Hey :) Just wanted to post, I know there are tons of questions that are waiting to be answered... So far, summer has been pretty good to me, except for the fact that I have a music history exam to take in about 2 weeks or so. Wish me luck, I'm going to need it!
So last post I told you that I was in need of more questions, and my oh my how well you all responded..
Q: Is it true that if you have sex with your boyfriend, you will feel closer to him? via Twitter
JAAG: I can't say from personal experience...
Errrms, well, I think it would really have to depend on you as a person and your boyfriend. Some people grow closer and make stronger bonds after sex, but that's the whole reason why married couples do it: not just to procreate, but to make a stronger and more loving bond between them. I would say that, unless you plan on marrying the guy within the next 6 months, sex may not be the best thing for you right now. Even if you "love" him and he "loves" you back, take a step back, Does he really? Do YOU really love him? Ask your self that before you make any sort of hasty decision, one that you may regret later on in life.
Q: You keep talking about how God has made one person for each of us, and how there is someone out there for us. I went through 9 different boyfriends, and I still haven't found the one. I'm 20 years old and single! Where is my Prince Charming?! -via Tumblr
JAAG: Let me clarify: God has set out people that He has meant for us in our lives, but sometimes, people are called to a single life. This isn't because God hates us, but it's what God has meant for us because He loves us. Now, to answer your question, perhaps all those boyfriends may have aroused something in your that you feel like he is the "one" and that's why you are so fed up with this whole "soulmate" thing because it's happened not once, not twice, but nine times. I feel for you, I haven't been there as much as you, but I've had three boyfriends now. I realize now that I want to follow what God has destined for me...as much as I would love to get married and start a family one day, I know that I will go nowhere if I'm not following God's Path. Keep the faith, and one day you may find that special someone to spend the rest of your life with.
Q: I've been secretly dating two girls, thinking that it would be okay. Now I just found out that they were best friends! They both think that its really funny and coincidental that both of their boyfriends have the same name, when in reality, its the same person. HELP! -via Tumblr
JAAG: My, my, my. This is quite a sticky situation that you have on your hands, but can I ask you a question in return? Why would you do that? I'm surprised that your girlfriends haven't begun to compare notes on how much their 'boyfriends' share in common, much beyond the first name! I say don't wait until they discover that their boyfriends have the same last name. Come clean, and be ready to face the wrath of two innocent girls that have been cheated and the fact that you will most likely go from two girlfriends to zero girlfriends. Right now the best thing you can offer is not your charm but your integrity and honesty. That way, hopefully after this blows over you can all still be friends.. just not in a romantic sense. And for future reference, never date two girls at one time, even if they are moral enemies. You'll just get into a lot of trouble.
Q: My boyfriend cheated on me while he was on vacation. I saw all the pictures on facebook of him and another beach blonde babe kissing while he was in Hawaii. I still love him, but this is unacceptable. What should I do? -via Email
JAAG: You're right, that is unacceptable. You deserve to have a boyfriend that is faithful and true to you, no matter if you are in the same city or not. I guess you should ask yourself a couple questions: is this a first time infraction of your trust? If it is, then ask yourself this: has he told you that he is sorry and wants you back? Talk to the guy and tell him how you felt when you saw those pictures on your newsfeed. Tell him how hurt you are. If he shows no signs of remorse or if he says its "just a fling", you may need to re-evaluate your relationship with him. But, if he is truly sorry, you can consider taking him back, on the condition that he never does something like that again. If he does, then things could end between the two of you. And while we're at it (although I am certain that you won't do this), but don't do that back to him just for revenge. Now that you know how it feels, take the high road and move on.
Q: My parents are constantly fighting all the time, and they are uttering divorce threats at each other. I'm scared because if they get a divorce, I don't know what will happen to me and my siblings...and our family. -via Email
JAAG: I'm truly sorry to hear that, from the bottom of my heart. It is never easy to hear parents fighting with each other, especially if it is a recurrent thing that happens at your house. Try talking to them, one on one (as in, one conversation with mom, a separate one with dad) and tell them how you feel. Don't try and play couples counsellor or pry into their issues, just tell them that you feel sad and scared when they fight. Hopefully if you bring to your parents' attention that you and your siblings feel uncomfortable when they fight, they will a) stop fighting or b) find somewhere else to fight where they cannot be heard or c) realize that this is a problem that they need to resolve for the good of the family.
Also, if you are scared of talking to your parents, talk to a trusted adult. Maybe your relatives, like your aunt or grandmother? Or even tell your fears to a guidance counsellor. That's what always helps me. I really hope that your parents can work something out! Keep asking questions if you ever need someone to talk to :)
Q: Ever since the divorce, my dad has been seeing a steady stream of women. Occasionally he will say that 'she's the one I want to marry', but really, I hate all of them. - via Tumblr
JAAG: I'm sorry to hear about your parents divorce. Now, concerning your dad, unfortuantely the type of people that you will be into may not be reflected on the type of people your dad are into. Ultimately he is the one that is dating them, but you are right, if he ends up marrying them, she will eventually be your new step mom. Remember this: no matter how ugly a divorce is, no one can replace your biological mother. Talk to your dad about these women, and tell him that you want someone that will not only treat you right, but him right as well, and be a good family person. You want someone that will not replace your mother, but be jsut as good as your real mother. You can't really stand in the way of who your dad wants to marry, but he should consider how you feel about someone before he proposes. I hope everything works out!
Didn't I say there were a ton of great questions? You guys are the best! :)
Like I said before in the above questions, I'm always here. Of course I may not get to your question right away as I am receiving from a bunch of different places, but I will get to them eventually, and you all know that. However if you require immediate talking to (so toe speak) my Tumblr is constantly active, and I will be more than happy to answer your questions, check out and follow your own blogs! Just shoot me a question in my ask, anonymous or not. Just remember that if the question is left anonymous, it will be posted on my blog for everyone to see... just putting that out there. If you have a Tumblr you can ask me and I can answer it privately unless you tell me that its okay. Most of them time I take all the Tumblr questions and answer them here as you can clearly see, but occasionally I will answer them on Tumblr itself.
Oh my, would you look at the time. I should get back to studying. Keep those questions coming! My Tumblr is, of course, http://mariachelle-annaclare.tumblr.com
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Take care, and farewell for now. Thank you for all the outpouring of good luck wishes on Twitter by the way, I'm going to need all the luck I can get for this exam! After that, someone is going to sunny Florida for two weeks!.... #Ecstatic
love and praying for sunny weather and an easy exam,
rachelrae xx
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