Hey everyone! LOL sorry, i know i said that the next post i would post all your comments on how cute, thoughtful and amazing you all are.. but this is an extra EXTRA quickie post...
... to wish you all a safe and fun Halloween! someone out there eat a Oh Henry for me, will ya? :)
next time around i definitely DEFINITELY will post all your awesome suggestions! something to think about: forgiveness is something that we should do always, no matter how big the problem is. do you think i should forgive and forget this boy after everything he has done to me?
continue the discussion on Twitter @JAAG143
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! peace out... i'm currently not wearing my Paper Bag Princess (Robert Munsch, HOLLA!) but i'm still somewhat in the spirit.... sort of ;)
love and candy highs,
rachelrae xx
No question is too small, too strange or too weird. Check out the sidebar to see how you can send your questions in, and I will answer them here :) Other than that, I like to post music, preach and use this as a journal of sorts.

Monday, October 31, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
quickie post :) - emotion: :\
i don't have that much time today, so i will post a short and sweet ish post :) oh, and no questions answered today and neither will i show you how much response i have gotten to my last post! you are all regular JAAGs, my lovelies <3
today was an interesting day. it started off wonderfully. but anyone's life can change in an instant - something happens, someone says something, people reacting to people, etc.
my life changed like that today.
you know, it's one of those days when you do something once. then people want you to do it again, so that they can 1) see you do it an just feel so happy and 2) know that they have some sort of power over you.
i'm not the type of person that let's people push me around.. besides, i know what i have done. in this instance, i told him goodbye (not forever - just for the time being until i see him the following day)
but what happens when all of a sudden, past memories, past, not so good memories, flood back into your mind and you realize this could be the last time you see his face, his sweet smile, hear his voice and have him wrap you in his strong arms again?
i don't personally have anything against sports, but people do get injured. football is no exception. i lost a dear friend to football, and while he is in a better place, sometimes i wish i can pick up the phone just to hear his voice again. but it's too late now - he's gone, watching over me like he always said he would.
then we come back to today. i'm standing there, wondering if i really should have done something to make myself known. maybe i should have run up to him and put my arms around him once more. maybe i should have told him good bye again and risk sounding redundant.
we all make choices, and even the tiny ones affect us one way or another. this one, for some reason, hit me hard.
so there i am, kind of broken hearted and tear stained. not because of what anyone said, but because of what i didn't say.
i want to say that i'm sorry. i really wish that i didn't blow my chances. i want to know that he'll be alright, and that when i call his number, he'll be on the other end, smiling and making me smile.
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE. if you want to say something to anyone, especially something from the heart, say it before it's too late. hopefully i didn't make a mistake this time, because if i did, i don't get another chance. i hope you all take this to heart and remember (: good luck to the boys - do well, win, and stay safe.
love from your troubled blogger,
rachelrae xx
today was an interesting day. it started off wonderfully. but anyone's life can change in an instant - something happens, someone says something, people reacting to people, etc.
my life changed like that today.
you know, it's one of those days when you do something once. then people want you to do it again, so that they can 1) see you do it an just feel so happy and 2) know that they have some sort of power over you.
i'm not the type of person that let's people push me around.. besides, i know what i have done. in this instance, i told him goodbye (not forever - just for the time being until i see him the following day)
but what happens when all of a sudden, past memories, past, not so good memories, flood back into your mind and you realize this could be the last time you see his face, his sweet smile, hear his voice and have him wrap you in his strong arms again?
i don't personally have anything against sports, but people do get injured. football is no exception. i lost a dear friend to football, and while he is in a better place, sometimes i wish i can pick up the phone just to hear his voice again. but it's too late now - he's gone, watching over me like he always said he would.
then we come back to today. i'm standing there, wondering if i really should have done something to make myself known. maybe i should have run up to him and put my arms around him once more. maybe i should have told him good bye again and risk sounding redundant.
we all make choices, and even the tiny ones affect us one way or another. this one, for some reason, hit me hard.
so there i am, kind of broken hearted and tear stained. not because of what anyone said, but because of what i didn't say.
i want to say that i'm sorry. i really wish that i didn't blow my chances. i want to know that he'll be alright, and that when i call his number, he'll be on the other end, smiling and making me smile.
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE. if you want to say something to anyone, especially something from the heart, say it before it's too late. hopefully i didn't make a mistake this time, because if i did, i don't get another chance. i hope you all take this to heart and remember (: good luck to the boys - do well, win, and stay safe.
love from your troubled blogger,
rachelrae xx
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
what did you expect?...5 more questions answered :)
Hello again world wide web. it is your favourite asian here, answering some more questions. also, thanks to everyone for the well wishes in response to my treatment! everything is going quite well, and today my doctor told me that if everything continues to go as planned, i should be able to end treatment earlier than expected! :) cheers to that!
So yes, there has been a mass response to the new Twitter account - thanks for all your questions! Here are 5 more that i thought i should answer... and let me tell you, they are getting better and tougher than ever before!
1. What is the number one thing i shouldn't tell my girlfriend? she wanted me to start being honest with her. is there anything i shouldn't tell her.. even though she made me swear to be honest? -via Twitter
JAAG: this is a toughie, my friend. what do you tell and what do you not tell? if she asks for specifics (ie have you ever lost your virgnity to someone?) and it will affect you both if you lie, then i guess you should tell her the truth. after all, she deserves to know. wouldn't you want to know that your new gf/bf is not a virgin while you are?
also, i would stay away from topics concerning your ex. it is touchy territory. if she wants to tell you about her experiences, then be a good listener. but don't pry into her life... especially if you know the relationship ended badly. let her come to you if she wants to talk... and stay honest about most things!
2. my girlfriend is obsessed with her looks, and even though i constantly tell her she's beautiful, she refuses to agree. how can i tell her that she is? -via Twitter
JAAG: let me tell you now, it's not your fault that she is reacting this way. i can tell you from experience: as a girl, we usually don't come on as arrogant in terms of looks. heck, even if a girl says to us 'oh, your hair looks good today!' or 'you look so good in that outfit', 8 times out of 10, we will say something along the lines of 'nahh.. that's not true' because we are so emotional and we always have our guard up. now, when a boy comes along and says so, the first couple seconds (ESPECIALLY if we have a crush on you) we will be flattered... but then we'll brush the thought aside, just in case you don't actually mean it. from the boys i talked to, most of the time, especially if you like us back, you do mean it. LEGIT. try writing her a letter and tell her how you feel. be honest and concise and straight to the point. and that is very sweet of you to say that to her! :)
3. my ex and his new girlfriend showed up at a party that i was at and all of a sudden i felt kind of jealous. how can i push those jealous feelings away? -via BloggerMail
JAAG: the former flame, and you being thrown back into it. well, if you broke up with him, why did you break up with the guy in the first place? let that be a reminder to you on why you decided to end things. there is no need for you to feel jealous because you are moving on to bigger and better things. of course, easier said than done, but try to remember this: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, AND YOU DON'T NEED PEOPLE LIKE HIM TO BRING YOU DOWN.
now, if you are the one that was broken up with, i can see how you might be jealous. you want to know what she has that you don't. don't feel that way... just remember what i put in all caps up above ^^ and you will be just fine. one day you will find a boy that will accept you for what you are worth.
4. there are two boys that i like, and i sorta told both of them at the same time that i liked them both... so now i'm secretly dating both of them at the same time (thank goodness they go to different schools!) this is getting out of hand i need to know how to pull out of this. how can i do this and keep the friendship going? -via Twitter
JAAG: now this is a situation you should avoid at all possible costs. i'm sorry if this comes across as blunt, but there really isn't anyway for you to hold these friendships together, unless one of them is really, REALLY understanding.
to pull out of this situation, i would first suggest you talking to both of them; separately, of course. tell them what happened and that you are sorry. most times, this would end in both guys getting mad and the girl being left with no one. while that is the most likely and the most hurtful outcome, remember that you hurt them too by going out behind their backs. i hope that one of them is really understanding, but if not, now you know what not to do in the future. start off with being friends with everyone first... and then see where it goes.
5. i have a boyfriend, but recently i've felt more aattracted to girls. what am i going to do? -via email
JAAG: this is an interesting one. of course, i am no expert... but here's what i can offer. teenage life is a very tricky and confusing time. for all you know, this could be a phase... or maybe, this could be an indication to you that things between you and your boyfriend are going to fast, but you don't want to admit it (meaning: you don't really like girls, but you have this as a distraction/excuse typ of thing.)
if you feel that this relationship you are in now is going too fast, talk to your boyfriend about it. maybe you and him can come up with a common gorund. but under all circumstances, especially since you aren't totally sure yet, don't tell him about your feelings towards girls.
now, if you really, REALLY feel that you are truly attracted to girls, then i would suggest you looking into this. do some resaearch, maybe reading a couple reliable sources and see if you match the description. when you are ready, tell a trusted adult. if you aren't comfortable telling osmeone you know, call a help line. these are people that are trained to answer your questions. they can help you get answers and guide you to telling someone you trust.
best of luck!
okay. as you can tell, these are very complicated questions and very complex answers. you all definitely made me think through what i wanted to say! :) thanks again for trusting me with your lives... i try the best i can to help, so with regards to the five people that asked the five above questions... good luck to you all with what you are going through.
wow, under a week until halloween. what are you all dressing up as? mine is a surprise... and i will tell you all when i post again (hopefully right after my halloween candy hangover) ;)\\
This is a new song that i'm kinda obsessed with by David Archuleta - "Good Place". it's such a sweet song.
now, i have a question for you, fellow readers. i'm kinda in a relationship now, but there is a guy who likes me and isn't really pestering me, but the silence between us tells me that something is up. and that bugs me even more. what should i do? it's you guy's turn to play JAAG, my friends. tweet me at http://twitter.com/JAAG143 or you can email me too :) next time around i will post all the great @replies that I get! thanks, and good luck!
so yes, that wraps up another blogging session. i can't believe i have been blogging for half an hour while my guy is outside playing football. let me tell you now: he is definitely a thousand times more fit than i am. i'm okay. i suck at sports though... but i am a whiz at typing! and wasting time too...
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE. peace out to all of you, stay safe and eat tons of candy on Halloween for me, aiights? ;)
love and such from your favourite Asian,
rachelrae xx
So yes, there has been a mass response to the new Twitter account - thanks for all your questions! Here are 5 more that i thought i should answer... and let me tell you, they are getting better and tougher than ever before!
1. What is the number one thing i shouldn't tell my girlfriend? she wanted me to start being honest with her. is there anything i shouldn't tell her.. even though she made me swear to be honest? -via Twitter
JAAG: this is a toughie, my friend. what do you tell and what do you not tell? if she asks for specifics (ie have you ever lost your virgnity to someone?) and it will affect you both if you lie, then i guess you should tell her the truth. after all, she deserves to know. wouldn't you want to know that your new gf/bf is not a virgin while you are?
also, i would stay away from topics concerning your ex. it is touchy territory. if she wants to tell you about her experiences, then be a good listener. but don't pry into her life... especially if you know the relationship ended badly. let her come to you if she wants to talk... and stay honest about most things!
2. my girlfriend is obsessed with her looks, and even though i constantly tell her she's beautiful, she refuses to agree. how can i tell her that she is? -via Twitter
JAAG: let me tell you now, it's not your fault that she is reacting this way. i can tell you from experience: as a girl, we usually don't come on as arrogant in terms of looks. heck, even if a girl says to us 'oh, your hair looks good today!' or 'you look so good in that outfit', 8 times out of 10, we will say something along the lines of 'nahh.. that's not true' because we are so emotional and we always have our guard up. now, when a boy comes along and says so, the first couple seconds (ESPECIALLY if we have a crush on you) we will be flattered... but then we'll brush the thought aside, just in case you don't actually mean it. from the boys i talked to, most of the time, especially if you like us back, you do mean it. LEGIT. try writing her a letter and tell her how you feel. be honest and concise and straight to the point. and that is very sweet of you to say that to her! :)
3. my ex and his new girlfriend showed up at a party that i was at and all of a sudden i felt kind of jealous. how can i push those jealous feelings away? -via BloggerMail
JAAG: the former flame, and you being thrown back into it. well, if you broke up with him, why did you break up with the guy in the first place? let that be a reminder to you on why you decided to end things. there is no need for you to feel jealous because you are moving on to bigger and better things. of course, easier said than done, but try to remember this: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, AND YOU DON'T NEED PEOPLE LIKE HIM TO BRING YOU DOWN.
now, if you are the one that was broken up with, i can see how you might be jealous. you want to know what she has that you don't. don't feel that way... just remember what i put in all caps up above ^^ and you will be just fine. one day you will find a boy that will accept you for what you are worth.
4. there are two boys that i like, and i sorta told both of them at the same time that i liked them both... so now i'm secretly dating both of them at the same time (thank goodness they go to different schools!) this is getting out of hand i need to know how to pull out of this. how can i do this and keep the friendship going? -via Twitter
JAAG: now this is a situation you should avoid at all possible costs. i'm sorry if this comes across as blunt, but there really isn't anyway for you to hold these friendships together, unless one of them is really, REALLY understanding.
to pull out of this situation, i would first suggest you talking to both of them; separately, of course. tell them what happened and that you are sorry. most times, this would end in both guys getting mad and the girl being left with no one. while that is the most likely and the most hurtful outcome, remember that you hurt them too by going out behind their backs. i hope that one of them is really understanding, but if not, now you know what not to do in the future. start off with being friends with everyone first... and then see where it goes.
5. i have a boyfriend, but recently i've felt more aattracted to girls. what am i going to do? -via email
JAAG: this is an interesting one. of course, i am no expert... but here's what i can offer. teenage life is a very tricky and confusing time. for all you know, this could be a phase... or maybe, this could be an indication to you that things between you and your boyfriend are going to fast, but you don't want to admit it (meaning: you don't really like girls, but you have this as a distraction/excuse typ of thing.)
if you feel that this relationship you are in now is going too fast, talk to your boyfriend about it. maybe you and him can come up with a common gorund. but under all circumstances, especially since you aren't totally sure yet, don't tell him about your feelings towards girls.
now, if you really, REALLY feel that you are truly attracted to girls, then i would suggest you looking into this. do some resaearch, maybe reading a couple reliable sources and see if you match the description. when you are ready, tell a trusted adult. if you aren't comfortable telling osmeone you know, call a help line. these are people that are trained to answer your questions. they can help you get answers and guide you to telling someone you trust.
best of luck!
okay. as you can tell, these are very complicated questions and very complex answers. you all definitely made me think through what i wanted to say! :) thanks again for trusting me with your lives... i try the best i can to help, so with regards to the five people that asked the five above questions... good luck to you all with what you are going through.
wow, under a week until halloween. what are you all dressing up as? mine is a surprise... and i will tell you all when i post again (hopefully right after my halloween candy hangover) ;)\\
This is a new song that i'm kinda obsessed with by David Archuleta - "Good Place". it's such a sweet song.
now, i have a question for you, fellow readers. i'm kinda in a relationship now, but there is a guy who likes me and isn't really pestering me, but the silence between us tells me that something is up. and that bugs me even more. what should i do? it's you guy's turn to play JAAG, my friends. tweet me at http://twitter.com/JAAG143 or you can email me too :) next time around i will post all the great @replies that I get! thanks, and good luck!
so yes, that wraps up another blogging session. i can't believe i have been blogging for half an hour while my guy is outside playing football. let me tell you now: he is definitely a thousand times more fit than i am. i'm okay. i suck at sports though... but i am a whiz at typing! and wasting time too...
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE. peace out to all of you, stay safe and eat tons of candy on Halloween for me, aiights? ;)
love and such from your favourite Asian,
rachelrae xx
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Okay, let's get straight down to it. I chose the first three questions from my email and this is what happened:
1. I think that I am bi, but I have a girlfriend. what am I gonna do with her?
JAAG: this is way outta my zone, kid. in my little brain, i would hope that you are just being yourself and not changing anything about you, because anything that's less about you ISN'T you, if you know what i mean (:
I guess the truth would be the best mode of action in this circumstance. tell her how you feel and how things have changed.. of course, be sure that you realize that while this truth may be liberating for you, but it might come as a shock to her. be careful with what you do and go about this gently. good luck, and good on you!
2. My parents hate my boyfriend, even though he is nice and polite and everything! i invited him over for dinner and he said yes without any hesitation... so what's wrong with them?
JAAG: hmm, this is quite an interesting one. usually parents are quite thrilled when they are let into such an intimate and personal part of your life. think about it this way: have your parents been the type to be more cautious with things (i.e. perhaps they started to let you go out on your own when you were much older.. and this happened after a heated debate?) and are more uptight. you could say that they aren't used to this new found 'independence' that you have been given, and maybe they feel that they are losing touch with you. TALK TO THEM! include them in your life, tell them that you can't live without them, and ask them what their thoughts are on your new boy. ultimately, the decision is up to you. this guy sounds pretty safe to me.. so work on your parents and hopefully, you'll have the fairytale relationship you always wanted!
3. My girlfriend and I have been going out for several months now. We have our one year coming up soon and I feel like things aren't going as awesome as they used to. what can i do to make things way hotter?
JAAG: Congrats to you and your girl for making it to your 1 year! that's pretty darn special and she must be a very awesome girl, and likewise, you must be a very awesome boyfriend!
how can you make things way 'hotter'? i guess try something new. do you always do the same thing with her time and time again? maybe try and switch it up: if your thing is to watch a movie and have dinner, then maybe try getting a portable DVD player and making a picnic under the stars out of it. Or, try something new and spontaneous: canoeing, hiking, etc... go out of yours and her comfort zone. Best of luck to you both!
lalala, happy halfway through October! I still can't believe that it's halfway through October :)
school is going great, family stuff is well as well, music is outstanding, health is going well .. thanks again for all your well wishes! and of course, love is fabulous. i have the most amazing person in the whole world and i am very blessed to call him my own (:
I am also pleased to announce that from now on, you can shoot your Q's to the OFFICIAL JAAG twitter account. here you go now, and i guarantee it'll be hella easier to shoot your Q's : http://twitter.com/JAAG143
so yeah, STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! peace out.. and Halloween is coming soon! get high on candy! :P
rachelrae xx
1. I think that I am bi, but I have a girlfriend. what am I gonna do with her?
JAAG: this is way outta my zone, kid. in my little brain, i would hope that you are just being yourself and not changing anything about you, because anything that's less about you ISN'T you, if you know what i mean (:
I guess the truth would be the best mode of action in this circumstance. tell her how you feel and how things have changed.. of course, be sure that you realize that while this truth may be liberating for you, but it might come as a shock to her. be careful with what you do and go about this gently. good luck, and good on you!
2. My parents hate my boyfriend, even though he is nice and polite and everything! i invited him over for dinner and he said yes without any hesitation... so what's wrong with them?
JAAG: hmm, this is quite an interesting one. usually parents are quite thrilled when they are let into such an intimate and personal part of your life. think about it this way: have your parents been the type to be more cautious with things (i.e. perhaps they started to let you go out on your own when you were much older.. and this happened after a heated debate?) and are more uptight. you could say that they aren't used to this new found 'independence' that you have been given, and maybe they feel that they are losing touch with you. TALK TO THEM! include them in your life, tell them that you can't live without them, and ask them what their thoughts are on your new boy. ultimately, the decision is up to you. this guy sounds pretty safe to me.. so work on your parents and hopefully, you'll have the fairytale relationship you always wanted!
3. My girlfriend and I have been going out for several months now. We have our one year coming up soon and I feel like things aren't going as awesome as they used to. what can i do to make things way hotter?
JAAG: Congrats to you and your girl for making it to your 1 year! that's pretty darn special and she must be a very awesome girl, and likewise, you must be a very awesome boyfriend!
how can you make things way 'hotter'? i guess try something new. do you always do the same thing with her time and time again? maybe try and switch it up: if your thing is to watch a movie and have dinner, then maybe try getting a portable DVD player and making a picnic under the stars out of it. Or, try something new and spontaneous: canoeing, hiking, etc... go out of yours and her comfort zone. Best of luck to you both!
lalala, happy halfway through October! I still can't believe that it's halfway through October :)
school is going great, family stuff is well as well, music is outstanding, health is going well .. thanks again for all your well wishes! and of course, love is fabulous. i have the most amazing person in the whole world and i am very blessed to call him my own (:
I am also pleased to announce that from now on, you can shoot your Q's to the OFFICIAL JAAG twitter account. here you go now, and i guarantee it'll be hella easier to shoot your Q's : http://twitter.com/JAAG143
so yeah, STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! peace out.. and Halloween is coming soon! get high on candy! :P
rachelrae xx
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving long weekend everyone! I am truly blessed to have such an amazing and loving God, first and foremost, such amazing family and friends and teachers and people that help me through everything. To be alive, most of all, is a blessing in itself. Also, thank you to all of you! All your questions are very interesting, shall we say, and it makes me really think about things. :)
Today will not be a question answering day (awwww...) but rather a random comment day. It is a big blessing to find out that I am actually of some help to you guys! This is from a email, and it really makes me feel special. i have a name but no idea who this person is, but thank you to this person anyways!
Here we go... This is from Sadie:
"Thank you so much for everything you have said to me! I finally got over my ex, and now I am living my life better than ever. Thanks for all your encouraging words and all your inspirational posts! Keep rocking on!"
aww. i feel really amazing now. thank you thank you thank you!
Also, i'd like to take this opportunity, since it is thanksgiving weekend and all, to personally thank everyone for their well wishes concerning my health. it is so awesome to have complete strangers telling me that they are praying for me and stuff like that. Treatment starts this coming week and will go for about 6-8 weeks, depending on how responsive my system is. This treatment bout will determine whether or not i will do another set of test and treatments in the new year.
so once again (i feel like a broken record, but still. you guys are so awesome, and it's THANKSGIVING!) thank you for reading my blog, asking questions, commenting, your follows, and your well wishes.
I hope that you and your family and close ones have an amazing thanksgiving weekend. eat a lot of turkey for me, kayys? :)
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE. even though it is Thanksgiving weekend, i should get started on my homework and stop procrastinating. as always, keep your questions coming, and the next time i post i will FOR SURE answer another 5. Thanks so much, everyone! <3
Love Etc,
rachelrae xx
Today will not be a question answering day (awwww...) but rather a random comment day. It is a big blessing to find out that I am actually of some help to you guys! This is from a email, and it really makes me feel special. i have a name but no idea who this person is, but thank you to this person anyways!
Here we go... This is from Sadie:
"Thank you so much for everything you have said to me! I finally got over my ex, and now I am living my life better than ever. Thanks for all your encouraging words and all your inspirational posts! Keep rocking on!"
aww. i feel really amazing now. thank you thank you thank you!
Also, i'd like to take this opportunity, since it is thanksgiving weekend and all, to personally thank everyone for their well wishes concerning my health. it is so awesome to have complete strangers telling me that they are praying for me and stuff like that. Treatment starts this coming week and will go for about 6-8 weeks, depending on how responsive my system is. This treatment bout will determine whether or not i will do another set of test and treatments in the new year.
so once again (i feel like a broken record, but still. you guys are so awesome, and it's THANKSGIVING!) thank you for reading my blog, asking questions, commenting, your follows, and your well wishes.
I hope that you and your family and close ones have an amazing thanksgiving weekend. eat a lot of turkey for me, kayys? :)
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE. even though it is Thanksgiving weekend, i should get started on my homework and stop procrastinating. as always, keep your questions coming, and the next time i post i will FOR SURE answer another 5. Thanks so much, everyone! <3
Love Etc,
rachelrae xx
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