.. everyone gets them. even me.
now, if you are referring to falling in love with someone younger, then i guess that is normal too. i mean, if a person is attractive, then why not? if you go deeper and say that this person is smart/funny/intelligent/WHATEVER then yeah.. go for it.
Q: When is it the right time to introduce my girlfriend to my parents? - via email
JAAG: now this is the making of a true man. good on your part for wanting your parents to be involved in this relationship and not hiding it from them! if your girlfriend is comfortable with it, then i guess you should start by asking your parents' permission first. tell them that you would like them to meet your girlfriend, and that you would like to ask their permission for her to come over to your house for dinner. now, on your girlfriend's part, here are some things to look out for:
1. if your girlfriend dismisses the idea of meeting your parents or doesn't want to, then that should be a red flag.
2. ask her if you can meet her parents. if, again, she says no to that option, then that should be another warning flag: she doesn't want you to interfere with her family life, which is never a good thing. make careful decisions, and good luck!
Q: my girlfriend has been sneaking around behind my back, and i know because i saw her with another guy on the football team. what should i do? -via Twitter DM
JAAG: oh, the horrors of cheating. my advice is that you should be upfront and honest with her: ask her what's up, discreetly. has she made any new friends that she would like you to meet? maybe it was a complete misunderstanding? before you go all out and mad at her, ask her. who's the guy? be honest with her and tell her what you saw. if she denies everything or tries to avoid the topic, a warning bell should go off in your head. listen to your head and follow your heart. if you think that, after all has been said and done, that something is still wrong, consider this an easy way out.
Q: how do i pull the plug on my relationship.. carefully and easily? - via BloggerMail
JAAG: honestly, there is never really an easy way to pull the plug on any type of romantic relationships. it's difficult enough as it is, so i would go with HONESTY. pull this person aside, privately, and explain your thinking. tell him/her that it's not quite working out and that you would like to say friends. the faster you do this the better, just so that there is no underlying resentment towards the person. and of course, NEVER do this over email, text or facebook. a phone call is borderline bad... but it's your call.
Q: my boyfriend denies that he has been hitting on my sister, but everytime they are in a room together it's almost as if i don't exist. what should i do? (ps- my sister is two year younger.) - via Twitter DM
JAAG: ouch, that always hurts but it seems to be a rucurrent theme: a guy and a girl get together, and all of a sudden.. the guy is coming over to your house not to hang out with you, but to hang out with your sister. first, i'm sorry to here that. that must be tough. i guess the best thing to do would be to ask him if he likes your sister.. which you seem to have done, judging by the fact that you say he 'denies' it every time. feelings change constantly, and what he has to realize is that while he has these feelings, he decided to be with YOU in the first place, not her. tell him that you are feeling kind of left out, and ask him why he he's doing this instead of telling him that you see him doing this. if this doesn't workout, you should also try talking to your sister. maybe she can be the one that influences him into stopping this madness. if this all fails, however, please please PLEASE remember that you are beautiful and that you deserve the best and nothing less! :)
okay that's enough. you guys' questions are getting way more difficult. my head is just hurting just rereading some of them! :) of course i am happy to answer them, though. keep them coming, and remember that yo uare all beautiful! :)
so yeah it's time for me to leave now. i am actaully doing this in the school library... so yeah. STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! peace, and have an awesome weekend! :)
rachelrae xx
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
five more questions answered. enjoy :)
So there have been people literally breathing down my back for me to answer their questions. seriously. to avoid any further spam (jokes) i would like to dedicate this post to answering as many questions as i can... well, i'll try.
1. how do i tell a girl to back off.. wrong words. um, how do i tell her that i'm not interested? -via Twitter
JAAG: ouch, this is a hard one. if it were up to me to do this, i would tell her the truth. not cut corners, no shortcuts. this is already unpleasant for the both of you, so there is really no point in dragging it out. however, just be upfront and honest with her. don't do this over email/facebook/text/one of her best friends... just tell her the truth.
2. is there any way to get a guy to think i'm hot? -via BloggerMail
JAAG: hmm. you should just be yourself. don't change your whole being just for one person, because there are plenty of people out there (your future honey included) that love you for WHO YOU ARE and not some cheap version of yourself. if love really meant that we were to change ourselves for others, then HELL WITH IT. i said it. likewise, changing your look to make yourself 'hot' doesn't necessarily help you get the right attention. just be yourself and smile!
3. my parents aren't okay with my boyfriend, but i really love him. what do i do? -via Twitter
JAAG: firstly, sneaking around the parents isn't really the best thing to do. ultimately they just want what's best for you. of course we tend to think the polar opposite from our parents, but try to find a centre ground: compromise is the key. talk to them and patiently explain to them why you think that they should change their mind about him. maybe you can convince your parents to let him come over to dinner one night. i know it sounds old fashioned, but give it some thought.. after all, don't parents love it when we take responsibility for our own things?
4. my boyfriend and i are graduating this year, and he is planning to stay here for post secondary while i want to go somewhere else. any thoughts on how to stay together? -via email
JAAG: this is a tough one, since i've never actually been in your shoes, nor can i tell you how to go about playing this out. what i can offer you is a thought that you should treasure what you have right now as opposed to what could happen in the future. if you do plan on pursuing school outside of your hometown, we're in the age of electronic communication. keep in touch! also, with long distance relationships (if you plan on doing so) comes the element of TRUST. trust is so big in every relationship. you will have to trust him to know that while you're away, you are still together, regardless of distance.
you should also talk to him about it, discuss what could potentially happen when this does. as the saying goes, 'let's cross the bridge when we get there.' good luck!
5. is it too much to say that i am madly in love with my girlfriend? my guy friends think it's kinda creepy. - via email
JAAG: different strokes for different folks as they say. if you truly are, then embrace it! i guess what they are really trying to say to you is that 'they get it' and they 'don't need to hear this mushy-gushy stuff again'. maybe some of your friends are jealous because you have such a strong relationship. my advice is to just chill out for a bit, and focus on them more than your girl. continue loving her... but you don't have to give your buddies the play by play every time she comes over to your house to hang out.
ANYHOW, i hope that answers some questions. more to come.... eventually. you probably noticed i don't have a fixed schedule.
well, i have more homework to do but i took some time to answer these. soo... STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! september is almost over.. can you believe it? ridiculous. pretty soon the snow will be falling....
tons of love and luck for you and yours,
rachelrae xx
1. how do i tell a girl to back off.. wrong words. um, how do i tell her that i'm not interested? -via Twitter
JAAG: ouch, this is a hard one. if it were up to me to do this, i would tell her the truth. not cut corners, no shortcuts. this is already unpleasant for the both of you, so there is really no point in dragging it out. however, just be upfront and honest with her. don't do this over email/facebook/text/one of her best friends... just tell her the truth.
2. is there any way to get a guy to think i'm hot? -via BloggerMail
JAAG: hmm. you should just be yourself. don't change your whole being just for one person, because there are plenty of people out there (your future honey included) that love you for WHO YOU ARE and not some cheap version of yourself. if love really meant that we were to change ourselves for others, then HELL WITH IT. i said it. likewise, changing your look to make yourself 'hot' doesn't necessarily help you get the right attention. just be yourself and smile!
3. my parents aren't okay with my boyfriend, but i really love him. what do i do? -via Twitter
JAAG: firstly, sneaking around the parents isn't really the best thing to do. ultimately they just want what's best for you. of course we tend to think the polar opposite from our parents, but try to find a centre ground: compromise is the key. talk to them and patiently explain to them why you think that they should change their mind about him. maybe you can convince your parents to let him come over to dinner one night. i know it sounds old fashioned, but give it some thought.. after all, don't parents love it when we take responsibility for our own things?
4. my boyfriend and i are graduating this year, and he is planning to stay here for post secondary while i want to go somewhere else. any thoughts on how to stay together? -via email
JAAG: this is a tough one, since i've never actually been in your shoes, nor can i tell you how to go about playing this out. what i can offer you is a thought that you should treasure what you have right now as opposed to what could happen in the future. if you do plan on pursuing school outside of your hometown, we're in the age of electronic communication. keep in touch! also, with long distance relationships (if you plan on doing so) comes the element of TRUST. trust is so big in every relationship. you will have to trust him to know that while you're away, you are still together, regardless of distance.
you should also talk to him about it, discuss what could potentially happen when this does. as the saying goes, 'let's cross the bridge when we get there.' good luck!
5. is it too much to say that i am madly in love with my girlfriend? my guy friends think it's kinda creepy. - via email
JAAG: different strokes for different folks as they say. if you truly are, then embrace it! i guess what they are really trying to say to you is that 'they get it' and they 'don't need to hear this mushy-gushy stuff again'. maybe some of your friends are jealous because you have such a strong relationship. my advice is to just chill out for a bit, and focus on them more than your girl. continue loving her... but you don't have to give your buddies the play by play every time she comes over to your house to hang out.
ANYHOW, i hope that answers some questions. more to come.... eventually. you probably noticed i don't have a fixed schedule.
well, i have more homework to do but i took some time to answer these. soo... STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! september is almost over.. can you believe it? ridiculous. pretty soon the snow will be falling....
tons of love and luck for you and yours,
rachelrae xx
Friday, September 16, 2011
i'm writing about my celebrity crush?
so yes, i'm writing about my celebrity crush... this is actually voluntarily, considering it is an English assignment.
um, we'll get back to that. there has been this burning question that has been in my inbox.. i wonder how many times this person has actually sent it, considering it's the first and only thing that i see in my inbox whenever i log in...
so, um, here we go... I HOPE YOU"RE HAPPY ABOUT THIS. and thanks for spamming my email :)
Q: so i used to like this girl, but then she got a boyfriend. for a while i was really mad and jealous, but then i meet this guy in the library.. and all of a sudden we just clicked. so then i started dating him for a while.. but then sadly, we broke up. currently i have a girlfriend now.. so what exactly is my orientation? -via Email
JAAG: this is totally out of my league.
now that i have shaken off the confusion and read over your question a couple times, here is what i can offer, considering i am just a kid blogging. i have no idea when you people decided to ask me questions... about relationships, for that matter! so since i am not an expert, here is the advice that i can offer... my humble advice:
i guess it's a crazy time in our lives. we're all confused. i'm confused. you're confused. your ex-boyfriend is confused and your current girlfriend is also confused. keyword here is CONFUSED. haven't said that, but don't look into it so much as to say what 'orientation' you are. a close friend of mine once told me, "it doesn't matter what orientation you really are, just as long as you are comfortable in your own skin... and you don't commit any crimes while you are at it."
i say go for it. think about why you liked that guy in the first place. did something appeal to you about him? and then think about the girl. what is different this time around? of course it's going to be plenty different, but as long as you are comfortable with where you are now, you don't even need me to tell you otherwise. there isn't much need for us to define ourselves, but just to express our true selves.
i hoped that helped somewhat.
i'm not really that smart..
check this out: my new favourite band, the Classic Crime, and their song "Who Needs Air" ..
i don't think this one has lyrics.. but the song is amazing. i love the song.
I'm drowning, but i don't care
Because when you got what i got
who needs air
I don't need air.
basically it talks about having all you need. and when you do, you won't even need air.
as much as life was pretty suckish before.. i'm starting to move on from my personal failures in life and going towards the direction of faithfulness and success.. and love.
yes, love.
love from my one true God, my family, friends, teachers, and everything else in between. this summer has made me stronger and i've learned not to let gossip get to me.
"I choose to live my life the way i want it to be. I don't plan on living your life, so don't you dare try to go and live mine."
ooh, and let's do one more question while we're at it...
Q: When is it right to go all the way? - via bloggermail
JAAG: honestly? i have no idea. this is probably gonna be one of my shortest replies yet.
basically, if you think that you are ready and that your bf / gf is ready, then i guess you can go for it. but you have to keep in mind the aftermath: are you ready for all the potential responsibilities that will be coming your way? are you ready to be a parent? if your answer is no, then i suggest you wait it out until you can sustain yourself, your love and your new child.
of course this is a very trivial and controversial topic.. so i'm just gonna stay out of this while i can. but of course, the safe way to do this is to WAIT. WAIT. WAIT! :D good luck with whatever you choose to do, though!
well, that's a wrap for me from behind the computer screen. STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! good luck to everyone in school this year - and a shout out to the JV football team. hope you guys win your game!
love and etc,
rachelrae xx
um, we'll get back to that. there has been this burning question that has been in my inbox.. i wonder how many times this person has actually sent it, considering it's the first and only thing that i see in my inbox whenever i log in...
so, um, here we go... I HOPE YOU"RE HAPPY ABOUT THIS. and thanks for spamming my email :)
Q: so i used to like this girl, but then she got a boyfriend. for a while i was really mad and jealous, but then i meet this guy in the library.. and all of a sudden we just clicked. so then i started dating him for a while.. but then sadly, we broke up. currently i have a girlfriend now.. so what exactly is my orientation? -via Email
JAAG: this is totally out of my league.
now that i have shaken off the confusion and read over your question a couple times, here is what i can offer, considering i am just a kid blogging. i have no idea when you people decided to ask me questions... about relationships, for that matter! so since i am not an expert, here is the advice that i can offer... my humble advice:
i guess it's a crazy time in our lives. we're all confused. i'm confused. you're confused. your ex-boyfriend is confused and your current girlfriend is also confused. keyword here is CONFUSED. haven't said that, but don't look into it so much as to say what 'orientation' you are. a close friend of mine once told me, "it doesn't matter what orientation you really are, just as long as you are comfortable in your own skin... and you don't commit any crimes while you are at it."
i say go for it. think about why you liked that guy in the first place. did something appeal to you about him? and then think about the girl. what is different this time around? of course it's going to be plenty different, but as long as you are comfortable with where you are now, you don't even need me to tell you otherwise. there isn't much need for us to define ourselves, but just to express our true selves.
i hoped that helped somewhat.
i'm not really that smart..
check this out: my new favourite band, the Classic Crime, and their song "Who Needs Air" ..
i don't think this one has lyrics.. but the song is amazing. i love the song.
I'm drowning, but i don't care
Because when you got what i got
who needs air
I don't need air.
basically it talks about having all you need. and when you do, you won't even need air.
as much as life was pretty suckish before.. i'm starting to move on from my personal failures in life and going towards the direction of faithfulness and success.. and love.
yes, love.
love from my one true God, my family, friends, teachers, and everything else in between. this summer has made me stronger and i've learned not to let gossip get to me.
"I choose to live my life the way i want it to be. I don't plan on living your life, so don't you dare try to go and live mine."
ooh, and let's do one more question while we're at it...
Q: When is it right to go all the way? - via bloggermail
JAAG: honestly? i have no idea. this is probably gonna be one of my shortest replies yet.
basically, if you think that you are ready and that your bf / gf is ready, then i guess you can go for it. but you have to keep in mind the aftermath: are you ready for all the potential responsibilities that will be coming your way? are you ready to be a parent? if your answer is no, then i suggest you wait it out until you can sustain yourself, your love and your new child.
of course this is a very trivial and controversial topic.. so i'm just gonna stay out of this while i can. but of course, the safe way to do this is to WAIT. WAIT. WAIT! :D good luck with whatever you choose to do, though!
well, that's a wrap for me from behind the computer screen. STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! good luck to everyone in school this year - and a shout out to the JV football team. hope you guys win your game!
love and etc,
rachelrae xx
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Labour Day weekend and then we made it.
well kids, we made it! we made it to the end of summer! *cue the Staples theme song*
so i got an overflow of questions, but i'm going to only answer the first three for such reasons: one) you guys have so many questions, it's legitly frying my brain! 2) i'll get back into the swing of things when school starts... soon. and 3) these were actually interesting.. to my standards ;)
Q: What's the deal with my boyfriend? he wants to have sex all the time. -via Twitter DM
JAAG: my advice: confront him and ask him what's up. i say there is something up, and i think it's because he doesn't see you as a deep and meaningful relationship but a hookup. i hate to have to say that to you but that's just what it seems like. so don't stand by any longer, because you are BEAUTIFUL and DESERVE BETTER.
Q: what should i do if my mom(who is single) is hitting on my boyfriend? -via Email
JAAG: well, this is a new one. cougar moms of the world, UNITE! ;) on a more serious note, even though cougar moms on TV are portrayed as sexy and sleazy at the same time, the thing is it's just not right for your mom to do that, whether or not she is single or not. it's kinda strange that your mom wants to do that. i would suggest talking to her, woman to woman. ask her why.. and talk to her. and consider helping her find a boyfriend! ;) good luck!
Q: is it wrong to hit on my economics teacher? -via Twitter DM
JAAG: well for starters, if he's way older than you, he better be super super hot! JK. but seriously, you could potentially set yourself for a lot of trouble. just because this guy is a teacher and he is a figure of authority, you have to set clear lines to defrenciate "teacher" and "boyfriend". to avoid any trouble, i would suggest flirty banter to be kept to a minimum and should be only used on boys your age! an occasional smile or wave in the halls is good enough. but watch out and you will get through school with honours!
well gotta go continue my BTS prep work. STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! keep sending in your questions and i'll answer... 3 more days, happy labour day!
so i got an overflow of questions, but i'm going to only answer the first three for such reasons: one) you guys have so many questions, it's legitly frying my brain! 2) i'll get back into the swing of things when school starts... soon. and 3) these were actually interesting.. to my standards ;)
Q: What's the deal with my boyfriend? he wants to have sex all the time. -via Twitter DM
JAAG: my advice: confront him and ask him what's up. i say there is something up, and i think it's because he doesn't see you as a deep and meaningful relationship but a hookup. i hate to have to say that to you but that's just what it seems like. so don't stand by any longer, because you are BEAUTIFUL and DESERVE BETTER.
Q: what should i do if my mom(who is single) is hitting on my boyfriend? -via Email
JAAG: well, this is a new one. cougar moms of the world, UNITE! ;) on a more serious note, even though cougar moms on TV are portrayed as sexy and sleazy at the same time, the thing is it's just not right for your mom to do that, whether or not she is single or not. it's kinda strange that your mom wants to do that. i would suggest talking to her, woman to woman. ask her why.. and talk to her. and consider helping her find a boyfriend! ;) good luck!
Q: is it wrong to hit on my economics teacher? -via Twitter DM
JAAG: well for starters, if he's way older than you, he better be super super hot! JK. but seriously, you could potentially set yourself for a lot of trouble. just because this guy is a teacher and he is a figure of authority, you have to set clear lines to defrenciate "teacher" and "boyfriend". to avoid any trouble, i would suggest flirty banter to be kept to a minimum and should be only used on boys your age! an occasional smile or wave in the halls is good enough. but watch out and you will get through school with honours!
well gotta go continue my BTS prep work. STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! keep sending in your questions and i'll answer... 3 more days, happy labour day!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
What I Taught Myself to answer your relationship questions :)
... is apparently many things, especially if it has to do with love and relationships. i personally don't know how i managed to learn so much, but i guess reading, and experience all come into play. :)
i've actually been asked quite a few questions through email concerning this blog and DMs on twitter from guys and girls alike (shocking). so let's call this...
... "the love questions answered by that random asian kid, JustAnotherAsianGirl" ...
here we go...
1. My GF constantly goes around telling people and her friends that we aren't together, but totally sucks up to me when we are alone. i know this because one of my friends told me that my GF told him. what do I do now? -via Twitter DM
JAAG: well, my advice is that honestly, this girl isn't being honest to you. a relationship is based on trust and respect... so tell me, what type of respect is this when your GF goes around telling others that you aren't 'together' or how much she hates being with you? this is almost as bad as two-timing, and my advice is to confront this girl pronto, before she leaves you high and dry.
2. Sometimes i think that i'm not good enough for my boyfriend. i think this just because recently, whenever i would ask him if he wanted to hang, he would make up some excuse saying that he was 'busy'. i know now that this is not the case because one time he said he was 'busy', i saw him at the mall with a couple of his friends and an unknown female friend. what's the deal? -via email
JAAG: oh dear. sometimes, as much as girls love boys for their protection and support, sometimes they don't appreciate the fact that girls are more sensitive to their male counterparts; hence, we crave the attention and love. [of course this doesn't apply to every girl and boy]. i would say, talk to your guy. let him know how you feel. ask him if there is anything bothering him.. and as difficult as it is, don't jump to conclusions right away. find the common ground between you and him and your relationship should be smooth sailing. :)
3. How do i get a guy to notice me? -via BloggerMail
JAAG: the timeless question that every girl wants to know the answer to, including yours truly. in order for one to get into a successful relationship with a guy that truly cares for them for who they are, firstly, BE YOURSELF! don't reinvent yourself to make yourself seem more compatible for your cutie. Is your crush a meat chomping, football player who doesn't know the difference between geometry and geography, while you are a conservative, honour roll student who's a vegan? chances are, even if he does fall for your gorgeous looks, you'll have problems when you go out on dinner dates. my advice for you is to keep your options open and don't tie yourself down just yet... hang out with your girls, keep the cliques to a minimum, and sooner or later, the right guy will come to sweep you off your feet!
4. when should i tell a girl 'i love you'? - via Twitter DM
JAAG: wow, a sensitive guy, a rare find! :) well, congratulations to you on making your relationship work for you like this! now, because every girl is different (obviously i am different from your GF immensely), you have to work it in according to her. find a moment when it's (obviously) just the two of you, maybe while on a date or something. take her by the hand and look into her eyes to show sincerity, and tell her those words. two points though- make sure that it's a couple dates (or even a couple months) into your relationship, and don't rush things: as much as i can break down how and when and where you should do this, ultimately, if you feel that the time is right, then go for it. good luck!
5. There's this girl i really liked, but while i liked her she had a boyfriend, so i got a girlfriend, just to take my mind off of her. then she broke up with her boyfriend and while i was with my girlfriend, we kind of had a friction filled friendship. now that i'm broken up with my girlfriend, i feel like i'm falling in love with the girl i originally loved. what do i do now? -via BloggerMail
JAAG: it's almost like you're living my life! wow, surprisingly enough, i've been through a similar circumstance, so i know how you feel..somewhat. (i was the girl in your situation, just some FYI)
so, what do you do now? well, i guess firstly, you should make sure that you are completely over your old girlfriend and make sure that she is completely over her old boyfriend... that way, you can avoid any chance of 'rebounding', which sometimes is very demeaning to some. then, try to rebuild the friendship: you said there was a bit of friction? try to ease it up: write her a letter, send her a song, call her... do something meaningful that will tell her how you truly feel AS FRIENDS. when you feel that you have finally broken past all the old friction, gradually do things to show her how you truly feel as SOMETHING MORE. i can tell you first hand that girls really want to know that the guy is making an effort to prove a point, and that most of us appreciate the small little gestures.. if you get the message across loud and clear, then she'll know how you really feel about her.. and that's what girls love the most: no mixed signals! of course, you must follow through with it and stay consistent, so if you think that this is just a phase and it will eventually pass, don't even bother. but if you feel that it will last a little longer and maybe turn into LOVE <3, then go for it.... proceed with caution :)
6. is it bad to date my ex's best friend after i dumped him? -via Twitter DM
JAAG: unfortunately, yes it is. it's basically like you going out with your best friend's ex boy friend. there is a certain level of trust that you build up with your friend, and this breaks the trust that you have built with her. likewise, boys have their own trust that they build up between themselves, even though on the exterior, it may not seem like it.
what i can suggest is that try your best to keep your options open, and try not to tie yourself down. if you keep convincing yourself that your ex's best friend is "The One", chances are you will act on it. try your best to keep a look out, but keep him on your radar, but not all the time. when you feel that you and your ex have COMPLETELY (and i mean COMPLETELY) moved on from each other, make a subtle (SUBTLE) move; maybe a simple wave or smile when you see him in the halls, a simple conversation.. stuff like that. don't be too fierce, and you'll see how far it gets you.
7. how do i get my summer fling to be my boyfriend when school restarts? we go to the same school and are in the same grade and stuff, but i don't know if things will change just because school is starting... and i really like him too! -via Twitter DM
JAAG: well, is it 'just a summer fling' or 'something more'? ask yourself this question. chances are, if he feels the same way you feel about him , you'll start seeing him a lot more often than you once did. he'll make his way to see you, especially if he likes you. if he hasn't done anything on the first day, shoot him a text with maybe an inside joke from the summer or tag him in a Facebook picture of you and him from the summer, or write on his wall. do something small to initiate to the two of you our feelings.
however, if he doesn't reply to your texts or do anything about your picture or even say a simple 'hi' by the time a week/month/couple months have gone by, chances are this was just a summer fling. while you are disappointed that this relationship didn't last, hey, you saved yourself a lot of trouble: guys like this tend to be known as 'the player' and they get around pretty quickly. if you had gotten together with him, (of course this is speculation) there could be a chance of him cheating on you or just using you to get another girl. for now, focus on the task at hand: getting good grades, making the volleyball team, singing lead in the school's annual musical, fundraising for a future trip... and worry about guys when the worthwhile ones come along. :)
WOW~! these are just some of the many questions i have received ever since the last post... i didn't even know that i was capable of being a so-called 'love guru'! thanks for making this happen, and i definitely will answer more questions, but you got to send them in!
well, there are approximately two more weeks until school starts for me today. not counting the day of, there are 13 more days until school starts. feelings are mixed: happy, anxious, disappointed, overjoyed...
well, you know my motto: STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! here's a feel good song for you to enjoy while you anxiously await the coming of school..
"I Want You" by Fefe Dobson ..
Good luck to everyone in the coming school year! peace out and live it up, life only gets better...
rachelrae xx
i've actually been asked quite a few questions through email concerning this blog and DMs on twitter from guys and girls alike (shocking). so let's call this...
... "the love questions answered by that random asian kid, JustAnotherAsianGirl" ...
here we go...
1. My GF constantly goes around telling people and her friends that we aren't together, but totally sucks up to me when we are alone. i know this because one of my friends told me that my GF told him. what do I do now? -via Twitter DM
JAAG: well, my advice is that honestly, this girl isn't being honest to you. a relationship is based on trust and respect... so tell me, what type of respect is this when your GF goes around telling others that you aren't 'together' or how much she hates being with you? this is almost as bad as two-timing, and my advice is to confront this girl pronto, before she leaves you high and dry.
2. Sometimes i think that i'm not good enough for my boyfriend. i think this just because recently, whenever i would ask him if he wanted to hang, he would make up some excuse saying that he was 'busy'. i know now that this is not the case because one time he said he was 'busy', i saw him at the mall with a couple of his friends and an unknown female friend. what's the deal? -via email
JAAG: oh dear. sometimes, as much as girls love boys for their protection and support, sometimes they don't appreciate the fact that girls are more sensitive to their male counterparts; hence, we crave the attention and love. [of course this doesn't apply to every girl and boy]. i would say, talk to your guy. let him know how you feel. ask him if there is anything bothering him.. and as difficult as it is, don't jump to conclusions right away. find the common ground between you and him and your relationship should be smooth sailing. :)
3. How do i get a guy to notice me? -via BloggerMail
JAAG: the timeless question that every girl wants to know the answer to, including yours truly. in order for one to get into a successful relationship with a guy that truly cares for them for who they are, firstly, BE YOURSELF! don't reinvent yourself to make yourself seem more compatible for your cutie. Is your crush a meat chomping, football player who doesn't know the difference between geometry and geography, while you are a conservative, honour roll student who's a vegan? chances are, even if he does fall for your gorgeous looks, you'll have problems when you go out on dinner dates. my advice for you is to keep your options open and don't tie yourself down just yet... hang out with your girls, keep the cliques to a minimum, and sooner or later, the right guy will come to sweep you off your feet!
4. when should i tell a girl 'i love you'? - via Twitter DM
JAAG: wow, a sensitive guy, a rare find! :) well, congratulations to you on making your relationship work for you like this! now, because every girl is different (obviously i am different from your GF immensely), you have to work it in according to her. find a moment when it's (obviously) just the two of you, maybe while on a date or something. take her by the hand and look into her eyes to show sincerity, and tell her those words. two points though- make sure that it's a couple dates (or even a couple months) into your relationship, and don't rush things: as much as i can break down how and when and where you should do this, ultimately, if you feel that the time is right, then go for it. good luck!
5. There's this girl i really liked, but while i liked her she had a boyfriend, so i got a girlfriend, just to take my mind off of her. then she broke up with her boyfriend and while i was with my girlfriend, we kind of had a friction filled friendship. now that i'm broken up with my girlfriend, i feel like i'm falling in love with the girl i originally loved. what do i do now? -via BloggerMail
JAAG: it's almost like you're living my life! wow, surprisingly enough, i've been through a similar circumstance, so i know how you feel..somewhat. (i was the girl in your situation, just some FYI)
so, what do you do now? well, i guess firstly, you should make sure that you are completely over your old girlfriend and make sure that she is completely over her old boyfriend... that way, you can avoid any chance of 'rebounding', which sometimes is very demeaning to some. then, try to rebuild the friendship: you said there was a bit of friction? try to ease it up: write her a letter, send her a song, call her... do something meaningful that will tell her how you truly feel AS FRIENDS. when you feel that you have finally broken past all the old friction, gradually do things to show her how you truly feel as SOMETHING MORE. i can tell you first hand that girls really want to know that the guy is making an effort to prove a point, and that most of us appreciate the small little gestures.. if you get the message across loud and clear, then she'll know how you really feel about her.. and that's what girls love the most: no mixed signals! of course, you must follow through with it and stay consistent, so if you think that this is just a phase and it will eventually pass, don't even bother. but if you feel that it will last a little longer and maybe turn into LOVE <3, then go for it.... proceed with caution :)
6. is it bad to date my ex's best friend after i dumped him? -via Twitter DM
JAAG: unfortunately, yes it is. it's basically like you going out with your best friend's ex boy friend. there is a certain level of trust that you build up with your friend, and this breaks the trust that you have built with her. likewise, boys have their own trust that they build up between themselves, even though on the exterior, it may not seem like it.
what i can suggest is that try your best to keep your options open, and try not to tie yourself down. if you keep convincing yourself that your ex's best friend is "The One", chances are you will act on it. try your best to keep a look out, but keep him on your radar, but not all the time. when you feel that you and your ex have COMPLETELY (and i mean COMPLETELY) moved on from each other, make a subtle (SUBTLE) move; maybe a simple wave or smile when you see him in the halls, a simple conversation.. stuff like that. don't be too fierce, and you'll see how far it gets you.
7. how do i get my summer fling to be my boyfriend when school restarts? we go to the same school and are in the same grade and stuff, but i don't know if things will change just because school is starting... and i really like him too! -via Twitter DM
JAAG: well, is it 'just a summer fling' or 'something more'? ask yourself this question. chances are, if he feels the same way you feel about him , you'll start seeing him a lot more often than you once did. he'll make his way to see you, especially if he likes you. if he hasn't done anything on the first day, shoot him a text with maybe an inside joke from the summer or tag him in a Facebook picture of you and him from the summer, or write on his wall. do something small to initiate to the two of you our feelings.
however, if he doesn't reply to your texts or do anything about your picture or even say a simple 'hi' by the time a week/month/couple months have gone by, chances are this was just a summer fling. while you are disappointed that this relationship didn't last, hey, you saved yourself a lot of trouble: guys like this tend to be known as 'the player' and they get around pretty quickly. if you had gotten together with him, (of course this is speculation) there could be a chance of him cheating on you or just using you to get another girl. for now, focus on the task at hand: getting good grades, making the volleyball team, singing lead in the school's annual musical, fundraising for a future trip... and worry about guys when the worthwhile ones come along. :)
WOW~! these are just some of the many questions i have received ever since the last post... i didn't even know that i was capable of being a so-called 'love guru'! thanks for making this happen, and i definitely will answer more questions, but you got to send them in!
well, there are approximately two more weeks until school starts for me today. not counting the day of, there are 13 more days until school starts. feelings are mixed: happy, anxious, disappointed, overjoyed...
well, you know my motto: STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! here's a feel good song for you to enjoy while you anxiously await the coming of school..
"I Want You" by Fefe Dobson ..
Good luck to everyone in the coming school year! peace out and live it up, life only gets better...
rachelrae xx
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
two down, three more to go...
... meaning work. my job. meh, it's fine and all. if you like chilling with little children all day who have no regards for manners and fight and bicker over the tiniest of tiny things. it's ghetto but fun at the same time.
hey, someone once said that work builds character. i believe that...
so, 21 more days until school starts! YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY! >>>>>> .................
what's the deal, kids? are you winning?
'Time to Win' by Down With Webster... the boys who understood the 'duh, winning' motto long before Charlie Sheen came around :)
i'm actually really excited for school , so don't burst my bubble or whatever.
i learned something new the other day, that maybe i should have a long time ago.
i was hung up over a guy that i couldn't have, and it made me sad and depressed when i should have forgot him (hello, Cee Lo Green!) and moved on.
but i didn't.
so now what i understand is that if i forget, then i can move on, be more happy and live my life. get somewhere, some how, in my own pace and time. and i am proud to say that i found someone to love.
i did. and i thought that i wouldn't be able to because this person left such a scar on my heart, after he used me and broke my heart. </3
but it's all good now. i think that in time to come, he'll be coming back to me trying to win back my forgiveness... but by that time it will be too late for him. i'll 'find someone someday who might actually treat me well' ...
(credits from this amazing song from this amazing singer, 'White Horse' by Taylor Swift)
well, whatever. if he doesn't want me and wants to spend his days with some random girl who doesn't love him the way i do, then too bad, his loss.
I bet you I'm winning, I bet that you're not.
gotta love Down With Webster - 'Whoa is Me' :) they always have something awesome to say ;)
well, gotta split. it's beginning to look a lot like parents running off to Wal-Mart to buy school supplies, and the summer sun has begun to fade, sadly enough. oh well... seasons of love, baby. gotta love school.. for the friends and awesome teachers i mean, erm....
stay good for the rest of the vacay, you only got so many days left to spend in the sun. and before you know it, you'll be back in the classroom for another ten months of pure educational enjoyment. LOVE IT WHILE IT LASTS!
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! i'll keep the countdown posted every so often, hopefully as often as i can fit it into my schedule. a girl's gotta plan her grand entrance for the first day back, y'know, with SWAG.
21 more days. 21 more days. 21 more days...
..where did summer go, and how did it go by so fast???
love and etc..
rachelrae xx
hey, someone once said that work builds character. i believe that...
so, 21 more days until school starts! YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY! >>>>>> .................
what's the deal, kids? are you winning?
'Time to Win' by Down With Webster... the boys who understood the 'duh, winning' motto long before Charlie Sheen came around :)
i'm actually really excited for school , so don't burst my bubble or whatever.
i learned something new the other day, that maybe i should have a long time ago.
i was hung up over a guy that i couldn't have, and it made me sad and depressed when i should have forgot him (hello, Cee Lo Green!) and moved on.
but i didn't.
so now what i understand is that if i forget, then i can move on, be more happy and live my life. get somewhere, some how, in my own pace and time. and i am proud to say that i found someone to love.
i did. and i thought that i wouldn't be able to because this person left such a scar on my heart, after he used me and broke my heart. </3
but it's all good now. i think that in time to come, he'll be coming back to me trying to win back my forgiveness... but by that time it will be too late for him. i'll 'find someone someday who might actually treat me well' ...
(credits from this amazing song from this amazing singer, 'White Horse' by Taylor Swift)
well, whatever. if he doesn't want me and wants to spend his days with some random girl who doesn't love him the way i do, then too bad, his loss.
I bet you I'm winning, I bet that you're not.
gotta love Down With Webster - 'Whoa is Me' :) they always have something awesome to say ;)
well, gotta split. it's beginning to look a lot like parents running off to Wal-Mart to buy school supplies, and the summer sun has begun to fade, sadly enough. oh well... seasons of love, baby. gotta love school.. for the friends and awesome teachers i mean, erm....
stay good for the rest of the vacay, you only got so many days left to spend in the sun. and before you know it, you'll be back in the classroom for another ten months of pure educational enjoyment. LOVE IT WHILE IT LASTS!
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! i'll keep the countdown posted every so often, hopefully as often as i can fit it into my schedule. a girl's gotta plan her grand entrance for the first day back, y'know, with SWAG.
21 more days. 21 more days. 21 more days...
..where did summer go, and how did it go by so fast???
love and etc..
rachelrae xx
Friday, August 12, 2011
my new song - Waterfall (That's Me)
written by yours truly and the lovely and amazing Aaron Chan :)
Waterfall (That's Me)
(Verse 1)
You once were someone I could see the future with
But I guess I was wrong
I guess I was wrong
You were the one I wanted to be with
But I guess you moved on
Thinkin' I could be strong
Well now I don't want you to come back for me
No I don't need you
Don't tell me...
We had it all
Our life was perfect
Baby just take a step back
That's not the truth 'cause our love
Crashed down like a waterfall
You tell me it's not the end
You want us to still be friends
The love is ending
So stop pretending
Like you don't see
The girl in front of you crying
That's me
(Verse 2)
We once had something magical
But I guess I was blind
I guess I was blind
You told me that day you loved me
But I guess that's a lie
Stringin' me along for the ride
Well now I don't want you to make things right
No I don't need you
Don't tell me...
We had it all
Our life was perfect
Baby just take a step back
That's not the truth 'cause our love
Crashed down like a waterfall
You tell me it's not the end
You want us to still be friends
The love is ending
So stop pretending
Like you don't see
The girl in front of you crying
That's me
Standing in the rain
Waiting for me to knock some sense into my brain
You tell me it's not good bye
You want me to try
To start all over again
(Well) You hope too much and are set too high
Telling me I'm throwing it all away
But did you know there once was a day
I wanted you to be mine
Well now I don't want you to come back for me
No I don't need you
Don't tell me...
(key change!)
We had it all
Our life was perfect
Baby just take a step back
That's not the truth 'cause our love
Crashed down like a waterfall
You tell me it's not the end
You want us to still be friends
The love is ending
So stop pretending
Like you don't see
The girl in front of you crying
That's me
Crash down like a waterfall ~
*hehehe ha, so that's our song. hope to perform it someday.
** Written in F Major - key change to G Major after bridge.
well, you know the drill. STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! cheers everyone, there are only three weeks of summer vacation left! :D
rachelrae xx
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
I thought it was summer?
hello everyone.
so it's summer, right? well, i'm spending the summer writing notes for musical history. it reminds me of school, the only part that i don't particularly enjoy :)
but yeah, there are 27 more days left until school starts. i'm really excited! haha, probably the only online blogger that you'll see that is excited about school. i like seeing my friends and teachers and chilling at school with them, and not at home, bored out of my mind.... LOL
"Summer Girl" by Stereos <3 cute song!
how is everyone's summer going? my summer is going pretty swellular, actually. the weather is nice, music is going pretty good, and life is everything i really want it to be.
so i can't complain.
but, this is what i really am excited for:
stay out of trouble and don't forget to smile! cheers, ladies and gents! :D
rachelrae xx
so it's summer, right? well, i'm spending the summer writing notes for musical history. it reminds me of school, the only part that i don't particularly enjoy :)
but yeah, there are 27 more days left until school starts. i'm really excited! haha, probably the only online blogger that you'll see that is excited about school. i like seeing my friends and teachers and chilling at school with them, and not at home, bored out of my mind.... LOL
"Summer Girl" by Stereos <3 cute song!
how is everyone's summer going? my summer is going pretty swellular, actually. the weather is nice, music is going pretty good, and life is everything i really want it to be.
so i can't complain.
but, this is what i really am excited for:
stay out of trouble and don't forget to smile! cheers, ladies and gents! :D
rachelrae xx
Thursday, August 4, 2011
I'll Be Thinking About You Worldwide.
and... just 34 more days until school starts! and no, i'm not counting or anything... ;)
so what's cracking, ladies and gents? it's finally august, and for me, it's beginning to feel a lot like summer, right when all the Staples ads come onto TV and start singing "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year"
yeah. anyways.
so i guess i can't really complain about life. life in general is okay, its good, its awesome. somedays i wish that it could be better, but as long as i'm not starving or living on the streets, i can't complain. i shouldn't, anyhow.
Just got back from Whistler a couple days ago. Whistler, a place i haven't been to in ten years. i would have blogged about it there but i FORGOT! :( sorry about that.
its a beautiful place! there is actually snow too! ;)
so yes, i must leave now. i hope i left you all feeling refreshed that YOU. ARE. ALMOST. DONE. SUMMER!
:) ROCK ON! stay out of trouble and don't forget to smile!
rachelrae xx
and... just 34 more days until school starts! and no, i'm not counting or anything... ;)
so what's cracking, ladies and gents? it's finally august, and for me, it's beginning to feel a lot like summer, right when all the Staples ads come onto TV and start singing "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year"
yeah. anyways.
so i guess i can't really complain about life. life in general is okay, its good, its awesome. somedays i wish that it could be better, but as long as i'm not starving or living on the streets, i can't complain. i shouldn't, anyhow.
Just got back from Whistler a couple days ago. Whistler, a place i haven't been to in ten years. i would have blogged about it there but i FORGOT! :( sorry about that.
its a beautiful place! there is actually snow too! ;)
so yes, i must leave now. i hope i left you all feeling refreshed that YOU. ARE. ALMOST. DONE. SUMMER!
:) ROCK ON! stay out of trouble and don't forget to smile!
rachelrae xx
Friday, July 29, 2011
For the Down Low. AKA, you.
What I am sure of is this:
We were meant to be together
But time passed and I guess I was wrong
The love I had for you couldn’t withstand forever.
I guess it’s partially my fault
I took your heart and ran away with it
But you were the one that took mine
I fell hard for your charm and wit.
And then you found someone else
I’m not sure if you did this to show me what I lost
At this time I knew that you weren’t worth it
I’m stuck here now, with our paths intertwined and crossed.
One day you tell me that you want to be friends
But the next day you leave me high and dry
Another day, another time, you tell me you’ll be here for me
Yet you still left me behind, the girl trying not to cry.
So now I’m here, waiting in the dark
I don’t know if I can love, or even dream
You took me in, and then you kicked me out
Ripped my heart out of its seam.
What am I left to do now
Nothing much but watch as you try
To put the pieces back together between us
Now I’m the one that will watch you cry.
I see that what you have is not working out
I’m genuinely sorry that your love is coming undone
But you see, I’ve found someone else that’s won over my heart
He is special, caring, and lovely, and the one.
So while you are lying there by yourself
Trying to figure out how to fix everything
I wanted you to know that I will be here
Living my own life, so new and exciting.
Without you.
We were meant to be together
But time passed and I guess I was wrong
The love I had for you couldn’t withstand forever.
I guess it’s partially my fault
I took your heart and ran away with it
But you were the one that took mine
I fell hard for your charm and wit.
And then you found someone else
I’m not sure if you did this to show me what I lost
At this time I knew that you weren’t worth it
I’m stuck here now, with our paths intertwined and crossed.
One day you tell me that you want to be friends
But the next day you leave me high and dry
Another day, another time, you tell me you’ll be here for me
Yet you still left me behind, the girl trying not to cry.
So now I’m here, waiting in the dark
I don’t know if I can love, or even dream
You took me in, and then you kicked me out
Ripped my heart out of its seam.
What am I left to do now
Nothing much but watch as you try
To put the pieces back together between us
Now I’m the one that will watch you cry.
I see that what you have is not working out
I’m genuinely sorry that your love is coming undone
But you see, I’ve found someone else that’s won over my heart
He is special, caring, and lovely, and the one.
So while you are lying there by yourself
Trying to figure out how to fix everything
I wanted you to know that I will be here
Living my own life, so new and exciting.
Without you.
(: where did you go, summer? // JCV-L
Heyy i was just wondering the same thing! ...
old classic redone by the one and only Michael Buble. "Summer Wind", ladies and gentlemen. i believe it is Frank Sinatra that made this one famous :)
So. it's almost the end of July. i reckon that schools are very generous to put summer vacay in these two months. after all, these two months [July and August] both have 31 days consecutively AND are in the same year as well. plus, a week off the end of June, a week off the beginning of September and yeah. 10 weeks or awesomeness
or 10 weeks of pure boredom, pick your poison :P
but now we're halfway through the summer already? where did time fly off to?
I'd like to take some time to dedicate this to my dearest friend, one of my besties, that was tragically taken away from her family and friends far too soon.
Jessica Cassandra Verde-Leon, one of a kind, one in a million. She always smiled, and was never rude, and always took the high road instead of bringing down her trustworthiness. Responsible and respectable, this chica was going places in life.
An aspiring singer and dancer, her dreams were cut short way too soon because of a drunk driver. She leaves behind her mom and dad, her older brother Justin and younger sister Jay, her grandparents and many, many friends who all loved her dearly.
Fly in Paradise, Jess. You will be missed. JCV-L 1996 - 2011
this was her favourite song.
This is "We'll Be A Dream" by We the Kings, one of her favourite bands, and a band that she introduced me to.
We love you, Jess.
Stay out of trouble and don't forget to smile. And to anyone who thinks that drinking and driving is a safe thing to do, think again.
rachelrae xx
old classic redone by the one and only Michael Buble. "Summer Wind", ladies and gentlemen. i believe it is Frank Sinatra that made this one famous :)
So. it's almost the end of July. i reckon that schools are very generous to put summer vacay in these two months. after all, these two months [July and August] both have 31 days consecutively AND are in the same year as well. plus, a week off the end of June, a week off the beginning of September and yeah. 10 weeks or awesomeness
or 10 weeks of pure boredom, pick your poison :P
but now we're halfway through the summer already? where did time fly off to?
I'd like to take some time to dedicate this to my dearest friend, one of my besties, that was tragically taken away from her family and friends far too soon.
Jessica Cassandra Verde-Leon, one of a kind, one in a million. She always smiled, and was never rude, and always took the high road instead of bringing down her trustworthiness. Responsible and respectable, this chica was going places in life.
An aspiring singer and dancer, her dreams were cut short way too soon because of a drunk driver. She leaves behind her mom and dad, her older brother Justin and younger sister Jay, her grandparents and many, many friends who all loved her dearly.
Fly in Paradise, Jess. You will be missed. JCV-L 1996 - 2011
this was her favourite song.
This is "We'll Be A Dream" by We the Kings, one of her favourite bands, and a band that she introduced me to.
We love you, Jess.
Stay out of trouble and don't forget to smile. And to anyone who thinks that drinking and driving is a safe thing to do, think again.
rachelrae xx
Something the lovely Aaron Chan (@_aaronchan) made up for my lovely blog. :)
Forever falling
sAme time, day after day,
falLing, one by one, out of the sky
liveLy and amazIng.
iNtricate desiGn
aS They shine in the night
i don't think i cAn eveR compare
their beauty to yourS.
stay out of trouble and don't forget to smile, my lovelies. :)
rachelrae xx
sAme time, day after day,
falLing, one by one, out of the sky
liveLy and amazIng.
iNtricate desiGn
aS They shine in the night
i don't think i cAn eveR compare
their beauty to yourS.
stay out of trouble and don't forget to smile, my lovelies. :)
rachelrae xx
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Dear Universe
Dear Universe,
It's been quite a while.
We've talked before but I really think
I can't go the extra mile.
Do you want me to stay
Or do you want me to go?
I don't think I'm needed here
So I'll walk out and away.
This is where I am
I don't think I need to
Remention anything
Or anyone.
Dear Universe
Time has sure passed us by
I don't know where to go now
But in the blink of an eye
I see my life flash in front of me
Something I need to hold onto
I don't think I'm needed here
This is who I am
I really want you to see
This is who I am
I"m gonna be
Summer like weather has finallly arrived in my area. I am so happy, it's finally here and sunny and everything else that's nice. :)
So what's new with you? Nothing, if you call completing all necessary training to be a legit staff member with the City nothing! I just finished up training this afternoon, and I'm thrilled about my progress :)
"Parachutes and Airplanes" by the lovely guy himself, David Archuleta <3 love this song! Just another song to get your spirits high for the summer ---
excitement is in the air. it goes both ways though - on one hand, i love summer. i love to debrief and chill. it's wonderful to live life slightly differently and help out in day camps with children. that makes you smile.
on the other hand, i can't wait til school starts up again.
and guess what? it's almost july 17th. the same day that i said in an old facebook status that i would start missing school and counting down the days until it starts in september.
"September" by Daughtry - how ironic.
i called it though, ladies and gentlemen ;)
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE :) have a pleasant summer!
rachelrae xx
Summer like weather has finallly arrived in my area. I am so happy, it's finally here and sunny and everything else that's nice. :)
So what's new with you? Nothing, if you call completing all necessary training to be a legit staff member with the City nothing! I just finished up training this afternoon, and I'm thrilled about my progress :)
"Parachutes and Airplanes" by the lovely guy himself, David Archuleta <3 love this song! Just another song to get your spirits high for the summer ---
excitement is in the air. it goes both ways though - on one hand, i love summer. i love to debrief and chill. it's wonderful to live life slightly differently and help out in day camps with children. that makes you smile.
on the other hand, i can't wait til school starts up again.
and guess what? it's almost july 17th. the same day that i said in an old facebook status that i would start missing school and counting down the days until it starts in september.
"September" by Daughtry - how ironic.
i called it though, ladies and gentlemen ;)
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE :) have a pleasant summer!
rachelrae xx
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Big Time Rush Blog
I just created a Big Time Rush blog to forward most (but not all) of my BTR stuff from here to there. :) :) :)
Thanks again! Summer's here! ENJOY IT!
rachelrae xx :) :) :)
Thanks again! Summer's here! ENJOY IT!
rachelrae xx
Now that it's summer, I have a lot more time on my hands.
Well, life should be getting better. If not, well then screw what you already know and go for yourself.
I would like to say that it is.
and why am i doing this? i just wanted to say hi :)
rachelrae xx
Well, life should be getting better. If not, well then screw what you already know and go for yourself.
I would like to say that it is.
and why am i doing this? i just wanted to say hi :)
rachelrae xx
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
My Thoughts.
If it's going to be you
I want no excuses.
You live your life to your best
Don't put love to the test
I want to see you
True and full
Holding nothing but the truth in your hands.
I wish you could see me
Differently from what the world can
Who I am.
Love me now
Love me never
But if you want to love me
Love me forever
There are no second chances
There are no stops halfway
Because love is a choice
And I want you to choose me
The same way I chose you.
Here we go again.
rachelrae xx
Monday, July 4, 2011
Sorry to any American readers but....
Hello, and happy belated Canada day.
How ironic, on the 4th of July too. oh well. i wasn't on my blog on Canada day for unspecified reasons. but what really got me when i woke up this morning was not because it was independence day but because it is already july. OH. MY. GOODNESS.
yeah. super bowl and the american national anthem for the win. just out of respect :)
so yeah, how's it going for everyone? i hope that summer is treating you all well. another thing that caught me this morning was that there are only 10 weeks in summer and one has already passed us by.
what happened?
you're probably wondering why i am wondering all these things. here's my answer - I'm a glass both half empty and half full type of a person. just saying.
what's cool - the royal couple coming to visit our country! :) random thought...
and a random song!!! :) :) :)
All Again For You by We the Kings.
okay, well thats about a wrap. i hope that everyone's summer is a good one, and if anyone is going away then i hope you and yours stay safe! come september, we'll all be wishing that it was summer could go on and on. but for now, let's just bask in the summer sunlight. :)
rachelrae xx
How ironic, on the 4th of July too. oh well. i wasn't on my blog on Canada day for unspecified reasons. but what really got me when i woke up this morning was not because it was independence day but because it is already july. OH. MY. GOODNESS.
yeah. super bowl and the american national anthem for the win. just out of respect :)
so yeah, how's it going for everyone? i hope that summer is treating you all well. another thing that caught me this morning was that there are only 10 weeks in summer and one has already passed us by.
what happened?
you're probably wondering why i am wondering all these things. here's my answer - I'm a glass both half empty and half full type of a person. just saying.
what's cool - the royal couple coming to visit our country! :) random thought...
and a random song!!! :) :) :)
All Again For You by We the Kings.
okay, well thats about a wrap. i hope that everyone's summer is a good one, and if anyone is going away then i hope you and yours stay safe! come september, we'll all be wishing that it was summer could go on and on. but for now, let's just bask in the summer sunlight. :)
rachelrae xx
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