Whoa, there! July 31st already? Where did July go? Where did the time go??
This is insanity!
Anyways, I got a ton more questions from you guys. You are probably all the coolest blog followers ever!
I just finished another day of camp... excrutiating, but you get through it. Its really rewarding when the kids finally listen to you and understand things and learn new things. So fun but I think my voice is going.. my choir director isn't going to be too happy about that one >.<"
Oh well, here we go. Less talking, more writing, more answering!
Q: I love my girlfriend so, so much. We've been dating since 7th grade, and we just graduated from high school. We're both 18, and I can't wait another day for her to go on as just my girlfriend.. I want to marry her! Do you think its too early? - Don't Wanna Be A Bachelor Forever, via Tumblr
JAAG: Awwe, don't worry, I highly doubt that you will be a bachelor! But you know what, good for yo uand your girlfriend for committing to such a long lasting relationship, and showing to her how much you love and appreciate her! Honestly, it's totally up to you. You and her both have to sit down and discuss this. We aren't talking about a T-shirt that you can buy and return a couple days later because it doesn't fit or because you don't like it.. this is MARRIAGE! You have to decide, and she does also, if you both are ready for this long term commitment (If you ask me, you both seem really ready!) You also need to ask whether or not you are both ready to start a family. Do you both really want to put off school for the sake a your family, or will you finish school first before you have children? There are a lot of variables in place, as well as the financial aspect. Think through this, talk to your parents, and really really think long and hard before you get down on one knee and propose to her. Best of luck and congratulations to both of you for getting this far!!
Q: I think I'm lesbian. What do I do now? - via Twitter
JAAG: I'm the wrong person to ask, because I'm not. Good for you, though, for being true to yourself and realizing that you want to come through with such a big part of your life. I would say continue living your life and continue being the good friend you are. If you haven't told anyone yet, just be yourself. Tell someone that you can trust and that won't blow the whole thing out of proportion or leave you in your time of need. This is a big step in your life! Live it through day by day, and just be you. There is no one else like you.
Q: What are your thoughts on long distance relationships? Like, the ones where I'm here, and my boyfriend is going halfway across the world? - via Twitter
JAAG: This is interesting. I've actually been in a long distance relationship before. My boyfriend at the time didn't go as far as yours did; mine only went across the country away from me, so still fairly close but not close enough where we could both meet halfway and go grab a Starbucks or something. You could look at it as you won't be spending all your time with him, so there isn't the potential "getting bored" that some couples face because they spend all their time with each other. The thing is though, with his distance, even short visits maybe be difficult to coordinate because he is there, and you are here. On the other hand, you may have to take this as a sign of saying that this isn't meant to be. Some people can only tolerate long distance for so long, and sometimes people get antsy (not saying that you will, but its a possibility). You or your boyfriend might eventually fall for someone else, but then you won't be able to date them because technically, you are still in a relationship! It all comes down to how much you love him (okay, that sounds mean). You have to talk to him and communicate to him where you want this to go, so as to not let yourself or him miss out on a potential soulmate. If you do want to continue this relationship, not to worry! We are in the age of instant communcation: we have Skype, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr... You have plenty of ways to talk to him on a regular basis!
Q: I heard that you were a singer/songwriter on your Tumblr. What do you write about? I want to write a song, but I don't know where to start. - via Email
JAAG: Wow, something unrelated to relationships! :) That's true, I am a singer/songwriter and I absolutely adore writing songs in my spare time! My piano is my baby! Well, I usually write about songs that are true and relatable to my life. Usually there are three themes to the songs I write: 1) Songs about a boy that I wish was mine; 2) Songs about a boy who is mine and its about how much I love him; or 3) A break up song/I hate you type of song. Trust me, I've written a lot of those ;)
You really have to write about something that has happened to you. I once wrote a song about my Grandmother who passed away a couple years ago. That helped me cope and also helped me reminicse about all the times we spent together. Good luck on your songwriting!
Alrighty, I guess I'm off. My exam is in a week or so.... take care. Another tiring yet interesting coupld days await me...
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! The sun is shining, and if you're reading this... you're still alive. GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY!
rachelrae xx
No question is too small, too strange or too weird. Check out the sidebar to see how you can send your questions in, and I will answer them here :) Other than that, I like to post music, preach and use this as a journal of sorts.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Not really summer, but oh well.
Hey :) Just wanted to post, I know there are tons of questions that are waiting to be answered... So far, summer has been pretty good to me, except for the fact that I have a music history exam to take in about 2 weeks or so. Wish me luck, I'm going to need it!
So last post I told you that I was in need of more questions, and my oh my how well you all responded..
Q: Is it true that if you have sex with your boyfriend, you will feel closer to him? via Twitter
JAAG: I can't say from personal experience...
Errrms, well, I think it would really have to depend on you as a person and your boyfriend. Some people grow closer and make stronger bonds after sex, but that's the whole reason why married couples do it: not just to procreate, but to make a stronger and more loving bond between them. I would say that, unless you plan on marrying the guy within the next 6 months, sex may not be the best thing for you right now. Even if you "love" him and he "loves" you back, take a step back, Does he really? Do YOU really love him? Ask your self that before you make any sort of hasty decision, one that you may regret later on in life.
Q: You keep talking about how God has made one person for each of us, and how there is someone out there for us. I went through 9 different boyfriends, and I still haven't found the one. I'm 20 years old and single! Where is my Prince Charming?! -via Tumblr
JAAG: Let me clarify: God has set out people that He has meant for us in our lives, but sometimes, people are called to a single life. This isn't because God hates us, but it's what God has meant for us because He loves us. Now, to answer your question, perhaps all those boyfriends may have aroused something in your that you feel like he is the "one" and that's why you are so fed up with this whole "soulmate" thing because it's happened not once, not twice, but nine times. I feel for you, I haven't been there as much as you, but I've had three boyfriends now. I realize now that I want to follow what God has destined for me...as much as I would love to get married and start a family one day, I know that I will go nowhere if I'm not following God's Path. Keep the faith, and one day you may find that special someone to spend the rest of your life with.
Q: I've been secretly dating two girls, thinking that it would be okay. Now I just found out that they were best friends! They both think that its really funny and coincidental that both of their boyfriends have the same name, when in reality, its the same person. HELP! -via Tumblr
JAAG: My, my, my. This is quite a sticky situation that you have on your hands, but can I ask you a question in return? Why would you do that? I'm surprised that your girlfriends haven't begun to compare notes on how much their 'boyfriends' share in common, much beyond the first name! I say don't wait until they discover that their boyfriends have the same last name. Come clean, and be ready to face the wrath of two innocent girls that have been cheated and the fact that you will most likely go from two girlfriends to zero girlfriends. Right now the best thing you can offer is not your charm but your integrity and honesty. That way, hopefully after this blows over you can all still be friends.. just not in a romantic sense. And for future reference, never date two girls at one time, even if they are moral enemies. You'll just get into a lot of trouble.
Q: My boyfriend cheated on me while he was on vacation. I saw all the pictures on facebook of him and another beach blonde babe kissing while he was in Hawaii. I still love him, but this is unacceptable. What should I do? -via Email
JAAG: You're right, that is unacceptable. You deserve to have a boyfriend that is faithful and true to you, no matter if you are in the same city or not. I guess you should ask yourself a couple questions: is this a first time infraction of your trust? If it is, then ask yourself this: has he told you that he is sorry and wants you back? Talk to the guy and tell him how you felt when you saw those pictures on your newsfeed. Tell him how hurt you are. If he shows no signs of remorse or if he says its "just a fling", you may need to re-evaluate your relationship with him. But, if he is truly sorry, you can consider taking him back, on the condition that he never does something like that again. If he does, then things could end between the two of you. And while we're at it (although I am certain that you won't do this), but don't do that back to him just for revenge. Now that you know how it feels, take the high road and move on.
Q: My parents are constantly fighting all the time, and they are uttering divorce threats at each other. I'm scared because if they get a divorce, I don't know what will happen to me and my siblings...and our family. -via Email
JAAG: I'm truly sorry to hear that, from the bottom of my heart. It is never easy to hear parents fighting with each other, especially if it is a recurrent thing that happens at your house. Try talking to them, one on one (as in, one conversation with mom, a separate one with dad) and tell them how you feel. Don't try and play couples counsellor or pry into their issues, just tell them that you feel sad and scared when they fight. Hopefully if you bring to your parents' attention that you and your siblings feel uncomfortable when they fight, they will a) stop fighting or b) find somewhere else to fight where they cannot be heard or c) realize that this is a problem that they need to resolve for the good of the family.
Also, if you are scared of talking to your parents, talk to a trusted adult. Maybe your relatives, like your aunt or grandmother? Or even tell your fears to a guidance counsellor. That's what always helps me. I really hope that your parents can work something out! Keep asking questions if you ever need someone to talk to :)
Q: Ever since the divorce, my dad has been seeing a steady stream of women. Occasionally he will say that 'she's the one I want to marry', but really, I hate all of them. - via Tumblr
JAAG: I'm sorry to hear about your parents divorce. Now, concerning your dad, unfortuantely the type of people that you will be into may not be reflected on the type of people your dad are into. Ultimately he is the one that is dating them, but you are right, if he ends up marrying them, she will eventually be your new step mom. Remember this: no matter how ugly a divorce is, no one can replace your biological mother. Talk to your dad about these women, and tell him that you want someone that will not only treat you right, but him right as well, and be a good family person. You want someone that will not replace your mother, but be jsut as good as your real mother. You can't really stand in the way of who your dad wants to marry, but he should consider how you feel about someone before he proposes. I hope everything works out!
Didn't I say there were a ton of great questions? You guys are the best! :)
Like I said before in the above questions, I'm always here. Of course I may not get to your question right away as I am receiving from a bunch of different places, but I will get to them eventually, and you all know that. However if you require immediate talking to (so toe speak) my Tumblr is constantly active, and I will be more than happy to answer your questions, check out and follow your own blogs! Just shoot me a question in my ask, anonymous or not. Just remember that if the question is left anonymous, it will be posted on my blog for everyone to see... just putting that out there. If you have a Tumblr you can ask me and I can answer it privately unless you tell me that its okay. Most of them time I take all the Tumblr questions and answer them here as you can clearly see, but occasionally I will answer them on Tumblr itself.
Oh my, would you look at the time. I should get back to studying. Keep those questions coming! My Tumblr is, of course, http://mariachelle-annaclare.tumblr.com
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Take care, and farewell for now. Thank you for all the outpouring of good luck wishes on Twitter by the way, I'm going to need all the luck I can get for this exam! After that, someone is going to sunny Florida for two weeks!.... #Ecstatic
love and praying for sunny weather and an easy exam,
rachelrae xx
So last post I told you that I was in need of more questions, and my oh my how well you all responded..
Q: Is it true that if you have sex with your boyfriend, you will feel closer to him? via Twitter
JAAG: I can't say from personal experience...
Errrms, well, I think it would really have to depend on you as a person and your boyfriend. Some people grow closer and make stronger bonds after sex, but that's the whole reason why married couples do it: not just to procreate, but to make a stronger and more loving bond between them. I would say that, unless you plan on marrying the guy within the next 6 months, sex may not be the best thing for you right now. Even if you "love" him and he "loves" you back, take a step back, Does he really? Do YOU really love him? Ask your self that before you make any sort of hasty decision, one that you may regret later on in life.
Q: You keep talking about how God has made one person for each of us, and how there is someone out there for us. I went through 9 different boyfriends, and I still haven't found the one. I'm 20 years old and single! Where is my Prince Charming?! -via Tumblr
JAAG: Let me clarify: God has set out people that He has meant for us in our lives, but sometimes, people are called to a single life. This isn't because God hates us, but it's what God has meant for us because He loves us. Now, to answer your question, perhaps all those boyfriends may have aroused something in your that you feel like he is the "one" and that's why you are so fed up with this whole "soulmate" thing because it's happened not once, not twice, but nine times. I feel for you, I haven't been there as much as you, but I've had three boyfriends now. I realize now that I want to follow what God has destined for me...as much as I would love to get married and start a family one day, I know that I will go nowhere if I'm not following God's Path. Keep the faith, and one day you may find that special someone to spend the rest of your life with.
Q: I've been secretly dating two girls, thinking that it would be okay. Now I just found out that they were best friends! They both think that its really funny and coincidental that both of their boyfriends have the same name, when in reality, its the same person. HELP! -via Tumblr
JAAG: My, my, my. This is quite a sticky situation that you have on your hands, but can I ask you a question in return? Why would you do that? I'm surprised that your girlfriends haven't begun to compare notes on how much their 'boyfriends' share in common, much beyond the first name! I say don't wait until they discover that their boyfriends have the same last name. Come clean, and be ready to face the wrath of two innocent girls that have been cheated and the fact that you will most likely go from two girlfriends to zero girlfriends. Right now the best thing you can offer is not your charm but your integrity and honesty. That way, hopefully after this blows over you can all still be friends.. just not in a romantic sense. And for future reference, never date two girls at one time, even if they are moral enemies. You'll just get into a lot of trouble.
Q: My boyfriend cheated on me while he was on vacation. I saw all the pictures on facebook of him and another beach blonde babe kissing while he was in Hawaii. I still love him, but this is unacceptable. What should I do? -via Email
JAAG: You're right, that is unacceptable. You deserve to have a boyfriend that is faithful and true to you, no matter if you are in the same city or not. I guess you should ask yourself a couple questions: is this a first time infraction of your trust? If it is, then ask yourself this: has he told you that he is sorry and wants you back? Talk to the guy and tell him how you felt when you saw those pictures on your newsfeed. Tell him how hurt you are. If he shows no signs of remorse or if he says its "just a fling", you may need to re-evaluate your relationship with him. But, if he is truly sorry, you can consider taking him back, on the condition that he never does something like that again. If he does, then things could end between the two of you. And while we're at it (although I am certain that you won't do this), but don't do that back to him just for revenge. Now that you know how it feels, take the high road and move on.
Q: My parents are constantly fighting all the time, and they are uttering divorce threats at each other. I'm scared because if they get a divorce, I don't know what will happen to me and my siblings...and our family. -via Email
JAAG: I'm truly sorry to hear that, from the bottom of my heart. It is never easy to hear parents fighting with each other, especially if it is a recurrent thing that happens at your house. Try talking to them, one on one (as in, one conversation with mom, a separate one with dad) and tell them how you feel. Don't try and play couples counsellor or pry into their issues, just tell them that you feel sad and scared when they fight. Hopefully if you bring to your parents' attention that you and your siblings feel uncomfortable when they fight, they will a) stop fighting or b) find somewhere else to fight where they cannot be heard or c) realize that this is a problem that they need to resolve for the good of the family.
Also, if you are scared of talking to your parents, talk to a trusted adult. Maybe your relatives, like your aunt or grandmother? Or even tell your fears to a guidance counsellor. That's what always helps me. I really hope that your parents can work something out! Keep asking questions if you ever need someone to talk to :)
Q: Ever since the divorce, my dad has been seeing a steady stream of women. Occasionally he will say that 'she's the one I want to marry', but really, I hate all of them. - via Tumblr
JAAG: I'm sorry to hear about your parents divorce. Now, concerning your dad, unfortuantely the type of people that you will be into may not be reflected on the type of people your dad are into. Ultimately he is the one that is dating them, but you are right, if he ends up marrying them, she will eventually be your new step mom. Remember this: no matter how ugly a divorce is, no one can replace your biological mother. Talk to your dad about these women, and tell him that you want someone that will not only treat you right, but him right as well, and be a good family person. You want someone that will not replace your mother, but be jsut as good as your real mother. You can't really stand in the way of who your dad wants to marry, but he should consider how you feel about someone before he proposes. I hope everything works out!
Didn't I say there were a ton of great questions? You guys are the best! :)
Like I said before in the above questions, I'm always here. Of course I may not get to your question right away as I am receiving from a bunch of different places, but I will get to them eventually, and you all know that. However if you require immediate talking to (so toe speak) my Tumblr is constantly active, and I will be more than happy to answer your questions, check out and follow your own blogs! Just shoot me a question in my ask, anonymous or not. Just remember that if the question is left anonymous, it will be posted on my blog for everyone to see... just putting that out there. If you have a Tumblr you can ask me and I can answer it privately unless you tell me that its okay. Most of them time I take all the Tumblr questions and answer them here as you can clearly see, but occasionally I will answer them on Tumblr itself.
Oh my, would you look at the time. I should get back to studying. Keep those questions coming! My Tumblr is, of course, http://mariachelle-annaclare.tumblr.com
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Take care, and farewell for now. Thank you for all the outpouring of good luck wishes on Twitter by the way, I'm going to need all the luck I can get for this exam! After that, someone is going to sunny Florida for two weeks!.... #Ecstatic
love and praying for sunny weather and an easy exam,
rachelrae xx
Monday, July 16, 2012
You are the only one I'd promise the stars.
"Promise the Stars" by We the Kings
I'm so tired. I've been constantly studying for a music history exam that is happening next month for me. Not too thrilled, and I hope I can get a decent mark on it.. :$
Meanwhile, the sun is finally back out! Yesterday's outing with my besties in the states was filled with clouds and a gray sky...It was totally fine though. Shopping scores all around! Yup, the things I shouldn't be doing when I have a hard exam coming up.. but everyone deserves a study break once in a while, right? ;)
I was scrolling through Tumblr and was checking my inbox when I found this question:
"How did you get such beautiful skin? :$" via Tumblr
So I'll answer that here...
Honestly I used to have terrible skin and it was constantly breaking out on me, which sucked. Recently I don't know what happened, maybe diet or constant face washing, but its getting better (and I'm going to blame you if I jinx that) :P Anyhow, what I really like to use is St. Ives products. In the morning I use a Apricot face wash, and at night when I shower I use a St. Ives facial wash in Fresh Skin. Also, it really helps if you moisturize in the morning. I like Jergens cream :) And always eat tons of fruits and veggies, as weird as that is! Fruits and vegetables are filled with water which help your skin out a ton :) And I take that as a compliment, thank you very much <3
Anyways, I don't think that today I had enough questions to answer... *hint nudge cough cough wink* so I'm going to leave it up to you guys to make it interesting for me. I'll be back soon enough to answer your questions, don't you worry your little heads. For now, enjoy summer while I slave away at 400 years worth of musical history. kthanks.
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Mandarin orange and nude nails <3 Gotta love summer colours. If you get restless, dear children, you can find something more inspirational at www.mariachelle-annaclare.tumblr.com :)
Take care,
rachelrae xx
awwe thanks,
Friday, July 13, 2012
Mentally Exhausted...
Listening to a song called "Drift Away" by Magnetic North. I've never heard of them, and literally, I was introduced to them a couple minutes ago by a really close friend of mine. I miss him so :( ...
So, how is everyone's summer going so far? I know we've only barely scratched the surface, since its only July, but still. I've already had such an adventurous week. Strenuous and annoying, but fun and rewarding altogether. Spent a week at a camp, helping out little children with performing arts. Greeeat...
LOL So I have some questions here, let's tackle them one by one. I can only get through three, so let's see who the lucky ones are...
Q: There is this girl that I have been friends with forever, and I'm starting to have feelings for her. I don't know what I should do... should I tell her how I feel, or should I keep my mouth shut just so that we can stay such good friends? - Don't Wanna Be FriendZoned, via Tumblr
JAAG: Oh my goodness, its like you have been stalking me :) Firstly, I've been in your situation before, so let me just say that it has its pros and cons. On one hand, you know everything about this girl, what she likes, dislikes, and stuff like that. On the other hand, you hit the nail on the head: if anything happens, what happens to your friendship? After going through something like that twice, I feel like anything can change and you can get back to where you were after waiting it out a bit.
I was exploring on Youtube before I began this post, and I found this song that can totally relate to your situation... and honestly, I'm falling in love with this guy, right here <3 Jason Chen, Chinese cutie <3 Enjoy, and good luck! It's called "Best Friend" by Jason Chen
Q: All my boyfriend can talk to me about is sex. He won't talk to me about anything else, but I'm not ready for sex. What can I do? - via Twitter
JAAG: Sweetheart, he is totally not worth your time. LEAVE HIM! LOL Okay, so I shouldn't tell you how to live your relationships... but at the same time, take this as a warning flag. The only reason he isn't leaving you yet is that he really really wants you to have sex with him. Turn the tables and take off on him first. This guy isn't worth your time.. find someone that will treaet you and your virginity as a gift.
Q: Gift ideas for my parents' 20th wedding anniversary?? - via Twitter
JAAG: Good for your parents, making it at 20 years already! And good for you for going to get them a gift! :) Honestly, you will probably know your parents way way better than I do... but a really good gift idea is a scrapboo/photo album to showcase all the wonderful memories that you as a family have shared. That's my personal favourite :) Good luck on finding a gift for them!
WOW. New boyfriend up there ^^ Jason Chen <3
LOL In my dreams.
Life is going pretty well, so it seems. Someone is going to Florida in August... someone named MEEEE <3 Also, love life seems t be going pretty spectacular, someone asked me about that the other day. It's going great! The best time is always to be in love with someone, I guess, that time before you're in a relationship and just crushing on them :) Makes you dream more...
oh well. STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Also, enjoy some randomness here... www.mariachelle-annaclare.tumblr.com :)
summer loving,
rachelrae xx
So, how is everyone's summer going so far? I know we've only barely scratched the surface, since its only July, but still. I've already had such an adventurous week. Strenuous and annoying, but fun and rewarding altogether. Spent a week at a camp, helping out little children with performing arts. Greeeat...
LOL So I have some questions here, let's tackle them one by one. I can only get through three, so let's see who the lucky ones are...
Q: There is this girl that I have been friends with forever, and I'm starting to have feelings for her. I don't know what I should do... should I tell her how I feel, or should I keep my mouth shut just so that we can stay such good friends? - Don't Wanna Be FriendZoned, via Tumblr
JAAG: Oh my goodness, its like you have been stalking me :) Firstly, I've been in your situation before, so let me just say that it has its pros and cons. On one hand, you know everything about this girl, what she likes, dislikes, and stuff like that. On the other hand, you hit the nail on the head: if anything happens, what happens to your friendship? After going through something like that twice, I feel like anything can change and you can get back to where you were after waiting it out a bit.
I was exploring on Youtube before I began this post, and I found this song that can totally relate to your situation... and honestly, I'm falling in love with this guy, right here <3 Jason Chen, Chinese cutie <3 Enjoy, and good luck! It's called "Best Friend" by Jason Chen
Q: All my boyfriend can talk to me about is sex. He won't talk to me about anything else, but I'm not ready for sex. What can I do? - via Twitter
JAAG: Sweetheart, he is totally not worth your time. LEAVE HIM! LOL Okay, so I shouldn't tell you how to live your relationships... but at the same time, take this as a warning flag. The only reason he isn't leaving you yet is that he really really wants you to have sex with him. Turn the tables and take off on him first. This guy isn't worth your time.. find someone that will treaet you and your virginity as a gift.
Q: Gift ideas for my parents' 20th wedding anniversary?? - via Twitter
JAAG: Good for your parents, making it at 20 years already! And good for you for going to get them a gift! :) Honestly, you will probably know your parents way way better than I do... but a really good gift idea is a scrapboo/photo album to showcase all the wonderful memories that you as a family have shared. That's my personal favourite :) Good luck on finding a gift for them!
WOW. New boyfriend up there ^^ Jason Chen <3
LOL In my dreams.
Life is going pretty well, so it seems. Someone is going to Florida in August... someone named MEEEE <3 Also, love life seems t be going pretty spectacular, someone asked me about that the other day. It's going great! The best time is always to be in love with someone, I guess, that time before you're in a relationship and just crushing on them :) Makes you dream more...
oh well. STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Also, enjoy some randomness here... www.mariachelle-annaclare.tumblr.com :)
summer loving,
rachelrae xx
Friday, July 6, 2012
Summerlike Weather :)
Well, it's about time that we got some sunshine around this part of town. Enough with the doom and gloom of the rain... this is what we are talking about!
Although a radio station has it right...
Anyways, I got my learner's license this morning. I'm pretty happy. I was really worried; I got there early with my mom and my sister and we were the first ones in line just so that we could make sure that we got it done and over with.
People were coming in after me and the people behind the desk were like, "Oh welcome back" or "here to try again?"
I was so scared... was it really that difficult? I didn't know. But I hoped that I could get it done in one shot. I mean, $15 a try? Seriously? Ouuuuch...
Cool, so I have some more questions. I was going to do a live video reply of this one just to try something new, but my camera didn't have enough space in minutes.. and at the same time, the playback had no sound so I have no idea how retarded I would sound :P Also, I would have to see how I would edit it as well... but here we go:
Q: I have been best friends with this guy (we're both guys, FYI) for a really long time, ever since kindergarten and stuff. Now we're both going to be seniors next year at the same school. This past year there was a girl that we both saw at the same time and we literally called dibs on her at the same time, like, word for word "She's mine." I don't want to fight him, but I really want to talk to her and possibly date her. Any advice? - via Tumblr
JAAG: Thanks for the clarification, sweetheart. It's good to know what gender I'm working with here ;)
Now, as girls, we have this thing called "sisters before misters" and another one, although I know that it's not very appropriate to say here... so surely, as guys, you guys have something similar? Like a bro code or something?
Look, if you two are as close as you say you are, then I hope you won't let a girl get in between you two because that would be very unfortunate to give up after so much history. I could say "Let the girl decided" but trust me, that never works because you both will be trying to outcompete each other. I would say forget about the girl, and try not to meet one girl at the same time, because that would lead you both to the current problem you guys are in. If he really is your best friend, then he would hear you out when you say that you don't want to fight over something that is so petty and so unsure! Hopefully you both will find respectable girls to date in the future :)
Q: My mom and my dad have been fighting a lot over my boyfriend. My dad hates him and thinks that he is being a bad influence on me, and my mom adores him and is already planning our wedding! What should I do to bring peace to my family? - via Tumblr
JAAG: This is a tricky situation, because it's not just you and your boyfriend but it's also inclusive of your parents as well, and your parents clearly don't see eye to eye on this situation. Sit down with your dad and your mom, and see if you can figure out what causes your dad to feel this way about your boyfriend. For example, is it because he doesn't like his tattoos, or his piercings (if any)? Well, unfortunately these things are almost close to irreversible, but you can manage how you cover up the tattoos or maybe your boyfriend can opt not to wear any piercings when he comes over for dinner. If you really love your boyfriend, that try and make a stand to you dad that you really love him and that you can't part with him. I hope that this doesn't bring anymore adversity to your family, but communication, communication, communication is all I can offer you.
Q: Is it possible that you are a guy doing all this blogging? - Questioning You, via Twitter
JAAG: Is it possible that you are a creep and are creeping me? LOLOLOL I almost died laughing when I read this.. I can guarantee that I am 100% girl and nothing more than that. Don't believe me? www.mariachelle-annaclare.tumblr.com I'm sure you can find proof there :)
So yeah, you know what? Check out my tumblr. I made sure that there are tons of juicy links there to click and check out stuff, and made sure that they all work and that they can all bring you back here and to my twitter. Cheers!
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! If you see me behind the wheel, don't hesitate to wave! ;)
Your lovely new driver,
rachelrae xx
Although a radio station has it right...
"We are totally in love with the weather now, but next week, we will be wishing for the rain again."HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA.
Anyways, I got my learner's license this morning. I'm pretty happy. I was really worried; I got there early with my mom and my sister and we were the first ones in line just so that we could make sure that we got it done and over with.
People were coming in after me and the people behind the desk were like, "Oh welcome back" or "here to try again?"
I was so scared... was it really that difficult? I didn't know. But I hoped that I could get it done in one shot. I mean, $15 a try? Seriously? Ouuuuch...
Cool, so I have some more questions. I was going to do a live video reply of this one just to try something new, but my camera didn't have enough space in minutes.. and at the same time, the playback had no sound so I have no idea how retarded I would sound :P Also, I would have to see how I would edit it as well... but here we go:
Q: I have been best friends with this guy (we're both guys, FYI) for a really long time, ever since kindergarten and stuff. Now we're both going to be seniors next year at the same school. This past year there was a girl that we both saw at the same time and we literally called dibs on her at the same time, like, word for word "She's mine." I don't want to fight him, but I really want to talk to her and possibly date her. Any advice? - via Tumblr
JAAG: Thanks for the clarification, sweetheart. It's good to know what gender I'm working with here ;)
Now, as girls, we have this thing called "sisters before misters" and another one, although I know that it's not very appropriate to say here... so surely, as guys, you guys have something similar? Like a bro code or something?
Look, if you two are as close as you say you are, then I hope you won't let a girl get in between you two because that would be very unfortunate to give up after so much history. I could say "Let the girl decided" but trust me, that never works because you both will be trying to outcompete each other. I would say forget about the girl, and try not to meet one girl at the same time, because that would lead you both to the current problem you guys are in. If he really is your best friend, then he would hear you out when you say that you don't want to fight over something that is so petty and so unsure! Hopefully you both will find respectable girls to date in the future :)
Q: My mom and my dad have been fighting a lot over my boyfriend. My dad hates him and thinks that he is being a bad influence on me, and my mom adores him and is already planning our wedding! What should I do to bring peace to my family? - via Tumblr
JAAG: This is a tricky situation, because it's not just you and your boyfriend but it's also inclusive of your parents as well, and your parents clearly don't see eye to eye on this situation. Sit down with your dad and your mom, and see if you can figure out what causes your dad to feel this way about your boyfriend. For example, is it because he doesn't like his tattoos, or his piercings (if any)? Well, unfortunately these things are almost close to irreversible, but you can manage how you cover up the tattoos or maybe your boyfriend can opt not to wear any piercings when he comes over for dinner. If you really love your boyfriend, that try and make a stand to you dad that you really love him and that you can't part with him. I hope that this doesn't bring anymore adversity to your family, but communication, communication, communication is all I can offer you.
Q: Is it possible that you are a guy doing all this blogging? - Questioning You, via Twitter
JAAG: Is it possible that you are a creep and are creeping me? LOLOLOL I almost died laughing when I read this.. I can guarantee that I am 100% girl and nothing more than that. Don't believe me? www.mariachelle-annaclare.tumblr.com I'm sure you can find proof there :)
So yeah, you know what? Check out my tumblr. I made sure that there are tons of juicy links there to click and check out stuff, and made sure that they all work and that they can all bring you back here and to my twitter. Cheers!
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! If you see me behind the wheel, don't hesitate to wave! ;)
Your lovely new driver,
rachelrae xx
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Summer has finally begun...!
Well, it seems that the rain has finally ceased and the sun is shining through my window... about time, Mother Nature. It's July. Come on.
Meanwhile, how goes it? For me, its going pretty well. Aside from the fact that I have some more studying to do this summer, I just got the best news that I could ever ask for in my life.
The key word here is "remission".
I'm finally safe from any harm and danger, and I can go about living life the way a teenager should: carefree with tied down responsibility. I shouldn't have to think every night that this is my last night... I mean, no one does that. It's not normal.
So my doctor told me that, and god, I am so grateful for this news. Thank goodness.
Aside from that, I told everyone that I would answer questions today, and my oh my how you all have responded. This #100truthsaboutme thing that is trending on Twitter was definitely worth it, wasn't it? ;) Although don't let that refrain you from asking questions.. I'm totally open :) Also, I have some questions that I would like to answer as well!
Q: There is this guy who likes me, and I really, REALLY like him. The thing is, he goes to the school that my best friend goes to. She tells me how the guy I like has a reputation of being the 'bad guy' at that school and constantly gets in trouble and flirts with other girls. Should I still go for him? - Shocked, via Tumblr
JAAG: There are two ways at looking at this:
The first thing you should realize is that maybe you don't know this boy very well, and maybe, however unfortunate and blunt this may sound, you both are only falling for each other at a skin deep level and nothing more than that, as in, you are only falling for appearances. I would talk to him: try to score some one on one time with him, maybe have lunch or grab a Starbucks with him after school just to see what he is like, but keep in the back of your mind what you heard. I'm not saying that you should judge him, but if something goes horribly wrong, you know why.
The other way you can look at this is that maybe your best friend has a secret agenda. It could be possible that she likes this guy too, and she isn't too pleased that you are moving onto her territory, so she is throwing stuff at you to throw you off. Talk about it with her and see how she reacts. If she is defending her position on how horrible this guy is, you may want to inquire.
Of course, this is all speculation. Talk to these people and work something out, but if either or both of them are making you uncomfortable, you may want to consider new boys and new friends.
Q: My girlfriend always complains that she is ugly, fat or disgusting, even though I tell her all the time that she isn't and its starting to make us fight more and make things complicated. what should I do? - via Tumblr
JAAG: Let me just say that as a girl, we all do that, so know that your girlfriend isn't different ;) Take a deep breath, boy. Tell her in a different way that she is none of those things. This is just a sign of insecurity and she maybe feeling that she isn't good enough for you (and now you are probably thinking, what the hell, i'm your boyfriend! of course I love you!) but a girl's mind is twisted. I know that this is difficult, but bear with her. Show her in different kind gestures how she makes you feel and how much you love her. Spoil her a bit, and show her how much you care. Hopefully she will open her eyes and realize that she is good enough for you and you guys will be able to work something out :)
Q: Truth or dare? - via Twitter
JAAG: I'm not much of a daredevil, so truth it is. Although sometimes, I end up kicking myself because I don't like the question :P
Q: How tall are you? - via Twitter
JAAG: Not very tall... I have been 5'2" for about three years now ):
Q: Where is the coolest place you have travelled to as of now? - Globetrotter, via Twitter
JAAG: To date, it would probably have to be New Orleans with the school band and choir this past april. New Orleans is one of those places where you wouldn't really go by yourself if you had no idea what you were doing, but the culture and music was so spectacular. I encourage you to go if you ever get the opportunity to! And the food = heaven <3
Q: I saw pictures of you on Tumblr and your body shape is perfect and I want it! How did you do it? - via Tumblr
JAAG: Um, thanks? hahaha.. honestly when I was younger I was a fat kid, so I guess growing up has its perks ;) I don't diet, I actually eat a lot <3 food is my love, you know? So I guess just love yourself, where what you love and what flatters you and just be comfortable in your own skin. There is nothing more attractive than self respect <3
Q: Single or taken? - via Twitter
JAAG: Physically I don't have someone currently to call my own or my boyfriend, but right now my heart is taken by someone. It's not official but you know what, that's cool too. I want things to turn out right this time, so I will let things happen with time :)
Q: What is the one thing you do when you are down? - via Twitter
JAAG: Anytime I am stressed out, angry, or just sad, I blog or write. Usually I write in my journal or sometimes if I am not lazy I will take out my laptop and blog on my journal on Tumblr (check it out: www.thediaryof-rachel.tumblr.com) Oh, and I enjoy writing songs as well. It helps me destress :)
Q: Three words to describe yourself... ready, set, GO! - via Tumblr
JAAG: You caught me off guard there, errrm..
1) Musical 2) Witty 3) Survivor
OKAY so I guess that just about wraps it up! STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! The rain has started up again; I guess I spoke too soon... thanks everyone for your questions, I promise there will be lots more where this came from!
Btw, I'm taking my road knowledge test sometime this week in hopes of getting my Learners license... wish me luck? ;)
Check out my twitter (@raerachelrae) and my Tumblr (www.mariachelle-annaclare.tumblr.com) for more stuff! <3
rachelrae xx
Meanwhile, how goes it? For me, its going pretty well. Aside from the fact that I have some more studying to do this summer, I just got the best news that I could ever ask for in my life.
The key word here is "remission".
I'm finally safe from any harm and danger, and I can go about living life the way a teenager should: carefree with tied down responsibility. I shouldn't have to think every night that this is my last night... I mean, no one does that. It's not normal.
So my doctor told me that, and god, I am so grateful for this news. Thank goodness.
Aside from that, I told everyone that I would answer questions today, and my oh my how you all have responded. This #100truthsaboutme thing that is trending on Twitter was definitely worth it, wasn't it? ;) Although don't let that refrain you from asking questions.. I'm totally open :) Also, I have some questions that I would like to answer as well!
Q: There is this guy who likes me, and I really, REALLY like him. The thing is, he goes to the school that my best friend goes to. She tells me how the guy I like has a reputation of being the 'bad guy' at that school and constantly gets in trouble and flirts with other girls. Should I still go for him? - Shocked, via Tumblr
JAAG: There are two ways at looking at this:
The first thing you should realize is that maybe you don't know this boy very well, and maybe, however unfortunate and blunt this may sound, you both are only falling for each other at a skin deep level and nothing more than that, as in, you are only falling for appearances. I would talk to him: try to score some one on one time with him, maybe have lunch or grab a Starbucks with him after school just to see what he is like, but keep in the back of your mind what you heard. I'm not saying that you should judge him, but if something goes horribly wrong, you know why.
The other way you can look at this is that maybe your best friend has a secret agenda. It could be possible that she likes this guy too, and she isn't too pleased that you are moving onto her territory, so she is throwing stuff at you to throw you off. Talk about it with her and see how she reacts. If she is defending her position on how horrible this guy is, you may want to inquire.
Of course, this is all speculation. Talk to these people and work something out, but if either or both of them are making you uncomfortable, you may want to consider new boys and new friends.
Q: My girlfriend always complains that she is ugly, fat or disgusting, even though I tell her all the time that she isn't and its starting to make us fight more and make things complicated. what should I do? - via Tumblr
JAAG: Let me just say that as a girl, we all do that, so know that your girlfriend isn't different ;) Take a deep breath, boy. Tell her in a different way that she is none of those things. This is just a sign of insecurity and she maybe feeling that she isn't good enough for you (and now you are probably thinking, what the hell, i'm your boyfriend! of course I love you!) but a girl's mind is twisted. I know that this is difficult, but bear with her. Show her in different kind gestures how she makes you feel and how much you love her. Spoil her a bit, and show her how much you care. Hopefully she will open her eyes and realize that she is good enough for you and you guys will be able to work something out :)
Q: Truth or dare? - via Twitter
JAAG: I'm not much of a daredevil, so truth it is. Although sometimes, I end up kicking myself because I don't like the question :P
Q: How tall are you? - via Twitter
JAAG: Not very tall... I have been 5'2" for about three years now ):
Q: Where is the coolest place you have travelled to as of now? - Globetrotter, via Twitter
JAAG: To date, it would probably have to be New Orleans with the school band and choir this past april. New Orleans is one of those places where you wouldn't really go by yourself if you had no idea what you were doing, but the culture and music was so spectacular. I encourage you to go if you ever get the opportunity to! And the food = heaven <3
Q: I saw pictures of you on Tumblr and your body shape is perfect and I want it! How did you do it? - via Tumblr
JAAG: Um, thanks? hahaha.. honestly when I was younger I was a fat kid, so I guess growing up has its perks ;) I don't diet, I actually eat a lot <3 food is my love, you know? So I guess just love yourself, where what you love and what flatters you and just be comfortable in your own skin. There is nothing more attractive than self respect <3
Q: Single or taken? - via Twitter
JAAG: Physically I don't have someone currently to call my own or my boyfriend, but right now my heart is taken by someone. It's not official but you know what, that's cool too. I want things to turn out right this time, so I will let things happen with time :)
Q: What is the one thing you do when you are down? - via Twitter
JAAG: Anytime I am stressed out, angry, or just sad, I blog or write. Usually I write in my journal or sometimes if I am not lazy I will take out my laptop and blog on my journal on Tumblr (check it out: www.thediaryof-rachel.tumblr.com) Oh, and I enjoy writing songs as well. It helps me destress :)
Q: Three words to describe yourself... ready, set, GO! - via Tumblr
JAAG: You caught me off guard there, errrm..
1) Musical 2) Witty 3) Survivor
OKAY so I guess that just about wraps it up! STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! The rain has started up again; I guess I spoke too soon... thanks everyone for your questions, I promise there will be lots more where this came from!
Btw, I'm taking my road knowledge test sometime this week in hopes of getting my Learners license... wish me luck? ;)
Check out my twitter (@raerachelrae) and my Tumblr (www.mariachelle-annaclare.tumblr.com) for more stuff! <3
rachelrae xx
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