I believe the last time I was here, I was raving about my one and only, the only person I can't have... Mr. Fallon Sir ;)
But yeah, I'm sorry for being so negligent. Tumblr URL has changed, and I'll be sure to change my sidebar :)
So I was looking through my email, and now I feel even worse because I haven't been answering questions in so long! Feel so bad... but this Saturday, expect another update. I promise, promise, promise <3
Q: There is this guy that I really, really like, the problem is, he is totally in love with my BFF. I know because he told me, and wants me to help him get close to her. My best friend kinda likes him too. Help! - via Tumblr
JAAG: This is a tough one, because you love the guy and the girl who is your best friend. Who do you choose? Is the guy worth sabotaging your best friend's relationship with you? How far are you willing to go with this guy if he does choose you, and will you be able to make it through after the whole things blows over, especially if this relationship is just a fling? Is it worth that risk?
Ultimately, it comes down to familiarity and how much you are willing to sacrifice. If you don't know the girl really well, then it may not matter as much. Then again, you addressed this girl as 'your best friend', so you may want to think this one through a little more with much more thought just so that you don't make any rash decisions. Trust me, boys will come and go, but true friends are forever :)
Q: I can't choose between two girls, obviously, so what do you think? There is this girl in my English class who is a poet, and I love poetry. There is no other girl that I can talk to about Edgar Allan Poe and Robert Frost with other than her. The other girl is on the field hockey team, a sport that I play, and she is fierce at it. I'm kinda crushing on them both, but I can only choose one! Who should I go for? - Stuck in the Middle, via Email
JAAG: This one is all you, baby! :) It's your decision, not mine. You need to decide which girl is better for you, if either of them suffice. Most people go with the phrase "if you had loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second". This might hold true in your case: who DID you fall for first? Why did you fall for her first? Take some time to go over what you like about each girl, and talk to them more about your favourite things that they both share in common with you. See who you click more with, who you are more comfortable with. Maybe neither of them will be the one. Give yourself time and options before you make a decision, but don't fall for a third. It will just make things a lot more complicated than they already are.
Q: I'm falling behind in school, but I'm on the football team and honestly, I'm probably the best on the team. There is this girl that really likes me, but she says that she will only date me if I have really good marks like she does, and she is a straight A student. What now? - via Email
JAAG: Okay, is this girl really worth your time? Honestly. Ask yourself that. If she won't accept you for what you are good at, then maybe she isn't really a good person to have around as company. Good friends build each other up. They won't ask you to change (although, as a third party outsider to this situation, I would hope that you would try your best to bring your marks up!). Don't let her dictate your life, and better yet, see if you can bring those marks up. Surprise her. But until then, worry about getting your marks up and doing well in football... not impressing her :)
--- I believe that is enough for today! I realized that I haven't finished some homework yet... =.=" time to get back to work and not be distracted by the gorgeous Jimmy Fallon pictures on my Tumblr dashboard ;)
rachelrae xx