Hello everyone, summer just started and its looking pretty optimistic as of now. I think that the weather is supposed to change, but hopefully the meteorologists in my area are wrong..
Anyhow, this is interesting. I didn't know that girls are so good at getting into fights over nothing and the big reason why is because of misunderstanding. I honestly don't get why we are so good at it, but I guess I should know, because recently I got tied into such a debacle... anyways, wish me luck while I try to sort this mess out... :P
Questions, here we go, let them roll...
Q: Hi JAAG, I was wondering, there is a guy that I really like, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me back. What can I do to get over him? - via Email
JAAG: Whoa girl, I don't like that negative attitude you have going on there. What do you mean "I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me back"? No one, not even you, know that until you a) have given it a try or b) he has made it public to you and everyone else that he doesn't like you. If he hasn't done that yet, I say, what have you got to lose? I currently am in the same boat as you, my dear, although I hope that your boy isn't graduated and leaving the school like mine...
Anyways, I say try your luck. The worst that can happen is that he doesn't like you back and that he is completely immature about it. I hope for you that this boy that you have fallen for is one that will take it as a sentiment and flattery as oppsed to getting scared and running in the opposite direction. Keep it light, keep it real. I know it will be difficult to tell him how you feel, but trust me, if you do it in person, you can make sure that you get what you want across, see his reaction, and he will definitely dig your honesty :) Best of Luck!
Q: I recently got a new boyfriend, and he is really into the partying scene. I'm scared that I might get drugged or something, and he isn't too thrilled. He keeps telling me that if I really did love him, I would say yes to the party. - via Tumblr
JAAG: And I say, if he really did love you, he wouldn't think twice about taking you to any party in the near future.
Just reading that made me sick, because honey, you deserve so much better. I'm not even joking. A guy who doesn't respect your morals and boundaries is just not grown up enough for you, and I'm sorry that this may seem blunt, but you have to move on from him. Get out of this relationship stat before things escalate and you find yourself in a situation that you don't want to be in. If he persists that you are breaking his heart, pulls the guilt trip card on you or pursues you after the break up with violence or bullying, tell your parents, teachers, administration, counsellors or a friend that you can trust. Build up a support network before, during, and post break up to prevent anything from happening to you. The last thing you want is to get hurt because you broke up with a guy for the betterment of your life.
Q: What is your biggest fear in life? -via Twitter
JAAG: That's a new one. Well, I'm afraid of bugs. Yes, I said it. I hate spiders and bugs and anything that has more than 4 legs. Its so undesirable.
Aside from that, I'm afraid of getting my heart broken again. Just like any other person, I've been there. The funny thing people tell me is, "oh, you have a relationship advice blog, you must be a relationship guru!" ... In reality, I'm totally not. I'm just an ordinary girl who is looking for her Prince Charming. The only thing I'm remotely close to being a guru on is listening. I enjoy talking with friends and listening if they feel like they have no one that they can talk to. That's why I'm here for you guys. But back to your question, that is probably the biggest thing that I fear, and that is a boy breaking my heart.
So, summer has finally begun! Things are starting to look up.
Someone recently asked me what type of music I listen to.. while I like the pop/Top 40 type of stuff, I;'m kinda leaning over to the metal/emo rock stuff too... :)
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE!! Summer 2012 only happens once in your life, so live it up! This is my mantra this summer, and I hope that you will make it yours too :)
Take care,
rachelrae xx
No question is too small, too strange or too weird. Check out the sidebar to see how you can send your questions in, and I will answer them here :) Other than that, I like to post music, preach and use this as a journal of sorts.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
100 Truths
Hey everyone,
So to answer the question from the other day about the 100 truths, I will most definitely do so. I was going to yesterday but I was feeling kind of sick so I went to go take a nap. But here I am, back and ready to post the 100 truths that I promised. :)
Here we go!...
1. Real name: Maria Rachel Clare Wong
2. Nickname(s): Rae, Rach, Raychulchul
3. Zodiac Sign: Taurus
4. Male or female: FEMALE
5. Elementary School: OLGC
6. High School: HCRHS
7. College: not there yet ;)
8. Hair color: blackish brown, sometimes a little reddish under the sun :)
9. tall or short: shortish
10: flats or sneaks: flats
11. Sweats or Jeans: jeans
12. Phone or Camera: camera
13. Health freak: meh.
14. Orange or Apple: apple
15. Do you have a crush on someone?: perhaps..
16. Eat or Drink: drink
17. Piercings: none whatsoever
18. Pepsi or Coke: coke.
19. Been in an airplane: yes
20. Been in a relationship: yes
21. Been in a car accident: yes
22. Been in a fist fight: yes, surprisingly enough..
23. First piercing: Got none.
24. First best friend: Aaron Chan
25. First award: Speech Arts 2006
26. First crush: PS ;)
27. First word: mama
29. Last person you talked in person: My mom
30. Last person you texted: i don't text..
31. Last person you went to the movie theaters with: Mateo and Eugene, Tower Heist
32. Last food you ate: eating seafood linguini right now..
33. Last movie you watched:
34. Last song you listen to: Sharkboy and Lavagirl with Rox and Mi :)
35. Last thing you bought: A NYC dark blue nail polish
36. Last person you hugged: Mia Peters :)
37. Food(s): sushi, lasagna, pizza, salad..
38. Drink(s): anything that i make myself in my cuisine art hand blender
39. Bottom(s): my jeans
40. Flower(s): ? a daisy i guess..
41. Animal(s): turtles.
42. Color(s): black. okay, maybe that's a shade.. red
43. Movie(s): You Again, Letters to Juliet. RomCom junkie <3
44. Subject(s): Socials, English, Religion, Band :)
HAVE YOU EVER:(Put an X in the brackets if yes)
45. [x] fell in love with someone. - LIKE RIGHT NOW.
46. [x] celebrated Halloween.
47. [x] had your heart broken...
48. []went over the minutes or texts on your cell phone.
49. [] had someone question my sexual orientation.
51. [] got pregnant.
52. [] had an abortion.
53. [x] did something I regret.
54. [x] broke a promise.
55. [x] hid a secret.
56. [x] pretended to be happy.
57. [x] met someone who changed your life.
58. [] pretended to be sick.
59. [] left the country.
60. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
61. [x] cried over the silliest thing.
62. [x] ran a mile.
63. []went to the beach with your best friend
64. [x] got into an argument with your friends.
65. [x] hated someone.
66. [x] stayed single for 2 years.
67. Eating: LUNCH, seafood linguini + salad
68. Drinking : water
69. Listening: "Right Here With You" by David Cook
70. Sitting/Laying: sitting
71. Plans for today: study for science provincial
72. Waiting: for my dreams to come true with the boy that changed my life.
73. Want kids? yeah
74. Want to get married? yeah
75. Career: high school teacher
76. Lips or eyes : eyes
77. Shorter or taller: meh, doesn't really matter as long as i don't shrink ;)
78. Romantic or spontaneous: definitely romantic
81. Hook-up or relationship: definitely a relationship
82. Looks or Personality: Personality
83. Lost glasses/contacts: nope
84. Snuck out of a house: nope
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: nope
86. Killed somebody: the hell?.. definitely no
87. Broken someone's heart: yeah
88. Been in love: yeah
89. Cried when someone died: yeah
90. Yourself: YES.
91. Miracles: hate that song.. but yes
92. Love at first sight: yeah
93. Heaven: most definitely
94. Santa Clause: heeeheeeheee....
95. Kiss on the first date: no..
96. Is there one person you want to be with right now: absolutely
97. Do you know who your real friends are: now I do
98. Do you believe in God: God's my one true love and saviour, so yes yes yes yes yes yes...
100. Post as 100 truths?: Yup, going right on my blog :)
Hope that answers somethings. Comment or throw an ask in my tumblr inbox or tweet me for more info ;) I put up a more precise (or not) bio of myself on tumblr, as well, i began a jounral page. go check it out on my sidebar, it's all there: www.rchlwngxx.tumblr.com
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Summer is so close I can taste it.. and there is only one more exam left! :)
rachelrae xx
So to answer the question from the other day about the 100 truths, I will most definitely do so. I was going to yesterday but I was feeling kind of sick so I went to go take a nap. But here I am, back and ready to post the 100 truths that I promised. :)
Here we go!...
1. Real name: Maria Rachel Clare Wong
2. Nickname(s): Rae, Rach, Raychulchul
3. Zodiac Sign: Taurus
4. Male or female: FEMALE
5. Elementary School: OLGC
6. High School: HCRHS
7. College: not there yet ;)
8. Hair color: blackish brown, sometimes a little reddish under the sun :)
9. tall or short: shortish
10: flats or sneaks: flats
11. Sweats or Jeans: jeans
12. Phone or Camera: camera
13. Health freak: meh.
14. Orange or Apple: apple
15. Do you have a crush on someone?: perhaps..
16. Eat or Drink: drink
17. Piercings: none whatsoever
18. Pepsi or Coke: coke.
19. Been in an airplane: yes
20. Been in a relationship: yes
21. Been in a car accident: yes
22. Been in a fist fight: yes, surprisingly enough..
23. First piercing: Got none.
24. First best friend: Aaron Chan
25. First award: Speech Arts 2006
26. First crush: PS ;)
27. First word: mama
29. Last person you talked in person: My mom
30. Last person you texted: i don't text..
31. Last person you went to the movie theaters with: Mateo and Eugene, Tower Heist
32. Last food you ate: eating seafood linguini right now..
33. Last movie you watched:
34. Last song you listen to: Sharkboy and Lavagirl with Rox and Mi :)
35. Last thing you bought: A NYC dark blue nail polish
36. Last person you hugged: Mia Peters :)
37. Food(s): sushi, lasagna, pizza, salad..
38. Drink(s): anything that i make myself in my cuisine art hand blender
39. Bottom(s): my jeans
40. Flower(s): ? a daisy i guess..
41. Animal(s): turtles.
42. Color(s): black. okay, maybe that's a shade.. red
43. Movie(s): You Again, Letters to Juliet. RomCom junkie <3
44. Subject(s): Socials, English, Religion, Band :)
HAVE YOU EVER:(Put an X in the brackets if yes)
45. [x] fell in love with someone. - LIKE RIGHT NOW.
46. [x] celebrated Halloween.
47. [x] had your heart broken...
48. []went over the minutes or texts on your cell phone.
49. [] had someone question my sexual orientation.
51. [] got pregnant.
52. [] had an abortion.
53. [x] did something I regret.
54. [x] broke a promise.
55. [x] hid a secret.
56. [x] pretended to be happy.
57. [x] met someone who changed your life.
58. [] pretended to be sick.
59. [] left the country.
60. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
61. [x] cried over the silliest thing.
62. [x] ran a mile.
63. []went to the beach with your best friend
64. [x] got into an argument with your friends.
65. [x] hated someone.
66. [x] stayed single for 2 years.
67. Eating: LUNCH, seafood linguini + salad
68. Drinking : water
69. Listening: "Right Here With You" by David Cook
70. Sitting/Laying: sitting
71. Plans for today: study for science provincial
72. Waiting: for my dreams to come true with the boy that changed my life.
73. Want kids? yeah
74. Want to get married? yeah
75. Career: high school teacher
76. Lips or eyes : eyes
77. Shorter or taller: meh, doesn't really matter as long as i don't shrink ;)
78. Romantic or spontaneous: definitely romantic
81. Hook-up or relationship: definitely a relationship
82. Looks or Personality: Personality
83. Lost glasses/contacts: nope
84. Snuck out of a house: nope
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: nope
86. Killed somebody: the hell?.. definitely no
87. Broken someone's heart: yeah
88. Been in love: yeah
89. Cried when someone died: yeah
90. Yourself: YES.
91. Miracles: hate that song.. but yes
92. Love at first sight: yeah
93. Heaven: most definitely
94. Santa Clause: heeeheeeheee....
95. Kiss on the first date: no..
96. Is there one person you want to be with right now: absolutely
97. Do you know who your real friends are: now I do
98. Do you believe in God: God's my one true love and saviour, so yes yes yes yes yes yes...
100. Post as 100 truths?: Yup, going right on my blog :)
Hope that answers somethings. Comment or throw an ask in my tumblr inbox or tweet me for more info ;) I put up a more precise (or not) bio of myself on tumblr, as well, i began a jounral page. go check it out on my sidebar, it's all there: www.rchlwngxx.tumblr.com
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! Summer is so close I can taste it.. and there is only one more exam left! :)
rachelrae xx
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
1 down, 2 more to go
Hey everyone!
Just came back from my Math Provincial.. most of it was fine, although some questions made me want to jump off the nearest bridge because 1) I had been taught it in tutorial (which was on monday btw) or 2) I had no idea what the hell I was doing.
Oh well. At least it's done ands over with. Now I can chill with you guys for a bit before I begin to study for Science... not fun :'(
So here we go, I got a couple questions that concerns just about everything in this big bad world.. shoot:
Q: Do you like anyone now? - via Twitter
JAAG: HAHAHHAA, good one. Honestly, I think I do. Does 'like' and 'crush' refer to the same thing?... if so, then yes. :)
Q: How do you know when you like someone? - via Twitter
JAAG: I guess that would depend on the person. Some people get really fidgety around the person that they like, and others may get really angry at that person. For me, I know that I like someone when I start using their name all the time. Recently I had gotten better at that, but I know that I like someone when I smile just thinking about them, wishing that I would see them, and feeling so amazing when I do.
Q: I've seen pictures of you on Tumblr. How do you do your makeup so well? You look gorgeous! -via Tumblr
JAAG: Why thank you :) While that is flattering that is also the teensiest bit creepy, but whatever :) Anyhow, I don't like to spend a lot of time on makeup because sometimes it's not necessary. Most of the time I go sans makeup but when I do, I usually do brown eyeliner (Thank goodness for AVON!) on the top lid and top lid only... I can never do bottom... Also, I use a Covergirl NatureLuxe lip colour in Hibiscus since it is closest to my natural lip colour with a tint of pink. I hope that answers your question !
Q: Could you post 100 truths about yourself? - via Twitter
JAAG: That looks interesting. I think I will.... ;)
So yes, good luck to anyone who has exams in the next couple of days.. I know I do. Have an amazing summer, everyone!
rachelrae xx
Just came back from my Math Provincial.. most of it was fine, although some questions made me want to jump off the nearest bridge because 1) I had been taught it in tutorial (which was on monday btw) or 2) I had no idea what the hell I was doing.
Oh well. At least it's done ands over with. Now I can chill with you guys for a bit before I begin to study for Science... not fun :'(
So here we go, I got a couple questions that concerns just about everything in this big bad world.. shoot:
Q: Do you like anyone now? - via Twitter
JAAG: HAHAHHAA, good one. Honestly, I think I do. Does 'like' and 'crush' refer to the same thing?... if so, then yes. :)
Q: How do you know when you like someone? - via Twitter
JAAG: I guess that would depend on the person. Some people get really fidgety around the person that they like, and others may get really angry at that person. For me, I know that I like someone when I start using their name all the time. Recently I had gotten better at that, but I know that I like someone when I smile just thinking about them, wishing that I would see them, and feeling so amazing when I do.
Q: I've seen pictures of you on Tumblr. How do you do your makeup so well? You look gorgeous! -via Tumblr
JAAG: Why thank you :) While that is flattering that is also the teensiest bit creepy, but whatever :) Anyhow, I don't like to spend a lot of time on makeup because sometimes it's not necessary. Most of the time I go sans makeup but when I do, I usually do brown eyeliner (Thank goodness for AVON!) on the top lid and top lid only... I can never do bottom... Also, I use a Covergirl NatureLuxe lip colour in Hibiscus since it is closest to my natural lip colour with a tint of pink. I hope that answers your question !
Q: Could you post 100 truths about yourself? - via Twitter
JAAG: That looks interesting. I think I will.... ;)
So yes, good luck to anyone who has exams in the next couple of days.. I know I do. Have an amazing summer, everyone!
rachelrae xx
Friday, June 15, 2012
"The End is in Sight"
So today I went on a walk with one of my favourite people in this whole world, my favourite teacher who isn't my teacher (yet), Mr. Palmarin. "The end is in sight."
AKA, I have three exams left to write (which btw, I took some time out of studying to write this!) and then summer will be here. Today was the closest to so called June weather ever - apparently its going to rain really really hard this weekend. Sad.
Anyhow, I'm sorry that I haven't been posting! Its been a busy few weeks trying to get things in on time and studying for my school finals. I have a little pocket of time before my next exam comes and now. Also, I've spent a lot of time modifying and remodifying my Tumblr and what I want to post, so check it out, I think I'm pretty much keeping this: www.rchlwngxx.tumblr.com
Here are some questions that I got between now and the last post, on relationships, love, and personal stuff...
Q: There is this boy that I really like, but I don't know how to apporach him and talk to him. I want to tell him how I feel but I don't want it to be awkward if he rejects me. What should I do? - Shy, via Tumblr
JAAG: The timeless question on how to tell the object of your affection how you feel. Girl, there is never an easy way to tell a guy how you feel. While everyone is different, you honestly will never know how he'll respond until you take the plunge and give it a try. My advice is to just be yourself. If you pretend to be other wise, he won't be falling for you, he will be falling for a second rate version of you. Be true to yourself, and talk to him. Tell him, hey, I just met you, and this crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybeeee~... or if you aren't Carly Rae Jepsen and you've known him for a while, just be honest and upfront. Tell him your feelings, and if he says that he's not really interested, then don't take it as defeat. Now, at least you don't have to go out of your mind and wonder if he likes you back... and you can find someone else to crush on :)
Q: There is a boy who I like that I think likes me, so I asked him to talk to me. We constantly talk on facebook, but when I asked him to talk to me outside of facebook (i wanted to meet him for starbucks), he totally ignored me. Now what? - It's only Starbucks, via Tumblr
JAAG: Its always so difficult to like such guys, the guys that only will talk to you online and never in person. That should always be one sign to be aware of if he doesn't show any interest in talking with you in person. Don't be so hard on yourself; if anything, this is all on him and definitely not on you. Take this as a sign that maybe he wasn't as serious as you thought. Just move on and hey, next time you know, facetime is just as important as screen time.
Q: If you could date any celebrity, who would you date? - via Twitter
JAAG: Boo, I've answered something like this before! ;) Just kidding, I don't mind answering it. If you asked me this one week, then asked me a week later, I might flip flop... I would have to stay true to my Rusher boy, Logan Henderson. He's so cute! :)
Q: Have you ever felt like you weren't skinny/pretty enough? - via Twitter
JAAG: I think every girl at some point in their life, even if it wasn't the two superlatives that you listed, feels insecure about something. So to answer your question, it would be a definite yes for me. When I was younger, I was tall but a little bigger than other girls. It was hell, because even if people don't point it out, I knew it. But when people did, I would want to punch them. Nowadays, now that I'm a littler taller and stretched out and lost a lot of weight from where I was before, people always say "Wow, you lost so much weight" or "You're so skinny now!" and I'm like, Yeah, I was an absolute giant before. Thanks so much. As for being pretty enough, it's all in the eyes of the beholder. I could very well say that I'm not pretty enough now, and sometimes I do, but I have to work with what God gave me. If He gives this to me, then I should flaunt it and be happy with what I have.
Q: Now that you are a single girl, looking back, is there any boyfriend that you had that you regret breaking up with? - via Twitter
JAAG: That is an interesting question, I never actually thought about that...
Well, what I always tell my friends whenever they ask if there are second chances possible, my standard reply would be "Well, if I wanted a second chance, then I would have worked harder to make it work up the strength to break up with the guy."
Looking back, I don't regret any of the 3 relationships that I have been in. The three guys were all different and shaped me into the person I am today in a unique way. I don't regret breaking up with them either, because I felt at the time that it just wasn't going to work out, or that I wasn't ready for where the relationship was going, but I never regretted breaking up with them. Like, are you referring to pining for the guy and going all "I'm so sad, I don't have him anymore?" like that? Well, I guess at the beginning, after one breaks up with another, you will feel a little unbalanced because you have been around that person, your 'other half' for so long that it's awkward now that you broke up with them. But like I said before, being single is probably the best time of your life until you do find the special person to share the rest of your life with... so enjoy it!
Q: What's the best thing about single? I always see you write about that here on your blog. My girlfriend just broke up with me, but I don't really see what's so great about being single. Help me! - Unhappily Single, via Email
JAAG: Awwwe, darling, singularity isn't a bad thing, I gurantee it! Now that you are single, you can firstly hang out with your guy friends a lot more. You can do the stuff that you want to do without sacrificing for her (ie you know all the guys nights that you give up because she wanted to go watch that new chick flick? Now you can go play video games with them instead of bailing!) Just try and be happy. I know that it sucks to be dumped - trust me, I've been there. But the bright side is that you don't have to be tied down anymore. Don't make this the reason why you can't live life to its full. Do all the things that you didn't do while you were in that relationship.. because you're worth it! :)
I just decided to add this because 1) I love this movie and 2) I put this on Tumblr yesterday... It's one of the final scenes in "Letters To Juliet" starring the beautiful Amanda Seyfried and the incredibly handsome and buff Aussie actor Christopher Egan.
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! We're halfway through June, halfway through 2012! This is insane.. anyhow, since summer is around the corner, enjoy it while it lasts! :)
Take care,
rachelrae xx
AKA, I have three exams left to write (which btw, I took some time out of studying to write this!) and then summer will be here. Today was the closest to so called June weather ever - apparently its going to rain really really hard this weekend. Sad.
Anyhow, I'm sorry that I haven't been posting! Its been a busy few weeks trying to get things in on time and studying for my school finals. I have a little pocket of time before my next exam comes and now. Also, I've spent a lot of time modifying and remodifying my Tumblr and what I want to post, so check it out, I think I'm pretty much keeping this: www.rchlwngxx.tumblr.com
Here are some questions that I got between now and the last post, on relationships, love, and personal stuff...
Q: There is this boy that I really like, but I don't know how to apporach him and talk to him. I want to tell him how I feel but I don't want it to be awkward if he rejects me. What should I do? - Shy, via Tumblr
JAAG: The timeless question on how to tell the object of your affection how you feel. Girl, there is never an easy way to tell a guy how you feel. While everyone is different, you honestly will never know how he'll respond until you take the plunge and give it a try. My advice is to just be yourself. If you pretend to be other wise, he won't be falling for you, he will be falling for a second rate version of you. Be true to yourself, and talk to him. Tell him, hey, I just met you, and this crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybeeee~... or if you aren't Carly Rae Jepsen and you've known him for a while, just be honest and upfront. Tell him your feelings, and if he says that he's not really interested, then don't take it as defeat. Now, at least you don't have to go out of your mind and wonder if he likes you back... and you can find someone else to crush on :)
Q: There is a boy who I like that I think likes me, so I asked him to talk to me. We constantly talk on facebook, but when I asked him to talk to me outside of facebook (i wanted to meet him for starbucks), he totally ignored me. Now what? - It's only Starbucks, via Tumblr
JAAG: Its always so difficult to like such guys, the guys that only will talk to you online and never in person. That should always be one sign to be aware of if he doesn't show any interest in talking with you in person. Don't be so hard on yourself; if anything, this is all on him and definitely not on you. Take this as a sign that maybe he wasn't as serious as you thought. Just move on and hey, next time you know, facetime is just as important as screen time.
Q: If you could date any celebrity, who would you date? - via Twitter
JAAG: Boo, I've answered something like this before! ;) Just kidding, I don't mind answering it. If you asked me this one week, then asked me a week later, I might flip flop... I would have to stay true to my Rusher boy, Logan Henderson. He's so cute! :)
Q: Have you ever felt like you weren't skinny/pretty enough? - via Twitter
JAAG: I think every girl at some point in their life, even if it wasn't the two superlatives that you listed, feels insecure about something. So to answer your question, it would be a definite yes for me. When I was younger, I was tall but a little bigger than other girls. It was hell, because even if people don't point it out, I knew it. But when people did, I would want to punch them. Nowadays, now that I'm a littler taller and stretched out and lost a lot of weight from where I was before, people always say "Wow, you lost so much weight" or "You're so skinny now!" and I'm like, Yeah, I was an absolute giant before. Thanks so much. As for being pretty enough, it's all in the eyes of the beholder. I could very well say that I'm not pretty enough now, and sometimes I do, but I have to work with what God gave me. If He gives this to me, then I should flaunt it and be happy with what I have.
Q: Now that you are a single girl, looking back, is there any boyfriend that you had that you regret breaking up with? - via Twitter
JAAG: That is an interesting question, I never actually thought about that...
Well, what I always tell my friends whenever they ask if there are second chances possible, my standard reply would be "Well, if I wanted a second chance, then I would have worked harder to make it work up the strength to break up with the guy."
Looking back, I don't regret any of the 3 relationships that I have been in. The three guys were all different and shaped me into the person I am today in a unique way. I don't regret breaking up with them either, because I felt at the time that it just wasn't going to work out, or that I wasn't ready for where the relationship was going, but I never regretted breaking up with them. Like, are you referring to pining for the guy and going all "I'm so sad, I don't have him anymore?" like that? Well, I guess at the beginning, after one breaks up with another, you will feel a little unbalanced because you have been around that person, your 'other half' for so long that it's awkward now that you broke up with them. But like I said before, being single is probably the best time of your life until you do find the special person to share the rest of your life with... so enjoy it!
Q: What's the best thing about single? I always see you write about that here on your blog. My girlfriend just broke up with me, but I don't really see what's so great about being single. Help me! - Unhappily Single, via Email
JAAG: Awwwe, darling, singularity isn't a bad thing, I gurantee it! Now that you are single, you can firstly hang out with your guy friends a lot more. You can do the stuff that you want to do without sacrificing for her (ie you know all the guys nights that you give up because she wanted to go watch that new chick flick? Now you can go play video games with them instead of bailing!) Just try and be happy. I know that it sucks to be dumped - trust me, I've been there. But the bright side is that you don't have to be tied down anymore. Don't make this the reason why you can't live life to its full. Do all the things that you didn't do while you were in that relationship.. because you're worth it! :)
I just decided to add this because 1) I love this movie and 2) I put this on Tumblr yesterday... It's one of the final scenes in "Letters To Juliet" starring the beautiful Amanda Seyfried and the incredibly handsome and buff Aussie actor Christopher Egan.
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! We're halfway through June, halfway through 2012! This is insane.. anyhow, since summer is around the corner, enjoy it while it lasts! :)
Take care,
rachelrae xx
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
wow, where has the time gone?? this is total insanity, the school year is over in exactly one week.
Here are some questions that I got that should be answered...
Q: Me and this girl have been dating for a year or so and now i am really tired of being with her 24/7. what should i do? - via Tumblr
JAAG: This should be a warning sign about where your relationship with your girlfriend is going: aka, perhaps nowhere. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but maybe a time for you to wake up to the change that might be needed in your life. Try talking to her, in a non-confrontational way, that you might need some space from her for a while, and see how that goes. Perhaps you feel suffocated from spending all your free time with her and you never really get a chance to hang out with your friends. Suggest to her that you and her should each have a respective guys/girls night out with friends. Hopefully this will ease any tension between you two and make you guys last even stronger :)
Q: I liked this guy ever since i met him in grade 4 (i'm 15 now). i have a friend who i introduced to him a couple months ago and now they are inseparable. I've never gotten one solid coversation with him in the years that i had liked him. what gives? - via email
JAAG: ouch, this kind of situation sucks, and I would know because I have been there before and I currently have to see the ex object of my affection dating a girl that he had just met earlier this school year. This maybe a sign that this guy, (as harsh as it sounds, I'm sorry!) doesn't like you. This, of course, is his sorry loss. You are too good, too amazing, too beautiful to be held back by this guy from liking other guys. I say, let them be. You don't really know if they will really be a 'thing', so why waste your precious time feeling jealous over something that hasn't happened yet? Go out and explore, chica! The world is big, and time's a wasting!
Q: Where are the hottest guys in the world (in your opinion?) - via Twitter
JAAG: ooh, good question! a difficult one though ;) I would have to say that cute guys are everywhere...you just have to find them first. I personallly like Greek guys :)
Here are some questions that I got that should be answered...
Q: Me and this girl have been dating for a year or so and now i am really tired of being with her 24/7. what should i do? - via Tumblr
JAAG: This should be a warning sign about where your relationship with your girlfriend is going: aka, perhaps nowhere. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but maybe a time for you to wake up to the change that might be needed in your life. Try talking to her, in a non-confrontational way, that you might need some space from her for a while, and see how that goes. Perhaps you feel suffocated from spending all your free time with her and you never really get a chance to hang out with your friends. Suggest to her that you and her should each have a respective guys/girls night out with friends. Hopefully this will ease any tension between you two and make you guys last even stronger :)
Q: I liked this guy ever since i met him in grade 4 (i'm 15 now). i have a friend who i introduced to him a couple months ago and now they are inseparable. I've never gotten one solid coversation with him in the years that i had liked him. what gives? - via email
JAAG: ouch, this kind of situation sucks, and I would know because I have been there before and I currently have to see the ex object of my affection dating a girl that he had just met earlier this school year. This maybe a sign that this guy, (as harsh as it sounds, I'm sorry!) doesn't like you. This, of course, is his sorry loss. You are too good, too amazing, too beautiful to be held back by this guy from liking other guys. I say, let them be. You don't really know if they will really be a 'thing', so why waste your precious time feeling jealous over something that hasn't happened yet? Go out and explore, chica! The world is big, and time's a wasting!
Q: Where are the hottest guys in the world (in your opinion?) - via Twitter
JAAG: ooh, good question! a difficult one though ;) I would have to say that cute guys are everywhere...you just have to find them first. I personallly like Greek guys :)
Q: there is this girl that i like, and everytime i try to talk to her, i freeze up or do something that makes me look like a totally uncoordinated guy or an idiot. what should i do to tell her that i totally like her and that i'm not a total klutz? - weak at the knees , via Tumblr
JAAG: Take deep breaths. Tell yourself that you are a great guy, and this girl has nothing to lose if she is caught talking to you. Promote yourself with confidence and wear something that makes you feel happy. Ask something simple: If you have a class with her, ask her how her assignment is going or make a funny impression of a teacher. If you have done your reasearch (you know what i'm talking about if you did), ask her about her hockey team is doing. It's the simple things that can make her day and make her realize that you are a great guy to be with. Good luck!
So, if you are looking at the calendar like me, you would realize that, hey, it's summer break just around the corner.
That means exams.
I should study.
STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! :) Remember, keep the questions coming! tumblr is an excellent way to, just saying :) Good luck to everyone with exams and stuff, and enjoy summer!
rachelrae xx
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