

Thursday, December 15, 2011

You've all given me a ton to think about!

The end of the school year ended today :) quite exciting, it's already Christmas!

Also, even though I answered 5 more questions my last post, ever since then my email was flooded with even more questions! you people have very interesting lives, I must say. Also, it is interesting to read some of these: now you guys are moving on from strictly relationship to more complex things. Is this a full blown advice column or what? Let me know, and I can make changes accordingly in the new year :)

Here we go, let's tackle five more of these questions!

Q: There are two guys that I like. One I have known for pretty much ever but he doesn't seem to get the point that friendship means that we are there for each other. The other guy is a new guy at my school: I just met him but he strikes me as a really nice guy. plus, when I talk to him I feel as if I have known him forever. I'm in love with both of them... but who should I go for? - via Email

JAAG: This is a situation that hits home, not just because I have dealt with feelings like that before as well but also because I know friends who feel the same way you do, so don't worry, it's not an uncommon feeling. I guess you should stay true to yourself and what you believe that you want to see in a boyfriend in your future. You should stay away from people who don't keep their promises or can't help you back onto your feet when you are down. Look for people who believe in you and respect you for who YOU are. If you do, then you will find that you are much, much happier.

Q: There is this guy that I don't like AT ALL, but he makes fun of me all the time. He is constantly bullying me and I have no idea what to do about it. I am really really mad at him. -via Email

JAAG: Hey, I've dealt with jerks like that too, so I can definitely help you with this.
Firstly, don't contain your anger. Talk it out with people that you trust. Vent to them about how you feel. Then, I would suggest for you to go and talk to this guy. He needs to be put in his place, and you can do that by telling him how you feel and how he offends you. If you tell him and he shows no remorse and (worse) continues to bully you, go tell a trusted adult or administration. Bullying doesn't belong in any area and should never be directed to anyone. Make sure that you don't hold in your anger to yourself too long, or else you might face an emotional break down. With a strong suppport system, you will be able to weather this storm fine. Good luck!

Q: How can I ask a guy out? -via Twitter

JAAG: Unlike the above two questions, I have no expertise in this field because no one has ever asked me out nor have I ever asked anyone out. What I can offer, however, is to just be yourself and friendly. If you really like a guy and you want them to fall for the real you, be genuine. Don't be the girl that laughs at random football jokes that you don't understand just because he is the quarterback of the team. Show him that you are good at bio and that you love dissecting frogs, and don't settle for anything less!
As for asking him out, start it off as a group activity. Maybe you and a couple friends are going to watch that new action flick coming out. Casually mention it to him and leave it open, giving him a chance to back out or think about it before commiting. After a couple of these activities, it will really show if he is the one for you... and if you still like him that way.


well, like I said above, Christmas is coming so so so so so soon!  I can't wait, can you??

STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON;T FORGET TO SMILE! Merry Christmas and have a safe and happy New Year!

rachelrae xx

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