Wow, it sure has been a while since I came onto here. So let me be the first to wish you all a happy belated new year and the fact that I'm so so so sorry that I haven't posted or answered questions in so long!
So what is up with the world today? 2013 is already one month down. Can you believe how in credibly fast time flies? Because I can't.
Meanwhile, to make up for some lost time, here are some questions that I have pulled from my Tumblr/Twitter/email to answer today...
Q: So this guy and I have been dating for a really, really long time, and now recently he has been pressuring me to do things that I'm not comfortable with. It's never been a problem before but now he's just been pushing limits and taking advantage of me. Help! - via Tumblr
JAAG: Girl, you need to stand your ground! The reason why this guy and yourself have held on for so long is because you both understood the meaning of respect. Now this guy has supposedly "grown up" with you by his side and now he wants to test the waters. Talk to him and tell him taht you aren't comfortable with what he is asking of you, and if he truly loves you, he will respect you and wait until you are ready too. However, it should be an easy fix if he doesn't respect you. It would be a shame since he understood the idea at first and now he doesn't, but you don't need people like that in your life. Take this as an opportunity to do what you want and hang out with people that make you feel happy and comfortable.
Q: I don't know which guy to pick. There is one guy who is on the football team who is crazy smart but he's popular, but I have a couple classes with him and he's super nice and we talk all the time, online and offline. The other guy is this guy that I have been friends with since kindergarten and he has always been there for me. Sometimes I tell him about the football guy and I kinda feel like he is jealous of him, but I'm not sure. I love them both but I'm not sure of who to go for. Any advice? - via Tumblr
JAAG: There is a phrase that goes a little something like this: "With two crushes, if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second one". Now, from experience, I know how hard it is to pick and choose who to go after and who to leave behind. I have fallen victim of multiple crushes also! But you want to make sure that you are being realistic with who you are crushing on and not wasting time on someone who isn't showing any interest in you. These two both sound like excellent guys, but let your heart decide. Don't have your mind set on the ideal boyfriend or compare the two against each other; rather, let your friendship take hold and see where it leads you. This might be frustrating at first, but only time will tell whether you choose the football player, the best friend, or someone else! There are so many guys out there to choose from...don't cut yourselves down to just those two.
Q: I haven't had my first kiss yet, and I'm scared of what will happen. - via Twitter
JAAG: I wish I could write up step by step instructions on how to have the perfect first kiss or tell you exactly what to do. The problem is, everyone is different. The media and pop culture isn't really reliable because all the kisses, the "perfect" kisses are all staged and honestly, quite fake and done by professional actors. A kiss done by ordinary humans is entirely up to you. Don't be scared! Just go with it, and if I can offer one piece of advice? Make sure you know where the other person's head is tilting, just to avoid any head injuries. :)
Q: Does it hurt to do it? - via Twitter
JAAG: While I get over the initial shock, I'll have to be honest with you: I haven't done it yet either. So I can't tell you if it hurts or stuff like that. You are better off checking with a doctor... I'm so sorry :( But remember: don't pressure yourself into doing anything you don't want to!
Q: There is this girl that is in my French class. She is really pretty, super talented, and all my friends think that I'm obessesed with her. How can I convince them, and my friends, that I'm not? - via Tumblr
JAAG: Here are a couple things to ask yourself to see if you are a) crushing b) majorly crushing or c) obsessing:
1. Do you know her entire schedule by heart?
2. Can you pretty much state three places that she could be at lunch, without fail?
3. Do you offer to do favours for her in terms of homework, helping out, etc.?
4. Do you go through all her social media streams more than once a day?
5. Have you had an actual conversation with her? (for this one, answering yes is the better answer)
6. Do you know all her likes and dislikes?
7. Do you have a tendency to watch from afar.. and then follow from a distance?
8. Do you know about every single ex boyfriend she had?
9. Have you questioned what she is like in bed?
10. Have you fantasized about her more than once?
The more often you answered yes (not including number 5) will show if you are crushing or obsessed. Sure, it's okay to know about a person's schedule, but don't use that to map out exactly how you are going to "accidentally" meet up with her and try to strike up random conversation. Instead, while this may sound cliche, just be yourself! If she doesn't like you for who you are, then even if both began dating, you would be a pushover in that relationship. Stay strong and divert your attention towards someone who will care about you.
OKAY WELL THAT"S A WRAP! <3 I hope you all find some sort of solace in this :)
rachelrae xx
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