What's cracking, virtual world. my vocal cords are strained from an already sorta/kinda sick throat ish thing and from a pep rally that ended.. hmm, 5 minutes ago? note to self; pep rallies are super loud. but i knew that already.. and not to be a downer or anything, but pep rallies do not in any way, shape or form conjure up any school spirit within me. besides, i don't even follow football. i don't get it.
so yeah. there are some more questions that you guys sent in for me:.. let's do this right, shall we? :)
Q: is it possible to have feelings for someone younger than you? - via Twitter DM
JAAG: is it possible for you to not have feelings in general? i don't quite understand your question, but if you are flat out asking if it is possible for one to have feelings, then yeah.. everyone gets them. even me.
now, if you are referring to falling in love with someone younger, then i guess that is normal too. i mean, if a person is attractive, then why not? if you go deeper and say that this person is smart/funny/intelligent/WHATEVER then yeah.. go for it.
Q: When is it the right time to introduce my girlfriend to my parents? - via email
JAAG: now this is the making of a true man. good on your part for wanting your parents to be involved in this relationship and not hiding it from them! if your girlfriend is comfortable with it, then i guess you should start by asking your parents' permission first. tell them that you would like them to meet your girlfriend, and that you would like to ask their permission for her to come over to your house for dinner. now, on your girlfriend's part, here are some things to look out for:
1. if your girlfriend dismisses the idea of meeting your parents or doesn't want to, then that should be a red flag.
2. ask her if you can meet her parents. if, again, she says no to that option, then that should be another warning flag: she doesn't want you to interfere with her family life, which is never a good thing. make careful decisions, and good luck!
Q: my girlfriend has been sneaking around behind my back, and i know because i saw her with another guy on the football team. what should i do? -via Twitter DM
JAAG: oh, the horrors of cheating. my advice is that you should be upfront and honest with her: ask her what's up, discreetly. has she made any new friends that she would like you to meet? maybe it was a complete misunderstanding? before you go all out and mad at her, ask her. who's the guy? be honest with her and tell her what you saw. if she denies everything or tries to avoid the topic, a warning bell should go off in your head. listen to your head and follow your heart. if you think that, after all has been said and done, that something is still wrong, consider this an easy way out.
Q: how do i pull the plug on my relationship.. carefully and easily? - via BloggerMail
JAAG: honestly, there is never really an easy way to pull the plug on any type of romantic relationships. it's difficult enough as it is, so i would go with HONESTY. pull this person aside, privately, and explain your thinking. tell him/her that it's not quite working out and that you would like to say friends. the faster you do this the better, just so that there is no underlying resentment towards the person. and of course, NEVER do this over email, text or facebook. a phone call is borderline bad... but it's your call.
Q: my boyfriend denies that he has been hitting on my sister, but everytime they are in a room together it's almost as if i don't exist. what should i do? (ps- my sister is two year younger.) - via Twitter DM
JAAG: ouch, that always hurts but it seems to be a rucurrent theme: a guy and a girl get together, and all of a sudden.. the guy is coming over to your house not to hang out with you, but to hang out with your sister. first, i'm sorry to here that. that must be tough. i guess the best thing to do would be to ask him if he likes your sister.. which you seem to have done, judging by the fact that you say he 'denies' it every time. feelings change constantly, and what he has to realize is that while he has these feelings, he decided to be with YOU in the first place, not her. tell him that you are feeling kind of left out, and ask him why he he's doing this instead of telling him that you see him doing this. if this doesn't workout, you should also try talking to your sister. maybe she can be the one that influences him into stopping this madness. if this all fails, however, please please PLEASE remember that you are beautiful and that you deserve the best and nothing less! :)
okay that's enough. you guys' questions are getting way more difficult. my head is just hurting just rereading some of them! :) of course i am happy to answer them, though. keep them coming, and remember that yo uare all beautiful! :)
so yeah it's time for me to leave now. i am actaully doing this in the school library... so yeah. STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! peace, and have an awesome weekend! :)
rachelrae xx
No question is too small, too strange or too weird. Check out the sidebar to see how you can send your questions in, and I will answer them here :) Other than that, I like to post music, preach and use this as a journal of sorts.

Friday, September 23, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
five more questions answered. enjoy :)
So there have been people literally breathing down my back for me to answer their questions. seriously. to avoid any further spam (jokes) i would like to dedicate this post to answering as many questions as i can... well, i'll try.
1. how do i tell a girl to back off.. wrong words. um, how do i tell her that i'm not interested? -via Twitter
JAAG: ouch, this is a hard one. if it were up to me to do this, i would tell her the truth. not cut corners, no shortcuts. this is already unpleasant for the both of you, so there is really no point in dragging it out. however, just be upfront and honest with her. don't do this over email/facebook/text/one of her best friends... just tell her the truth.
2. is there any way to get a guy to think i'm hot? -via BloggerMail
JAAG: hmm. you should just be yourself. don't change your whole being just for one person, because there are plenty of people out there (your future honey included) that love you for WHO YOU ARE and not some cheap version of yourself. if love really meant that we were to change ourselves for others, then HELL WITH IT. i said it. likewise, changing your look to make yourself 'hot' doesn't necessarily help you get the right attention. just be yourself and smile!
3. my parents aren't okay with my boyfriend, but i really love him. what do i do? -via Twitter
JAAG: firstly, sneaking around the parents isn't really the best thing to do. ultimately they just want what's best for you. of course we tend to think the polar opposite from our parents, but try to find a centre ground: compromise is the key. talk to them and patiently explain to them why you think that they should change their mind about him. maybe you can convince your parents to let him come over to dinner one night. i know it sounds old fashioned, but give it some thought.. after all, don't parents love it when we take responsibility for our own things?
4. my boyfriend and i are graduating this year, and he is planning to stay here for post secondary while i want to go somewhere else. any thoughts on how to stay together? -via email
JAAG: this is a tough one, since i've never actually been in your shoes, nor can i tell you how to go about playing this out. what i can offer you is a thought that you should treasure what you have right now as opposed to what could happen in the future. if you do plan on pursuing school outside of your hometown, we're in the age of electronic communication. keep in touch! also, with long distance relationships (if you plan on doing so) comes the element of TRUST. trust is so big in every relationship. you will have to trust him to know that while you're away, you are still together, regardless of distance.
you should also talk to him about it, discuss what could potentially happen when this does. as the saying goes, 'let's cross the bridge when we get there.' good luck!
5. is it too much to say that i am madly in love with my girlfriend? my guy friends think it's kinda creepy. - via email
JAAG: different strokes for different folks as they say. if you truly are, then embrace it! i guess what they are really trying to say to you is that 'they get it' and they 'don't need to hear this mushy-gushy stuff again'. maybe some of your friends are jealous because you have such a strong relationship. my advice is to just chill out for a bit, and focus on them more than your girl. continue loving her... but you don't have to give your buddies the play by play every time she comes over to your house to hang out.
ANYHOW, i hope that answers some questions. more to come.... eventually. you probably noticed i don't have a fixed schedule.
well, i have more homework to do but i took some time to answer these. soo... STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! september is almost over.. can you believe it? ridiculous. pretty soon the snow will be falling....
tons of love and luck for you and yours,
rachelrae xx
1. how do i tell a girl to back off.. wrong words. um, how do i tell her that i'm not interested? -via Twitter
JAAG: ouch, this is a hard one. if it were up to me to do this, i would tell her the truth. not cut corners, no shortcuts. this is already unpleasant for the both of you, so there is really no point in dragging it out. however, just be upfront and honest with her. don't do this over email/facebook/text/one of her best friends... just tell her the truth.
2. is there any way to get a guy to think i'm hot? -via BloggerMail
JAAG: hmm. you should just be yourself. don't change your whole being just for one person, because there are plenty of people out there (your future honey included) that love you for WHO YOU ARE and not some cheap version of yourself. if love really meant that we were to change ourselves for others, then HELL WITH IT. i said it. likewise, changing your look to make yourself 'hot' doesn't necessarily help you get the right attention. just be yourself and smile!
3. my parents aren't okay with my boyfriend, but i really love him. what do i do? -via Twitter
JAAG: firstly, sneaking around the parents isn't really the best thing to do. ultimately they just want what's best for you. of course we tend to think the polar opposite from our parents, but try to find a centre ground: compromise is the key. talk to them and patiently explain to them why you think that they should change their mind about him. maybe you can convince your parents to let him come over to dinner one night. i know it sounds old fashioned, but give it some thought.. after all, don't parents love it when we take responsibility for our own things?
4. my boyfriend and i are graduating this year, and he is planning to stay here for post secondary while i want to go somewhere else. any thoughts on how to stay together? -via email
JAAG: this is a tough one, since i've never actually been in your shoes, nor can i tell you how to go about playing this out. what i can offer you is a thought that you should treasure what you have right now as opposed to what could happen in the future. if you do plan on pursuing school outside of your hometown, we're in the age of electronic communication. keep in touch! also, with long distance relationships (if you plan on doing so) comes the element of TRUST. trust is so big in every relationship. you will have to trust him to know that while you're away, you are still together, regardless of distance.
you should also talk to him about it, discuss what could potentially happen when this does. as the saying goes, 'let's cross the bridge when we get there.' good luck!
5. is it too much to say that i am madly in love with my girlfriend? my guy friends think it's kinda creepy. - via email
JAAG: different strokes for different folks as they say. if you truly are, then embrace it! i guess what they are really trying to say to you is that 'they get it' and they 'don't need to hear this mushy-gushy stuff again'. maybe some of your friends are jealous because you have such a strong relationship. my advice is to just chill out for a bit, and focus on them more than your girl. continue loving her... but you don't have to give your buddies the play by play every time she comes over to your house to hang out.
ANYHOW, i hope that answers some questions. more to come.... eventually. you probably noticed i don't have a fixed schedule.
well, i have more homework to do but i took some time to answer these. soo... STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! september is almost over.. can you believe it? ridiculous. pretty soon the snow will be falling....
tons of love and luck for you and yours,
rachelrae xx
Friday, September 16, 2011
i'm writing about my celebrity crush?
so yes, i'm writing about my celebrity crush... this is actually voluntarily, considering it is an English assignment.
um, we'll get back to that. there has been this burning question that has been in my inbox.. i wonder how many times this person has actually sent it, considering it's the first and only thing that i see in my inbox whenever i log in...
so, um, here we go... I HOPE YOU"RE HAPPY ABOUT THIS. and thanks for spamming my email :)
Q: so i used to like this girl, but then she got a boyfriend. for a while i was really mad and jealous, but then i meet this guy in the library.. and all of a sudden we just clicked. so then i started dating him for a while.. but then sadly, we broke up. currently i have a girlfriend now.. so what exactly is my orientation? -via Email
JAAG: this is totally out of my league.
now that i have shaken off the confusion and read over your question a couple times, here is what i can offer, considering i am just a kid blogging. i have no idea when you people decided to ask me questions... about relationships, for that matter! so since i am not an expert, here is the advice that i can offer... my humble advice:
i guess it's a crazy time in our lives. we're all confused. i'm confused. you're confused. your ex-boyfriend is confused and your current girlfriend is also confused. keyword here is CONFUSED. haven't said that, but don't look into it so much as to say what 'orientation' you are. a close friend of mine once told me, "it doesn't matter what orientation you really are, just as long as you are comfortable in your own skin... and you don't commit any crimes while you are at it."
i say go for it. think about why you liked that guy in the first place. did something appeal to you about him? and then think about the girl. what is different this time around? of course it's going to be plenty different, but as long as you are comfortable with where you are now, you don't even need me to tell you otherwise. there isn't much need for us to define ourselves, but just to express our true selves.
i hoped that helped somewhat.
i'm not really that smart..
check this out: my new favourite band, the Classic Crime, and their song "Who Needs Air" ..
i don't think this one has lyrics.. but the song is amazing. i love the song.
I'm drowning, but i don't care
Because when you got what i got
who needs air
I don't need air.
basically it talks about having all you need. and when you do, you won't even need air.
as much as life was pretty suckish before.. i'm starting to move on from my personal failures in life and going towards the direction of faithfulness and success.. and love.
yes, love.
love from my one true God, my family, friends, teachers, and everything else in between. this summer has made me stronger and i've learned not to let gossip get to me.
"I choose to live my life the way i want it to be. I don't plan on living your life, so don't you dare try to go and live mine."
ooh, and let's do one more question while we're at it...
Q: When is it right to go all the way? - via bloggermail
JAAG: honestly? i have no idea. this is probably gonna be one of my shortest replies yet.
basically, if you think that you are ready and that your bf / gf is ready, then i guess you can go for it. but you have to keep in mind the aftermath: are you ready for all the potential responsibilities that will be coming your way? are you ready to be a parent? if your answer is no, then i suggest you wait it out until you can sustain yourself, your love and your new child.
of course this is a very trivial and controversial topic.. so i'm just gonna stay out of this while i can. but of course, the safe way to do this is to WAIT. WAIT. WAIT! :D good luck with whatever you choose to do, though!
well, that's a wrap for me from behind the computer screen. STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! good luck to everyone in school this year - and a shout out to the JV football team. hope you guys win your game!
love and etc,
rachelrae xx
um, we'll get back to that. there has been this burning question that has been in my inbox.. i wonder how many times this person has actually sent it, considering it's the first and only thing that i see in my inbox whenever i log in...
so, um, here we go... I HOPE YOU"RE HAPPY ABOUT THIS. and thanks for spamming my email :)
Q: so i used to like this girl, but then she got a boyfriend. for a while i was really mad and jealous, but then i meet this guy in the library.. and all of a sudden we just clicked. so then i started dating him for a while.. but then sadly, we broke up. currently i have a girlfriend now.. so what exactly is my orientation? -via Email
JAAG: this is totally out of my league.
now that i have shaken off the confusion and read over your question a couple times, here is what i can offer, considering i am just a kid blogging. i have no idea when you people decided to ask me questions... about relationships, for that matter! so since i am not an expert, here is the advice that i can offer... my humble advice:
i guess it's a crazy time in our lives. we're all confused. i'm confused. you're confused. your ex-boyfriend is confused and your current girlfriend is also confused. keyword here is CONFUSED. haven't said that, but don't look into it so much as to say what 'orientation' you are. a close friend of mine once told me, "it doesn't matter what orientation you really are, just as long as you are comfortable in your own skin... and you don't commit any crimes while you are at it."
i say go for it. think about why you liked that guy in the first place. did something appeal to you about him? and then think about the girl. what is different this time around? of course it's going to be plenty different, but as long as you are comfortable with where you are now, you don't even need me to tell you otherwise. there isn't much need for us to define ourselves, but just to express our true selves.
i hoped that helped somewhat.
i'm not really that smart..
check this out: my new favourite band, the Classic Crime, and their song "Who Needs Air" ..
i don't think this one has lyrics.. but the song is amazing. i love the song.
I'm drowning, but i don't care
Because when you got what i got
who needs air
I don't need air.
basically it talks about having all you need. and when you do, you won't even need air.
as much as life was pretty suckish before.. i'm starting to move on from my personal failures in life and going towards the direction of faithfulness and success.. and love.
yes, love.
love from my one true God, my family, friends, teachers, and everything else in between. this summer has made me stronger and i've learned not to let gossip get to me.
"I choose to live my life the way i want it to be. I don't plan on living your life, so don't you dare try to go and live mine."
ooh, and let's do one more question while we're at it...
Q: When is it right to go all the way? - via bloggermail
JAAG: honestly? i have no idea. this is probably gonna be one of my shortest replies yet.
basically, if you think that you are ready and that your bf / gf is ready, then i guess you can go for it. but you have to keep in mind the aftermath: are you ready for all the potential responsibilities that will be coming your way? are you ready to be a parent? if your answer is no, then i suggest you wait it out until you can sustain yourself, your love and your new child.
of course this is a very trivial and controversial topic.. so i'm just gonna stay out of this while i can. but of course, the safe way to do this is to WAIT. WAIT. WAIT! :D good luck with whatever you choose to do, though!
well, that's a wrap for me from behind the computer screen. STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! good luck to everyone in school this year - and a shout out to the JV football team. hope you guys win your game!
love and etc,
rachelrae xx
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Labour Day weekend and then we made it.
well kids, we made it! we made it to the end of summer! *cue the Staples theme song*
so i got an overflow of questions, but i'm going to only answer the first three for such reasons: one) you guys have so many questions, it's legitly frying my brain! 2) i'll get back into the swing of things when school starts... soon. and 3) these were actually interesting.. to my standards ;)
Q: What's the deal with my boyfriend? he wants to have sex all the time. -via Twitter DM
JAAG: my advice: confront him and ask him what's up. i say there is something up, and i think it's because he doesn't see you as a deep and meaningful relationship but a hookup. i hate to have to say that to you but that's just what it seems like. so don't stand by any longer, because you are BEAUTIFUL and DESERVE BETTER.
Q: what should i do if my mom(who is single) is hitting on my boyfriend? -via Email
JAAG: well, this is a new one. cougar moms of the world, UNITE! ;) on a more serious note, even though cougar moms on TV are portrayed as sexy and sleazy at the same time, the thing is it's just not right for your mom to do that, whether or not she is single or not. it's kinda strange that your mom wants to do that. i would suggest talking to her, woman to woman. ask her why.. and talk to her. and consider helping her find a boyfriend! ;) good luck!
Q: is it wrong to hit on my economics teacher? -via Twitter DM
JAAG: well for starters, if he's way older than you, he better be super super hot! JK. but seriously, you could potentially set yourself for a lot of trouble. just because this guy is a teacher and he is a figure of authority, you have to set clear lines to defrenciate "teacher" and "boyfriend". to avoid any trouble, i would suggest flirty banter to be kept to a minimum and should be only used on boys your age! an occasional smile or wave in the halls is good enough. but watch out and you will get through school with honours!
well gotta go continue my BTS prep work. STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! keep sending in your questions and i'll answer... 3 more days, happy labour day!
so i got an overflow of questions, but i'm going to only answer the first three for such reasons: one) you guys have so many questions, it's legitly frying my brain! 2) i'll get back into the swing of things when school starts... soon. and 3) these were actually interesting.. to my standards ;)
Q: What's the deal with my boyfriend? he wants to have sex all the time. -via Twitter DM
JAAG: my advice: confront him and ask him what's up. i say there is something up, and i think it's because he doesn't see you as a deep and meaningful relationship but a hookup. i hate to have to say that to you but that's just what it seems like. so don't stand by any longer, because you are BEAUTIFUL and DESERVE BETTER.
Q: what should i do if my mom(who is single) is hitting on my boyfriend? -via Email
JAAG: well, this is a new one. cougar moms of the world, UNITE! ;) on a more serious note, even though cougar moms on TV are portrayed as sexy and sleazy at the same time, the thing is it's just not right for your mom to do that, whether or not she is single or not. it's kinda strange that your mom wants to do that. i would suggest talking to her, woman to woman. ask her why.. and talk to her. and consider helping her find a boyfriend! ;) good luck!
Q: is it wrong to hit on my economics teacher? -via Twitter DM
JAAG: well for starters, if he's way older than you, he better be super super hot! JK. but seriously, you could potentially set yourself for a lot of trouble. just because this guy is a teacher and he is a figure of authority, you have to set clear lines to defrenciate "teacher" and "boyfriend". to avoid any trouble, i would suggest flirty banter to be kept to a minimum and should be only used on boys your age! an occasional smile or wave in the halls is good enough. but watch out and you will get through school with honours!
well gotta go continue my BTS prep work. STAY OUTTA TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! keep sending in your questions and i'll answer... 3 more days, happy labour day!
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